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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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Perhaps I have it all wrong. Perhaps Pfizer, and the various other pharma co’s all have our best interests at heart.

Perhaps governments are also just thinking of what is best for us all and increasing their powers is simply a by product of them doing the right thing.

And perhaps I/we should stop worrying and simply put our faith in qualified medical professionals - they obviously know what is best for us too.

So we’ll ignore the 7 pages of known side effects - just 1 above - that Pfizer and the US FDA fought tooth and nail to avoid releasing after an FOI. Effects that were well known BEFORE their vaccine was foisted upon us all.

If anyone is thinking of getting your child vaccinated or boosted this Autumn/Winter please do take a look at some of the information available on alternative media - the World Doctors Alliance is a good resource, there are many others:



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14 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Perhaps I have it all wrong. Perhaps Pfizer, and the various other pharma co’s all have our best interests at heart.

Perhaps governments are also just thinking of what is best for us all and increasing their powers is simply a by product of them doing the right thing.

And perhaps I/we should stop worrying and simply put our faith in qualified medical professionals - they obviously know what is best for us too.

Or perhaps you’re just easily influenced and as thick as mince? 

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19 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Ah, the world alliance a covid deniers and conspiracy theorists, all of whom are discredited, and several struck off for malpractice.

But you’re entitled to believe what you wish. It’s your choice to rely on snake oil salesmen. But are you really giving your children the best chance?.



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12 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Ah, the world alliance a covid deniers and conspiracy theorists, all of whom are discredited, and several struck off for malpractice.

But you’re entitled to believe what you wish. It’s your choice to rely on snake oil salesmen. But are you really giving your children the best chance?.



I smile at the beautiful irony of a member of the Manx Bar - currently on bail for perjury - referring to snake oil salesmen. Thank you for that!

Dr Mohammed Adil - previously a very well respected fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons - has been one of the very few members of the medical profession to have had the principles and courage to question the vaccine program, and whether it is actually in the interests of citizens. For his honesty he has been castigated by the medical establishment - which is deeply in the pockets of the pharma industry (the ‘grant’ numbers tell their own story). For anyone interested, below is the man in his own words..




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48 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Perhaps I have it all wrong. Perhaps Pfizer, and the various other pharma co’s all have our best interests at heart.

Perhaps governments are also just thinking of what is best for us all and increasing their powers is simply a by product of them doing the right thing.

And perhaps I/we should stop worrying and simply put our faith in qualified medical professionals - they obviously know what is best for us too.

So we’ll ignore the 7 pages of known side effects - just 1 above - that Pfizer and the US FDA fought tooth and nail to avoid releasing after an FOI. Effects that were well known BEFORE their vaccine was foisted upon us all.

If anyone is thinking of getting your child vaccinated or boosted this Autumn/Winter please do take a look at some of the information available on alternative media - the World Doctors Alliance is a good resource, there are many others:



Paracetamol side effects include:

Allergic reactions, which may be severe and include:

Skin rashes, itching or hives

Swelling of the throat, tongue or face

Shortness of breath or wheezing

Skin rash or peeling, or mouth ulcers

Breathing problems. This is more likely if you have experienced them before when taking other painkillers such as ibuprofen and aspirin

Unexplained bruising or bleeding or becoming unusually tired. Getting more infections than usual.

Liver problems. Nausea, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and yellowing of the eyes and skin can occur

Do you campaign against Calpol for your little ones too?

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20 hours ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Tucker Carlson is the same chap that's justifying Putin's war in Ukraine

That is totally incorrect statement.  He has never advocated that.  His case is that (rightly, IMO) that a conflict 6000 miles from the continental USA is of no national interest to the USA but is of interest to certain vested US corporations and politicians.  The rights and wrongs, of which there are many, for the unjustified invasion by Russia is another matter but do not overlook the fact that Ukraine is not the completely innocent party in all this.

Edited by Utah 01
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11 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Dr Mohammed Adil - previously a very well respected fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons

He lost a lot of that respect when suspended for 12 months in April 2020 for calling COVID a hoax. 


A lot of these conspiracy theories around the vaccine rely on absolving oneself of all common sense, and assuming there is an entity powerful enough to coordinate, keep secret and collaborate between every hostile country on the planet. 

The UK Government can barely keep the pound above free fall, let alone arrange a new world order. 

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14 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

He lost a lot of that respect when suspended for 12 months in April 2020 for calling COVID a hoax. 


A lot of these conspiracy theories around the vaccine rely on absolving oneself of all common sense, and assuming there is an entity powerful enough to coordinate, keep secret and collaborate between every hostile country on the planet. 

The UK Government can barely keep the pound above free fall, let alone arrange a new world order. 


Fortunately we now have confirmation our World is not run by a global elite. We can all relax

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4 minutes ago, Utah 01 said:

That is totally incorrect statement.  He has never advocated that.  His case is that (rightly, IMO) that a conflict 6000 miles from the continental USA is of no national interest to the USA but is of interest to certain vested US corporations and politicians.  The rights and wrongs, of which there are many, for the unjustified invasion by Russia is another matter but do not overlook the fact that Ukraine is not the completely innocent party in all this.

Tucker is up there with Trump in terms of Americans that Russian TV like and laud. One has to wonder why. 

As we’ve seen, Ukraine isn’t insignificant in terms of agriculture, food stability impacts the world. Even 6000 miles away in the US. That being under the control of what we now recognise to be a hostile nation, in itself could be cause to mitigate. 

Never mind the attempts to hold Europe over an energy barrel before the winter. 

Plus, you also have to consider the GRU’s role in peddling instability in the West. 

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1 minute ago, quaylaM said:


Fortunately we now have confirmation our World is not run by a global elite. We can all relax

You don’t really need a global elite to tell you what to do. 

Your smartphone knows when you’re happy, sad, frustrated and likely even when you’re on the toilet. It knows where you go and who you socialise with. It has cameras, microphones, gyroscopes, GPS, barometers and more. 

The media you consume through it can be tailored and sold to keep you engaged and clicking on adverts, by reinforcing whatever it is you want to believe. 

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