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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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That’s so funny, I was exactly the same, don’t take drugs blah blah blah, broke rib - omg I was so so sooooo happy when they gave me suppository’s at the hospital, then I went on to get even better painkilling drugs off the doctor. Tramadol and paracetamol works an absolute treat but it messes with your insides quite annoyingly so took them for the absolute minimum length of time, the bloody rib still hurts (but that could be part of my cold)

I met an antivax friend yesterday, I honestly don’t care, why do people go on and on about the vaccine?

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15 minutes ago, 2bees said:

I met an antivax friend yesterday, I honestly don’t care, why do people go on and on about the vaccine?

A lot of antivaxxers (and conspiracy theorists in general) have made "oooh I understand the workings of the world in a way you don't!" part of their core personality. Quite sad really.

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29 minutes ago, quaylaM said:


The actual workings of our World may be above me head but are certainly not beyond these chaps understanding..

How can you possibly judge, it's above your head, you say? 

If you think Calpol is a tool of the illuminati,  God help your children when they become feverish, as little children do, or pained, as little children do. You would deny them that relief because of some YouTube codswallop.


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Do remember when you just had a cold? I have a cold at the moment but it’s horrid, my automatic reaction was to “do a test” I’m not sure why, it’s just a cold (the worst cold ever ofc). It’s keeping me awake (although, I did come to bed at 8:30)

Just a cold.

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