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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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I dont think you read the whole quote.

"And stops us infecting others"

This soundbite although subtle was the narrative spoken throughout the whole vaccine rollout process. It may have been just ill informed or they just didnt know. 

Anyhow I'm not anti vax or a conspiracy theorist. I am pro-choice. And when you are backed into a corner I don't like it.

One thing that is fact is that there have been serious side effects from this vaccine, it was rushed out and it's only now that we are getting results back which at the moment is becoming clear that it wasn't as 'safe and effective' as it was made out to be.



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While the US in general and some British politicians pushed the transmission line UK scientists including the much maligned Chris Whitty very much concentrated on the message that the vaccine would reduce symptoms.

This is the problem with the 'follow the science' line, people push what they want. An awful lot of the antivax stuff comes from the US, and the CDC has mostly been a disgrace the whole time which just plays into their hands.

That some people have had a bad reaction to the vaccine is of no surprise, injecting foreign substances into the body often does. It's one of those cost/benefit things, and is the main reason the JVCI were reticent in vaccinating children. The UK has had a vaccine injury payment (£140k atm) running for a long time, because consequences to vaccinations are known. Sometimes the antivaxxers point to it as 'evidence' that its all part of the plan, but they shut up temporarily when you point them to the act of parliament from 1979. 

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From what I've seen, the consequences of having covid without having been vaxxed can be substantially worse than reactions to the vax.

I know someone who had covid before any vaccines were available. She is still substantially debilitated by "long covid". Yes, there was nothing that could be done in her case, because she could not have had a jab.

The vast slowing down of the death rate after vaccines became available was surely not coincidental.

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3 hours ago, Banker said:

Off topic but anyone had the latest Covid booster & was it one of new ones or previous like Pfizer? Not sure what age group IOMG is upto at present 

I had the bivalent moderna, with added omicron protection, on Friday. Now had 2 x AZ, 2 x Pfizer and 2 x moderna. They’re doing 60’s and CEV.

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I had the bivalent moderna, with added omicron protection, on Friday. Now had 2 x AZ, 2 x Pfizer and 2 x moderna. They’re doing 60’s and CEV.

Not quite over-60s yet.  The schedule appears to be:


It may be possible to combine it with the flu vaccine for those eligible which will be practically everyone this year as this has also been offered to those over 50.  But the actual mechanism by which most people will be informed of when they can be vaccinated seems a bit vague.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

Not quite over-60s yet.  The schedule appears to be:


It may be possible to combine it with the flu vaccine for those eligible which will be practically everyone this year as this has also been offered to those over 50.  But the actual mechanism by which most people will be informed of when they can be vaccinated seems a bit vague.

I had my flu jab at the same time. I posted about my experience tying to get the appointment. I think they’re running ahead of themselves as take up is low. No queue. I was in and out in 6 minutes. And told not to drive for 15.

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5 hours ago, Robthetoad said:

Everyone should have a choice, and if you want a vaccination against a virus that has 99.9% mortality then that is your decision.

Ever buy a lottery ticket? Far worse odds there but many will happily hand money over.

Plus, it’s not it killing you that’s often the problem, it’s the bit where it can knock even a healthy, fit person sideways for a long time. 

All of the exceedingly rare vaccine side effects are far more likely if you actually catch COVID. 

As a result, the risk of the vaccine is for most, far outweighed by the benefits of not catching COVID nearly as badly.

As an aside, case fatality has ranged from 0.1% all the way up to 5%. The US figure is 1.1%, the UK’s is 0.9%, for example.

There’s an irony to the US opposition to the vaccine though, given how expensive healthcare is there. Is the anti-vax a conspiracy to make medical companies more money as a result?

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1 minute ago, manxfisherman said:

There's another kind of disinformation that's been pretty heavily laid on over the last couple of years. People need to push back on the other crazies. Again, at lot of the nonsense comes from the US...

Wildly exaggerating the benefits of masking was an enormous mistake.

Masks are an effective form of source control if everyone does it. 

They do actually help, it’s why anyone with a sniffle in a lot of Asian countries will wear a mask, to reduce their odds of passing it on. 

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2 minutes ago, AcousticallyChallenged said:

Masks are an effective form of source control if everyone does it. 

They do actually help, it’s why anyone with a sniffle in a lot of Asian countries will wear a mask, to reduce their odds of passing it on. 

No they are not. And that you think so is because you've been successfully propagandised.

Also, the asian countries all mask and have done for years line is actually bollocks. 

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Just now, manxfisherman said:

No they are not. And that you think so is because you've been successfully propagandised.

Also, the asian countries all mask and have done for years line is actually bollocks. 

Have you any evidence for your claims, bar angrily shouting bollocks and calling people propagandised?

You can actually read the studies done on it. Without having to call anyone propagandised or resorting to calling things bollocks.

Plus, it’s hardly going to take the brains of Britain to figure out that, if you’re exhaling something nasty, and that’s being trapped in droplets in a mask, it’s not going down someone else’s respiratory tract to infect them. Ain’t science beautifully simple?


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7 minutes ago, manxfisherman said:

No they are not. And that you think so is because you've been successfully propagandised.

Also, the asian countries all mask and have done for years line is actually bollocks. 

Just for good measure. An example of a paper from long before the pandemic. 


Effectiveness of vaccination and wearing masks on seasonal influenza in Matsumoto City, Japan, in the 2014/2015 season: An observational study among all elementary schoolchildren

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