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Gambling (again probably)


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1 hour ago, Expat. said:

No they're not. Wars are started by money, property and the desire for power. There have been just under two thousand conflicts in recorded human history of which one hundred and twenty odd have been either a Holy war, as in started by a religious leader like the Pope,  or were a religious war as in started by a secular power like a King or Queen using religion as a pretext. That's under 7%.

Well said for exploding that myth.

People who make glib statements like hissingsid did without any evidence  need pulling up on them.

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22 minutes ago, Banker said:

The gaming companies have adverts running constantly on many prime time tv shows, all football matches, social media etc, alcohol &?tobacco advertising is banned in most places 

This is all very odd. I watch television, football matches on TV But the gambling adverts on the players shirts, pitch side and in the commercial breaks have never encouraged me to gamble.

I might buy the odd lottery ticket but it’s not as a result of that.

Alcohol adverts as you say are banned, but I still will have a pint of  beer or a glass of wine.

Why do I consume the products that are banned from advertising but not partake in the activities that aren’t?

Its a strange one.

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34 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

This is all very odd. I watch television, football matches on TV But the gambling adverts on the players shirts, pitch side and in the commercial breaks have never encouraged me to gamble.

I might buy the odd lottery ticket but it’s not as a result of that.

Alcohol adverts as you say are banned, but I still will have a pint of  beer or a glass of wine.

Why do I consume the products that are banned from advertising but not partake in the activities that aren’t?

Its a strange one.

You obviously have willpower, regrettably many don’t & get sucked in & addicted leading to many issues impacting lots of people not just the individual 

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5 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

A very timely reminder in todays newspaper of the damage caused 


Without knowing the full details of the case, this reads like he used forex / option style sites. They are essentially gambling (as is the whole stock market one could argue) but would come without any of the safeguards in place under IOM regulations. 

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28 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Without knowing the full details of the case, this reads like he used forex / option style sites. They are essentially gambling (as is the whole stock market one could argue) but would come without any of the safeguards in place under IOM regulations. 

Have you ever used the term 'mug punter' in relation to clients of the business you worked for? 

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Without knowing the full details of the case, this reads like he used forex / option style sites. They are essentially gambling (as is the whole stock market one could argue) but would come without any of the safeguards in place under IOM regulations. 

Do you believe that free bets should be banned @Amadeus ? Often used to keep people playing. Or direct marketing.

Or the systems which track player behaviour in order to encourage them to continue playing?

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10 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Without knowing the full details of the case, this reads like he used forex / option style sites. They are essentially gambling (as is the whole stock market one could argue) but would come without any of the safeguards in place under IOM regulations. 

Looks like he was an "expert" in managing risks with a desire to be fair and transparent. 

MFX Appoint New Head of FX Services and Operations - MFX Appoint New Head of FX Services and Operations. isleofman.com Business News - isleofman.com

Or did he pull the wool over other peoples eyes as well? It reads like he is a classic b--lsh---er who has written the press release himself.     

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16 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

A very timely reminder in todays newspaper of the damage caused 


I’m not saying it happened in this particular case, but a lot of bankrupts have “gambling addictions” to explain why they withdrew large amounts of cash just before applying for bankruptcy and why this cash can no longer be found. Similar seems to happen with a lot of corporate thieves too.

It’s certainly the story I would use if I was hoping to hide the money for use at a later date.

One company I worked for had a finance director who stole £150,000. He, apparently, gambled it all away and about £400 was recoverable. His wife, however, started driving an expensive Range Rover and got her tits done about six months later. Pure coincidence, I’m sure.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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16 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

I’m not saying it happened in this particular case, but a lot of bankrupts have “gambling addictions” to explain why they withdrew large amounts of cash just before applying for bankruptcy and why this cash can no longer be found. Similar seems to happen with a lot of corporate thieves too.

It’s certainly the story I would use if I was hoping to hide the money for use at a later date.

One company I worked for had a finance director who stole £150,000. He, apparently, gambled it all away and about £400 was recoverable. His wife, however, started driving an expensive Range Rover and got her tits done about six months later. Pure coincidence, I’m sure.

I agree I’m aware of a similar case. They seem to accept far too easily that they just lost the money. However I understand the e-gaming companies are generally very unhelpful in working with the enforcement agencies and explaining what happened to the money. They should be hammered under the proceeds of crime act in these situations as they facilitated the placing of stolen cash. 

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

However I understand the e-gaming companies are generally very unhelpful in working with the enforcement agencies and explaining what happened to the money.

Your understanding is incorrect, at least for companies regulated in good jurisdictions.


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