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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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2 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I suppose one good thing to come out of brexit is that the inevitable unification of Ireland has taken a massive step forward. 

If Ireland can afford it. Maybe the EU (Germany) would like to take up the slack for all of those bennies and let them keep their 12.5% corporate tax rate from which they profit through industrial scale tax base erosion and profit shifting from the UK and elsewhere. Perhaps Uncle Sam might like to chip in too?

I found this fairly evenhanded assessment a while back. Quite an interesting read:


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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I suppose one good thing to come out of brexit is that the inevitable unification of Ireland has taken a massive step forward. 

Anybody who thinks that the Rupublic would want any kind of unification with the festering sore that is the six counties with it's sectarian hatred and divisions needs their bumps felt...

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After the Act of Union 1801 Westminster did a genocide in Ireland, then kept the six industrialised counties of Ireland when they got booted out of the rest in 1921. The unionists said that 'Home Rule' would lead to 'Home Ruin', which seemed obvious since the new country had no industry, relied on the UK for trade and had literally been starving within living memory. Westminster tried prove the point by slapping 20% tariffs on goods from Éire from 1932 to 1938, whilst subsidising the sectarian statelet in the north.  

Under British rule the sectarian statelet deteriorated into a dysfunctional festering mess with community relations and a civil rights record Franco would have been ashamed of. It didn't have a sitting assembly from 1972 - 98, 2002-2007, 2017-2020, & 2222-2024.

Look up the RHI Scandal to get a handle on the type of misrule the unionists have perpetrated for years. Frankly, to think the continued misrule of the six occupied counties within its own dysfunctional statelet would be good for anyone is ridiculous. 

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

If it's what the majority want, absolutely. I suppose Dublin will be praying hard that it doesn't happen.

And as a result break up the precious sovereign country of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

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On 1/31/2024 at 4:49 PM, woolley said:

If it's what the majority want, absolutely. I suppose Dublin will be praying hard that it doesn't happen.

It will require a majority in the six counties as well.

Interestingly the Catholic and Protestant demographic recently swung to a tiny majority of Catholics for the very first time. Basically they have more kids and the Protestants have better TV's. Or something...

However with 20% not identifying either way there is as yet no outright majority. Give it a decade or so and that could change undoubtedly leading to another nasty sectarian war...

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1 minute ago, manxman1980 said:

@P.K. The polls in Eire are showing that Sinn Fein could win the next election there.  That would put Sinn Fein in Government in Eire & Northern Ireland. 


So in a decade or so the six counties will kick off all over again. Probably as ugly as it was previously...

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2 hours ago, La Colombe said:

There'll probably come a time when hardly anyone will own up to supporting and voting for Brexit. 

Like all events, it will just fade into the past and people won't be aware of it anymore. Except PK, of course. Surveys are meaningless because all they do is give a verdict on life now which includes the experiences of Covid, war in Europe and the attendant commodity shortages and inflation. People lazily just blame it all on Brexit without stopping to consider that these privations are affecting the entire developed world.

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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Like all events, it will just fade into the past and people won't be aware of it anymore. Except PK, of course. Surveys are meaningless because all they do is give a verdict on life now which includes the experiences of Covid, war in Europe and the attendant commodity shortages and inflation. People lazily just blame it all on Brexit without stopping to consider that these privations are affecting the entire developed world.

What utter tosh!

I think you'll find a Russian invasion with subsequent loss of life and territory in the news most nights is just a tad difficult to ignore.

Next thing you'll be claiming racists didn't vote for brexit!

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What utter tosh!

I think you'll find a Russian invasion with subsequent loss of life and territory in the news most nights is just a tad difficult to ignore.

Next thing you'll be claiming racists didn't vote for brexit!

5 minutes? What on earth kept you?

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