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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

UK economy now officially in recession on 2023 last quarter figures.

Some tory chinless wonder was explaining that the UK was only technically in a recession because actually it was in a period of stagnation!

Where do they find these morons from? Worse than that other morons actually believe them and vote tory!

Brexit - the gift etc

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5 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

UK economy now officially in recession on 2023 last quarter figures.

I presume you have posted this in the Brexit thread because you believe that there is some sort of correlation between the two?

You may not be aware but the UK suffered a number of recessions whilst a member of the EU/EEC In the early  eighties  and nineties,for example, not forgetting the Great Recession of 2008. 

Perhaps these recessions were due to the UK’s membership of the EU as much as you seem to be attributing this current recession to the UK leaving?

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Replacement of seventies with nineties
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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Some tory chinless wonder was explaining that the UK was only technically in a recession because actually it was in a period of stagnation!

Where do they find these morons from? Worse than that other morons actually believe them and vote tory!

Brexit - the gift etc

Not even your favourite, the Guardian, makes any mention of Brexit in its analysis of this recession in today’s issue. You really need to stop blaming Brexit for all of the worlds ills!


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Of course the entire EU is struggling with similar problems of stagnation. Germany has been in recession, for example. As for the technical recession, the figures are often revised upwards later on, and it wasn't a recession after all.

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31 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Not even your favourite, the Guardian, makes any mention of Brexit in its analysis of this recession in today’s issue. You really need to stop blaming Brexit for all of the worlds ills!


My favourite!

You claim that you're a Guardian reader as well...

Or is that just another brexit lie...?

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Brexit being firmly blamed for UK's recessionary woes by 2 economists on Sky News right now.

"Thin trade deals", "Brexit at all costs" and "Failure to plan for life after Brexit" to name just 3 points.

Closely followed by Hunt who appears as gormless and uninspiring as he did when he turned up for the Brexit talks without so much as a pen and paper.

Edited by Non-Believer
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28 minutes ago, P.K. said:

My favourite!

You claim that you're a Guardian reader as well...

Or is that just another brexit lie...?

Yes your favourite ! You’re always promoting it.

The fact that I posted a link to an article in the Guardian may  suggest that I do actually read it. Although quite why I have to justify my reading habits to you, I’m not sure
If I didn’t read it I would have no qualms in saying so!  Why on earth would I lie about such a thing? . You really are a  peculiar fellow.

I do like however to get a wide range of opinions from across the political spectrum so I can come to a considered view rather than just restricting myself to the one source and treat that as the font of all knowledge.

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2 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Brexit being firmly blamed for UK's recessionary woes by 2 economists on Sky News right now.

"Thin trade deals", "Brexit at all costs" and "Failure to plan for life after Brexit" to name just 3 points.

Closely followed by Hunt who appears as gormless and uninspiring as he did when he turned up for the Brexit talks without so much as a pen and paper.

How do those same economists account for the stagnant state of the economy in the EU? Hunt is a slimy git but I don't recall him being involved in the Brexit negotiations at all.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

How do those same economists account for the stagnant state of the economy in the EU? Hunt is a slimy git but I don't recall him being involved in the Brexit negotiations at all.

In fairness that was David Davis wasn't it?  Turned up with a pen and paper and nothing else.

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3 hours ago, woolley said:

How do those same economists account for the stagnant state of the economy in the EU? Hunt is a slimy git but I don't recall him being involved in the Brexit negotiations at all.

Britain now lags behind even the EU laggards, some 20% behind the German standard quoted. Wasn't one of the Brexit tenets that Britain would be able to surge ahead once unfettered by EU regulations and red tape?

Why do you compare the "stagnant state" of the EU economy to Britain when Britain is no longer part of it and should be doing far better than the EU if the promises made had any grounds at all?

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

In fairness that was David Davis wasn't it?  Turned up with a pen and paper and nothing else.

Not quite true.

On one side of the table was Barnier and his team all with prepared notes for discussion piled up in front of them.

On the other side of the table was David Davis and his team with nothing but sickly grins.

It was very obvious from that tableaux that brexit was not going to end well for the UK...

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6 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Although quite why I have to justify my reading habits to you, I’m not sure

Errrr I think you'll find you don't have to.

So it's rather bizarre that you did.

Especially as you don't know why...

Maybe you had one of those "Engage brain first" moments?

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Woolley will no doubt say I'm being inconsistent here, but the idea that either budgeting for strategic investment in railways, or purchasing ppe stock for hospitals needs supervision from Brussels bureaucrats is ludicrous. And of course, that was never the case. Blaming the mistakes of bad national government on Brussels was one of the great lies of brexit. The EU doesn't control national budgets like that. The UK votes for morons, toffs and spivs — that's something that brexit hasn't changed.

The lies, the loss of FoM, the loss of access to the SM, the shoddy rushed through trade deals and the additional costs for ordinary people — that's why I say brexit is a turd, which it is. Not the state of the HS2 project. I'm also not going to blame the recession entirely on brexit. I'm an anonymous internet poster — I don't need to overegg anything, and if there were any benefits to brexit I'd be happy. Fact is, we're in a fuel price crisis. We've got a decade of hard times ahead if us, and brexit will make it worse, but it's not responsible for all tory incompetence and corruption. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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