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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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On 6/7/2024 at 10:18 AM, manxman1980 said:

@The Voice of Reason the paratroopers in this video look at little young to be D-Day veterans.  I am sure the veterans who travelled to France by air, ferry or Eurotunnel this week would have had their passports checked at the French Borders as well.

The amusing thing about that video is that they had clearly engaged with the French authorities to have the paratroopers land their and to ensure that the troops had their passports, however, they could not organise for them to have had the required checks done before they boarded the plane.  Nor did they think to arrange for the aircraft to take off in France and therefore avoid the need for these checks.

Just another example of the lack of foresight in planning such events on the international stage. 

How did those morons think it was useful to cite the showing of passports as a Brexit thing? As someone dutifully pointed out, we've never been in Schengen, so passports have been necessary throughout EU membership. Again, either they are pretty thick and aren't aware, or they think everyone else is.

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6 minutes ago, woolley said:

Is there no end to the unsubstantiated piffle? Think of a number and double it. Then double it again.

That's rich coming from you.

On 6/6/2024 at 4:03 PM, woolley said:

Yes. It's interesting how they cite the humongous mountain of EU red tape as a failing of Brexit.

In the EU different member countries can cross borders without any " red tape" at all.

So it's not "EU red tape" it's your precious brexit red tape that all those with "third country" trading status have to put up with.

Brexit - the gift that goes on taking...

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Just now, P.K. said:

That's rich coming from you.

In the EU different member countries can cross borders without any " red tape" at all.

So it's not "EU red tape" it's your precious brexit red tape that all those with "third country" trading status have to put up with.

Brexit - the gift that goes on taking...

Their rules. Their red tape.

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16 minutes ago, woolley said:

Their rules. Their red tape.

Which the likes of you would have voted for...

What's known as a "self-inflicted injury" by the way.


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

They are today's youngsters from 16 upward, given the vote for the first time, seduced by what they see online about the rise of the right and the failure of the left.

This is indeed a disturbing,  but not entirely unexpected, trend.

The internet is a real problem and it is so easy to access extremist nonsense.  The algorithms make it worse by directing people to similar content.

What is happening though is the grooming of the young by far right extremists.  Its the type of crap that Farage and Galloway like but they are just the tip of the iceberg.

The trend that has been unexpected is late Gen X and Millenials not becoming more Conservative with age.  I  fact they seem to move more to the left which is reversing a trend that kept the Conservatives in power for a long time.

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1 hour ago, woolley said:

If you start to go down that road, where do you stop? Everyone is of their time.

What would they also think of the permissive society, abolition of capital punishment, multiracial society, decline of Christianity and virtual abolition of the Sabbath, gay liberation, globalisation, corporate greed, ceding of lawmaking to a European union, diminution of respect for authority, vandalism, devolution, pop music, commercial television, drug crime, gang wars, minors stabbing each other on the streets as a commonplace occurrence?

The list of things that would shock those who died 80 years ago is very long.

The amount of times I have heard other Brexiteers make claims about what the veterans would think is beyond ridiculous. 

I.am just going to quote this so I can point anyone who uses that in future here.

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

In the EU different member countries can cross borders without any " red tape" at all.

So it's not "EU red tape" it's your precious brexit red tape that all those with "third country" trading status have to put up with.

When are you going to get it?

Yes things have changed since Brexit. The UK is now a “ third country” ( and proud to be so, out of the clutches of the EU).
So the EU is applying their rules post Brexit, to UK individuals wishing to enter EU countries, as is their prerogative. It’s really a small price to pay in regaining sovereignty. 


America, Australia, Mexico and Canada etc etc are also  “third countries” from which visitors have to go through red tape to enter the EU and similar arrangements apply for those individuals from the EU to visit those countries ( ESTA etc) It is what it is, no big deal. Nobody should be  asking for special treatment for the UK

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

This is indeed a disturbing,  but not entirely unexpected, trend.

The internet is a real problem and it is so easy to access extremist nonsense.  The algorithms make it worse by directing people to similar content.

What is happening though is the grooming of the young by far right extremists.  Its the type of crap that Farage and Galloway like but they are just the tip of the iceberg.

The trend that has been unexpected is late Gen X and Millenials not becoming more Conservative with age.  I  fact they seem to move more to the left which is reversing a trend that kept the Conservatives in power for a long time.

Galloway is far left, but neither he nor Farage are the drivers of this trend. Authoritarian states around the world are far better at doing this. It's a form of asymmetric warfare, and one of a whole spectrum that they have developed while the West has been busy tending its mental health and getting to grips with weighty matters like the 11 genders.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I wonder what those veterans would think of the UK becoming an increasingly isolated state?  What would they think of the current rise of far right populism?


4 hours ago, woolley said:

If you start to go down that road, where do you stop? Everyone is of their time.

What would they also think of the permissive society, abolition of capital punishment, multiracial society, decline of Christianity and virtual abolition of the Sabbath, gay liberation, globalisation, corporate greed, ceding of lawmaking to a European union, diminution of respect for authority, vandalism, devolution, pop music, commercial television, drug crime, gang wars, minors stabbing each other on the streets as a commonplace occurrence?

The list of things that would shock those who died 80 years ago is very long.


2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

The amount of times I have heard other Brexiteers make claims about what the veterans would think is beyond ridiculous

I.am just going to quote this so I can point anyone who uses that in future here.

I'll quote it again for good measure, so fill your boots. You have literally done in your first post exactly what you are complaining about in your reply to me. You are invoking what you assume veterans from 80 years ago would think in order to score a point about Brexit.

As I said, and I stand by every word, we are all creatures of our time. When I was a kid I had close relatives who were veterans of both world wars. Those people who are now centenarians were in their prime. I grew up in the world they fashioned and, although it was changing, it was a very different place to what we know now. They grew up being taught that Britain was great. They owed allegiance to King and empire. They weren't brought up to hate their country while apologising for everything it ever stood for. If they were suddenly resurrected, they would think they'd landed on a different planet but, I suspect, so would all of us returning 80 years after our own deaths. My old aunt, who died recently just short of 100 years old, told me she had watched the country going down throughout her lifetime.

Edited by woolley
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1 hour ago, woolley said:

Galloway is far left, but neither he nor Farage are the drivers of this trend. Authoritarian states around the world are far better at doing this. It's a form of asymmetric warfare, and one of a whole spectrum that they have developed while the West has been busy tending its mental health and getting to grips with weighty matters like the 11 genders.

I am well aware that Galloway is far left.

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10 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

When are you going to get it?

Yes things have changed since Brexit. The UK is now a “ third country” ( and proud to be so, out of the clutches of the EU).
So the EU is applying their rules post Brexit, to UK individuals wishing to enter EU countries, as is their prerogative. It’s really a small price to pay in regaining sovereignty.

@The Voice of Reason

When are you going to get it?

Brexit has completely failed for UK, say clear majority of Britons – poll

Only one in 10 feel leaving the EU has helped their finances, while just 9% say it has benefited the NHS, despite £350m a week pledge according to new poll

A clear majority of the British public now believes Brexit has been bad for the UK economy, has driven up prices in shops, and has hampered government attempts to control immigration, according to a poll by Opinium to mark the third anniversary of the UK leaving the EU single market and customs union.

Just one in 10 believe leaving the EU has helped their personal financial situation, against 35% who say it has been bad for their finances, while just 9% say it has been good for the NHS, against 47% who say it has had a negative effect.

Ominously for prime minister Rishi Sunak, who backed Brexit and claimed it would be economically beneficial, only 7% of people think it has helped keep down prices in UK shops, against 63% who think Brexit has been a factor in fuelling inflation and the cost of living crisis.

The poll suggests that seven and a half years on from the referendum the British public now regards Brexit as a failure. Just 22% of voters believe it has been good for the UK in general.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/dec/30/britons-brexit-bad-uk-poll-eu-finances-nhs#:~:text=The poll suggests that seven,for the UK in general.

Get this, had your totally stupid and completely unnecessary brexit been beneficial to the UK then right now Rishi Sunak & Co would have been shouting it from the rooftops claiming it as a massive tory win!

Their silence is deafening...

Got it?

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