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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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What a waste of bandwidth from "Spiked" who were, surprise surprise not, big supporters of the Brexit Party!

Little wonder then they can't resist taking a pop at their brexit nemesis James O'Brien. All the "play the man and not the ball" nonsense opinions are proof, if proof were ever needed, at just how accurate O'Brien's stuff is.

Why don't you read his book and make your own mind up like any normal adult would? I'm sure it would be a far better use of your time than cluttering up threads with pure drivel...

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

What a waste of bandwidth from "Spiked" who were, surprise surprise not, big supporters of the Brexit Party!

Little wonder then they can't resist taking a pop at their brexit nemesis James O'Brien. All the "play the man and not the ball" nonsense opinions are proof, if proof were ever needed, at just how accurate O'Brien's stuff is.

Why don't you read his book and make your own mind up like any normal adult would? I'm sure it would be a far better use of your time than cluttering up threads with pure drivel...

I’ve had the misfortune to listen to his nonsense on the radio. That’s made my mind up. 
I wouldn’t torture myself any more y reading his “thoughts”

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I’ve had the misfortune to listen to his nonsense on the radio. That’s made my mind up. 
I wouldn’t torture myself any more y reading his “thoughts”

So the truth hurts then! Not exactly "news" now is it?

Still waiting for your examples of O'Brien lying on air...


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Did you miss this ?

There was a blip for O’Brien’s career in 2014-15. Over the course of several months, he played a major role in propagating the idea that there was a murderous ‘VIP paedophile network’ at the heart of the British establishment. He treated the fantastical claims of alleged victim Carl Beech as gospel, and repeatedly invited Mark Watts, the head of media organisation Exaro, on to his show to spread Beech’s claims. They accused a string of prominent people of raping and murdering children. But none of it was true.


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4 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Well making Brexidiots feel uncomfortable by holding up a mirror to their flawed thinking or getting them to say the "quiet bit out loud" doesn't seem like a reason to "take a good look at myself".

I would suggest drinking the Brexit Con coolade is more a reason for concern.  But then I wasn't conned.

It is said that name calling and throwing insults are the activities of someone who is losing an argument. Here is a question for you:

Over the past few years since Brexit, the UK stock market has been doing quite well. Dividends on stocks have been good. This means that UK companies in general are doing well. The exchange rate to the Euro is steady and slowly improving long term. This is also a good thing. There was not the predicted crash and subsequent recession. In fact, quite the contrary. Taking facts like these into account, how can you say Brexit has been a bad thing?  

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9 minutes ago, Cambon said:

...how can you say Brexit has been a bad thing?  

  • Economic Impact
  • Trade Barriers
  • Loss of Single Market Access
  • Financial Services
  • Labour Shortages
  • Political Division
  • Impact on Northern Ireland
  • Scientific Collaboration
  • Regulatory Divergence
  • Loss of Influence
  • Mass immigration 
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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Did you miss this ?

There was a blip for O’Brien’s career in 2014-15. Over the course of several months, he played a major role in propagating the idea that there was a murderous ‘VIP paedophile network’ at the heart of the British establishment. He treated the fantastical claims of alleged victim Carl Beech as gospel, and repeatedly invited Mark Watts, the head of media organisation Exaro, on to his show to spread Beech’s claims. They accused a string of prominent people of raping and murdering children. But none of it was true.

@The Voice of Reason

Of course I didn't miss it.

But you clearly missed this:

4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Yes. A very convincing liar who took a lot of people in. As a brexiteer you would know all about that...

However following the wrong lead doesn't mean O'Brien lied about anything now does it?

I mean, you regularly spout the same nonsense that Farage, Gove and Johnson lied about don't you?

But nobody thinks that makes you a liar. It just means you've been badly misled...

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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:
  • Economic Impact
  • Trade Barriers
  • Loss of Single Market Access
  • Financial Services
  • Labour Shortages
  • Political Division
  • Impact on Northern Ireland
  • Scientific Collaboration
  • Regulatory Divergence
  • Loss of Influence
  • Mass immigration 

Economic impact is actually minimal. The stock market reflects that

Trade barriers are mainly the eu trying to punish uk.

Loss of single market access works both ways

Labour shortages. What? With an increasing population?.

Political division. Business as normal.

Northern Ireland. Tory cock up.

Scientific collaboration. Again, works both ways.

Regulatory divergence. Again, works both ways.

Loss of influence. I’m not sure uk had that in the first place.

Mass immigration replaces the mass emigration of Europeans.

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3 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

@Cambon does the UK stock market reflect the performance of British companies or does it just represent the performance of listed companies? 

How many of the Companies listed on the UK stock market operate solely in the UK.


Question one - The answer is yes.

Question two- is irrelevant. However, the results directly benefit the uk. 

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