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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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6 hours ago, P.K. said:

@The Voice of Reason

Of course I didn't miss it.

But you clearly missed this:

I mean, you regularly spout the same nonsense that Farage, Gove and Johnson lied about don't you?

But nobody thinks that makes you a liar. It just means you've been badly misled...

Another view:-


OK let’s be kind and say he was misled about Carl Beech.

But his profession is supposed to be that of a journalist.

Therefore you would hope that he should be less susceptible to being misled than the man on the Clapham Omnibus, and as such his credibility is damaged.

Far worse,  as a discredited journalist he appeals to even more susceptible and easily influenced people ( I won’t mention names) who seem to hang on his every word, watch or listen to his radio show and read his rubbishy books, believing it all to be true.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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3 hours ago, Cambon said:

Question one - The answer is yes.

Question two- is irrelevant. However, the results directly benefit the uk. 


The answer to the first question is much more nuanced than "yes".

The answer to question 2 leads to a supplementary question.   Surely such results only benefit the shareholders and traders?

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14 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Remain voters knew what they were voting for.  Leavers were the ones leaping off a cliff with the promise we will grow wings before we dash ourselves on the rocks below.

So listening to "I want to not be under EU laws", "which EU laws specifically?", "I don't know, I can't name any" doesn't really paint the Leaver voter base as the well informed lot you think they are (or realistically pretend they are).

Ah, yes, of course. That fabled 20/20 vision of the future gifted by God to all EU enthusiasts. Geopolitics is not frozen in 2016. Have you taken a look what's happening in Europe recently?

You know exactly why self-determination cannot co-exist with laws imposed from outside, but you continue to obfuscate. I have never claimed that the entire Leave voter base were well informed. This is the public we are talking about, but exactly  the same applies to Remain voters who invariably cite the most fatuous reasons for feeling the way they do. It was fortunate that we got the right result.

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25 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


The answer to the first question is much more nuanced than "yes".

The answer to question 2 leads to a supplementary question.   Surely such results only benefit the shareholders and traders?

Really? Taxes? Pension funds?

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8 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Another view:-


OK let’s be kind and say he was misled about Carl Beech.

But his profession is supposed to be that of a journalist.

Therefore you would hope that he should be less susceptible to being misled than the man on the Clapham Omnibus, and as such his credibility is damaged.

Far worse,  as a discredited journalist he appeals to even more susceptible and easily influenced people ( I won’t mention names) who seem to hang on his every word, watch or listen to his radio show and read his rubbishy books, believing it all to be true.

Just another opinion piece that you've dug up from somewhere. So what?

You are in no position to judge his books because you've never read them! What I would call an essential pre-req to criticising them...

Still waiting for the lies...

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

They should have no problem because they can all see the future.

What a very fatuous Rees-Mogg comment.

Well it's certainly true that all those who voted Leave must be able to see the future because, let's face it, they didn't have the faintest idea what they were voting for on the 23rd June 2016...

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