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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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9 hours ago, woolley said:

So this is the price we attach to the self-determination of the country? Mobile roaming. Very good equivalence there. No Doubt Ukrainians will soon have free roaming across Russia.

It's not even something you can't avoid:


Such hyperbolic nonsense, equating roaming charges to the Ukraine disaster.

But then, you were just shown a demonstrable thing that was lost and all you can reach for to counter is nonsense.

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9 hours ago, woolley said:

Speaking of the right, you have noticed the trend in the EU recently, I assume? Big changes loom.

I do find it sad that every year we have Remembrance Day and remember D-Day, and we say platitudes about "we will remember them" and have an annual who can wear the largest gaudiest poppy (while sneering at those that don't) while at the same time watching the whole world slip back in terms of casting of the shackles of Fascism and the Far-Right.

And absolute weapons like you, VoC, Quilp, etc are actively cheering it on.  Good times.

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Why is it that when I think of Farage and Reform I think of this:

‘A banker, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies.

‘The banker takes 19 cookies and warns the worker: “Watch out, the immigrant is going to take your cookie away.”’

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3 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Leadsom is just spouting all the usual brexiteer lies.

For starters EU regulations very clearly state that member nations can develop, trial and release their own vaccines and so they did. But not according to Leadsom...

She didn't mention that Russia had developed and vaccinated their armed forces with "Sputnik V" before anyone else was up and running. After all, got to keep the muzhiks in order.

She also didn't mention that at one point the UK was running out of vaccine supply. As it was during the brexit "interim" period they could draw down supply from the EU which they promptly siezed upon.

She also mentioned that the powerhouse of Europe, Germany, was having economic difficulties. That's what happens when you make your country a hostage to fortune with Russian energy. Good news for the UK mind as we have tripled gas exports to Europe.

Leadsom is not standing at the next election so her and her lies should be simply ignored.

Matt Chorley is no James O'Brien, that's for sure...

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3 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

I do find it sad that every year we have Remembrance Day and remember D-Day, and we say platitudes about "we will remember them" and have an annual who can wear the largest gaudiest poppy (while sneering at those that don't) while at the same time watching the whole world slip back in terms of casting of the shackles of Fascism and the Far-Right.

And absolute weapons like you, VoC, Quilp, etc are actively cheering it on.  Good times.

By VoC (sic) do you mean me?

It’s not really clear from your post what we three are supposed to be actively cheering on?

Facism and the Far Right?

Or poppy, possibly non poppy, wearing?

Could you clarify? I’m a bit confused.

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15 hours ago, John Wright said:

From later this year the Visa waiver biometrics

Roaming charges

Additional paperwork and regulation for importers and exporters.

Recurrent prescription medication supply shortages.

Shortages of food supply/restrictions in the supply chain that have devastated, for instance, sale into the EU of catches by UK inshore fishermen, especially of shellfish. There are lots of other examples.

Labour shortages, having to bring in workers from thousands of miles away on expensive visas, issues with families joining them, expensive health contributions, all of which increase labour cost and make the UK a less attractive place.

As a result immigration totally out of control ( even although we could always have controlled non EU immigration before Brexit ). And as for EU immigration we could have limited a great deal of it by introducing proper ID, border control, and enforcing the freedom of movement only for 6 months while looking for work. 

I quite agree with your comments medication and food shortages. However, covid and a couple of summers of extreme weather have also played a part. 

However, your last two paragraphs are ambiguous. The first saying the uk is becoming a less desirable place to live. I cannot comment on that further than to say hell will freeze over……….      The second paragraph says immigration is out of control.
The second paragraph is correct, and the massive increase in immigration (and I am not talking about rubber boats crossing the channel) is far outstripping the investment in underlying infrastructure, especially healthcare. Another reason for the pharmaceutical shortages you mentioned. But the uncontrolled immigration also contributes to the food shortages. 

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4 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Why is it that when I think of Farage and Reform I think of this:

‘A banker, a worker, and an immigrant are sitting at a table with 20 cookies.

‘The banker takes 19 cookies and warns the worker: “Watch out, the immigrant is going to take your cookie away.”’

I wonder...


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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

I quite agree with your comments medication and food shortages. However, covid and a couple of summers of extreme weather have also played a part. 

However, your last two paragraphs are ambiguous. The first saying the uk is becoming a less desirable place to live. I cannot comment on that further than to say hell will freeze over……….      The second paragraph says immigration is out of control.
The second paragraph is correct, and the massive increase in immigration (and I am not talking about rubber boats crossing the channel) is far outstripping the investment in underlying infrastructure, especially healthcare. Another reason for the pharmaceutical shortages you mentioned. But the uncontrolled immigration also contributes to the food shortages. 

The last two paragraphs are not ambiguous.

1. I never mentioned live. That’s you and you’ve got on your high horse. Look at context. Fewer people want to come here to work, because of the cost of visas, the hostile regime, the fact they can’t bring dependants.

2. the immigration, now from mainly outside the EU,  younger, healthy and de minimis in terms of prescription demand, especially in terms of the production volume of the single market. But it’s more difficult to export to here. They therefore concentrate on easier markets.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

The last two paragraphs are not ambiguous.

1. I never mentioned live. That’s you and you’ve got on your high horse. Look at context. Fewer people want to come here to work, because of the cost of visas, the hostile regime, the fact they can’t bring dependants.

2. the immigration, now from mainly outside the EU,  younger, healthy and de minimis in terms of prescription demand, especially in terms of the production volume of the single market. But it’s more difficult to export to here. They therefore concentrate on easier markets.

No high horses. You insinuated live as you do above. If you are going to work somewhere, spend on visas, the insinuation is you are going to live there. 

Yes, it is more difficult to export from eu to uk. More drugs are made outside the eu than in. Open market. 

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17 hours ago, John Wright said:

Totally agree project fear was stupid, and was never going be an overnight reality.

On the other hand, if we are “still buggering on as we always did” it does raise the question “Why did we do it?” . All that wasted effort, money and the divisions it’s created.

For self-determination as a country, but of course you'll never understand it because you think that sovereignty can be pooled and outsourced to a foreign committee. It absolutely cannot. It is indivisible by definition because as soon as you divide it, it is gone.

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