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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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14 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Rich leave London in droves for Florida, Dubai and Paris as UK has world's second-biggest millionaire exodus (msn.com)

"According to the Henley Private Wealth Migration Report, 9,500 millionaires, defined in US dollar terms, left the UK last year. Only China - which has more  than twice as many people with seven-figure net worths - saw more millionaires leave."

Sunlit uplands and unicorns all around.

Labour government incoming. Happens every time. Non-dom tax changes too. Nothing to do with Brexit.

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13 hours ago, P.K. said:


Personally I think your stance on the ECHR is just more of your anti-Europe paranoia showing through...

It's not paranoia. It's more that I see no reason why they are any better at telling us what to do than we are at deciding for ourselves.

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10 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

As for your comparison with the war in Ukraine it is utter nonsense.  Sovereignty and self-determination are not helping Ukraine now.  What is helping is EU and NATO support.  Why do you think they so desperately want to join the EU & NATO?

Give your head a wobble. 

It's not a comparison. It's an illustration. Ukraine is having its sovereignty removed.

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

It's not paranoia. It's more that I see no reason why they are any better at telling us what to do than we are at deciding for ourselves.

So you think that the last tory government, who had such a paucity of talent they had to give failed has-been David Cameron a life peerage so he could be Foreign Secretary, can be trusted to look out for our civil liberties rather than the ECHR?

You're having a laugh!

But then you clearly also think the US model of Supreme Court Judges being political appointees is somehow going to be totally non-partisan because it's the only way they can perform their duties without fear or favour.

Give your arse a chance...

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52 minutes ago, woolley said:

It's not a comparison. It's an illustration. Ukraine is having its sovereignty removed.

And would that still be the case had they pooled their sovereignty with the EU?  

NATO is, of course different, but it's unlikely that an EU member would not be barred from joining NATO.

Anyway the EU cannot be compared to Russian aggression.  As the UK has demonstrated it is possible to leave the EU without the need for violence.  Not so much when it comes to Russia.

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27 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

And would that still be the case had they pooled their sovereignty with the EU?  

NATO is, of course different, but it's unlikely that an EU member would not be barred from joining NATO.

Anyway the EU cannot be compared to Russian aggression.  As the UK has demonstrated it is possible to leave the EU without the need for violence.  Not so much when it comes to Russia.

You think that EU membership would have stopped Putin invading Ukraine? I think not. He sees it as Russian territory going back for at least 1000 years.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

So you think that the last tory government, who had such a paucity of talent they had to give failed has-been David Cameron a life peerage so he could be Foreign Secretary, can be trusted to look out for our civil liberties rather than the ECHR?

You're having a laugh!

But then you clearly also think the US model of Supreme Court Judges being political appointees is somehow going to be totally non-partisan because it's the only way they can perform their duties without fear or favour.

Give your arse a chance...

I said no such thing. Read it again. This has been your problem throughout these 8 long years. You either don't read what is posted, or your comprehension whilst reading is abysmal. Then you go off half cocked with a diatribe against what you thought you read but actually dreamed up yourself.

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6 hours ago, woolley said:

You think that EU membership would have stopped Putin invading Ukraine? I think not. He sees it as Russian territory going back for at least 1000 years.

As I said, EU membership would likely have made NATO membership more likely which may have made Putin think again.

Either way pooling sovereignty for mutual benefit is much better than having it taken away by force.

The only things that protect the UK are it's NATO membership and geographic location. 

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5 hours ago, RecklessAbandon said:

Nope, nothing at all.  Nothing to see here.

If anything, Brexit is a benefit to million/billionaires, or so the frustrated Remainers keep telling us. Can't have it both ways. Hnwi tend to be internationally mobile anyway.

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14 hours ago, woolley said:

I said no such thing. Read it again. This has been your problem throughout these 8 long years. You either don't read what is posted, or your comprehension whilst reading is abysmal. Then you go off half cocked with a diatribe against what you thought you read but actually dreamed up yourself.

Hardly. I certainly read this:

On 6/18/2024 at 11:46 PM, woolley said:

I would support a similar line taken to the USA, the most successful democracy on Earth, in that no foreign court sits above our own highest court, and we are don't take rulings from outside.

I was pointing out that the highest court in the US are political appointees. Which makes their justice system more than a little suspect. When you add to that fact all the rulings made by the ECHR against UK policies then I start to think that we should never want to be like, in your opinion,  "the most successful democracy on Earth..."

I blame a lot of these ills on our out-dated and out-moded FPTP system. Most European democracies, 40 out of about 43, have some form of PR. So they are used to having working democracies with coalitions. That not only means a broader outlook in government but it also pretty much negates the chances of extreme policies like brexit getting through. Because making your economy take a leap into the dark is certainly not without risk as any fule kno.

So hopefully with a large majority the next Labour government will take a serious look at PR because after the last 14 years of the worst government in living memory and probably forever the UK is in a dreadful state and everybody knows it...

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22 minutes ago, woolley said:

If anything, Brexit is a benefit to million/billionaires, or so the frustrated Remainers keep telling us. Can't have it both ways. Hnwi tend to be internationally mobile anyway.

Yes, it has highlighted that the UK being out of the EU is of detriment to them and they are upping sticks in increasingly higher numbers since 2017.

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22 hours ago, P.K. said:

Now you're having a laugh!

The MSM consisting of the Daily Mail, the Express, the Sun, the Telegraph and to some extent the Times expend not only front pages but loads of column inches extolling how wonderful brexit is when time and again it's quite simply a pile of poo!

Your "the uk is doing well. In fact, far better than the main stream media has or does portray" bears no resemblance whatsoever to reality...

Here's a challenge. Try and find one piece in the MSM consisting of the Daily Mail, the Express, the Sun, the Telegraph and to some extent the Times that says brexit is not going well...

I don’t need to. The evidence is there. Everywhere. FTSE up over 20% since the beginning of 2021. Even inflation is back to normal following the Ukraine debacle. In fact, it could be said that Brexit has been so successful, attracting so much immigration of enthusiastic people wanting to work and pay taxes, that the country’s infrastructure cannot cope. 

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Investment levels in the UK remain among the worst of the world's richest nations and unless they improve it is hard to see how the economy will grow, a think tank has said.

The UK currently was not just bottom of the G7 investment table with investment at 18.3% of national income, but "significantly" behind the next worst performer - the US at 21.2%.

"The UK's dire productivity performance since the great financial crisis of 2008 is, to a large extent, the single biggest driver of our dire living standards," the IPPR said.


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Lets just remember for a minute which party was in power in 2008! 
More realistically, none of the other figures agree with the low growth statement. 
Lies, damn lies and statistics. 
The true economic pointers never lie.

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