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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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I found this on The Daily Mash, while looking for something else:

Isle of Man to be renamed 'Manorca' post-Brexit


THE ISLE of Man is to be renamed Manorca should Brexit go ahead, it has been confirmed.

As part of a comprehensive rebranding designed to ‘bring Europe home’, the self-governing island has agreed to change its name to something more sunny-sounding.

Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab said: “There’s no reason being unable to easily travel to pleasant warm countries has to be a negative.

“We truly believe that a week in the Isle of Man can just as exciting as a week somewhere you don’t have to breathe in drizzle. It’s just a matter of using your imagination.”

Over £3 million has been ring-fenced for photoshopped leaflets showing white sand beaches, cliff top villas and the monkeys that supposedly live in the Isle of Man’s lush rainforests.

In addition to the change, Croydon will be renamed ‘Croydeaux’ and the Shetland Islands will be renamed Italy.



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Absolutely hilarious nonsense in The Torygraph:

Liz Truss demands France resolves 'entirely avoidable and unacceptable' chaos in Dover

Liz Truss has told France it must stop the “avoidable and unacceptable” situation at the border that threatens to ruin British summer holidays.

The Foreign Secretary blamed the “awful situation” at Dover, where ferry passengers were on Friday left stuck in six-hour queues, squarely on Paris for failing to man border posts.

More total bollox here: 


Brexiteers voted for tighter border controls - well, they got them.

Hence I haven't the slightest doubt that any remonstrations by the appalling Truss will be met with the classic Gallic Shrug.

Because it's not the fault of the French. We chose to leave the EU - not the other way around. And appalling rags like the Torygraph need to take their share of the blame...

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Absolutely hilarious nonsense in The Torygraph:

Liz Truss demands France resolves 'entirely avoidable and unacceptable' chaos in Dover

Liz Truss has told France it must stop the “avoidable and unacceptable” situation at the border that threatens to ruin British summer holidays.

The Foreign Secretary blamed the “awful situation” at Dover, where ferry passengers were on Friday left stuck in six-hour queues, squarely on Paris for failing to man border posts.

More total bollox here: 


Brexiteers voted for tighter border controls - well, they got them.

Hence I haven't the slightest doubt that any remonstrations by the appalling Truss will be met with the classic Gallic Shrug.

Because it's not the fault of the French. We chose to leave the EU - not the other way around. And appalling rags like the Torygraph need to take their share of the blame...

Liz Truss is quite correct.

The chaos in Dover is the fault of the French by not providing adequate numbers of border control staff. Less than half that should have been were on duty according to just about all reports.

Their claim that this was due to some earlier incident in the tunnel has been well and truly shown to be nonsense.

At worst this is some sort of “Brexit revenge” and at best incompetence.

Incompetence,  like that surrounding the disgraceful scenes at the Champions League Final at the Stade de France which after initially denying and blaming others, the French authorities owned up to. Perhaps the same will happen here.

Brexiteers did not vote for tighter border controls. They voted to regain sovereignty. One of the bureaucratic consequences of this is that passports for those traveling between the UK and France is that they now have to be stamped. With the UK not being in the Schengen area they always had to have been checked. Stamping a passport does not constitute a “tighter border control” than checking it, nor is it particularly time consuming. A second perhaps? maybe two?

It was interesting to see the reaction of those UK travellers caught up in this interviewed by various news outlets and the good nature with which they accepted the situation. Not so sure if the boot was on the other foot and our continental cousins were treated as shabbily by the UK border force, they would be so accepting.

It will be interesting to see if Richi Sunak has similar strong words for the French about this situation. Certainly Liz Truss will have garnered more support with her strong stance.

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What a load of nonsense.

How very naive. It's not just putting a stamp in a passport. That's ridiculous. Because UK passport holders now have a limit of 90 days in Schengen countries if travelling without a visa the stamp in their passport can be presented if required as possible proof that they are in the country legally. Or not as the case may be.

But also all the passports have to be scanned and the contents held for at least 90 days to ensure all those who enter without a visa leave within the 90 day period. If they don't then they are illegal immigrants and will be treated accordingly.

Extra infrastructure and processes cost money. Now if I was French I wouldn't want a single extra sou to be spent in facilitating the folly of my neighbours. Why should it? You choose to leave the EU don't expect any EU member state to treat you as anything other than just another third country citizen. If you don't like it then tough, you shouldn't have voted for it.

But you did....

As for the "strong stand" of Liz Truss it's a joke.

If we have learned anything from Brexit and Johnson's appalling premiership it's that you can lie and lie and if what you're saying is what people want to hear they'll believe you even if it's refuted time and again. Now Thatcher made a virtue out of greed. So no matter what the state of the nation and the further damage Truss is likely to cause tory voters always always always vote with their wallets. So all Truss had to say was "tax cuts" and she will be PM. Two years of comedy gold to follow.

Could Sunak turn it around by speaking out about the nonsense Truss has been spouting like tax cuts will reduce inflation? Somehow I doubt it....

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It turns out that despite all the usual garbage from the usual suspects like the Daily Mail, Telegraph etc plus the tory candidates for PM the chaos at Dover is all the fault of the totally stupid Brexit and a parsimonious government.

Being the UK's busiest port and realising what was coming in 2020 Dover banged in a chitty for £33m to upgrade their infrastructure. In response the government gave them just £33k or 0.1% of the ask. Hence:

Travel chaos is ‘the new normal’ after Brexit, British tourists are warned

Anger over lack of cash for Dover upgrade as Tory candidates vie to blame France for delays   

New rules require all passports to be checked – a pressure that a series of experts regarded as the biggest factor that could not easily be fixed. Clément Beaune, the French transport minister, said yesterday that he was cooperating with transport secretary Grant Shapps to ease the issues, but added: “France is not responsible for Brexit.”

Lord Ricketts, a former ambassador to France, said that the delays were an inevitable outcome of the bureaucracy created by Brexit.

“The underlying reality is that no matter how many [French Border Force Officials] they have, given the size of the port, given the fact that the government failed to invest in expanding the facilities, it is going to be like this – this will be the new normal.


And on the way is Biometric Testing....

As holiday handovers tend to be at the weekend expect more of the same. It occurred to me that it might help to put a positive spin on this latest brexit clusterf~ck if signs were put up like "View the hours and hours you have spent waiting here breathing in all that sea air as a Brexit Benefit" and "You will find much cheaper and fresher produce to buy once you get into the EU" and similar...

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39 minutes ago, P.K. said:

It turns out that despite all the usual garbage from the usual suspects like the Daily Mail, Telegraph etc plus the tory candidates for PM the chaos at Dover is all the fault of the totally stupid Brexit and a parsimonious government.

Being the UK's busiest port and realising what was coming in 2020 Dover banged in a chitty for £33m to upgrade their infrastructure. In response the government gave them just £33k or 0.1% of the ask. Hence:

Travel chaos is ‘the new normal’ after Brexit, British tourists are warned

Anger over lack of cash for Dover upgrade as Tory candidates vie to blame France for delays   

New rules require all passports to be checked – a pressure that a series of experts regarded as the biggest factor that could not easily be fixed. Clément Beaune, the French transport minister, said yesterday that he was cooperating with transport secretary Grant Shapps to ease the issues, but added: “France is not responsible for Brexit.”

Lord Ricketts, a former ambassador to France, said that the delays were an inevitable outcome of the bureaucracy created by Brexit.

“The underlying reality is that no matter how many [French Border Force Officials] they have, given the size of the port, given the fact that the government failed to invest in expanding the facilities, it is going to be like this – this will be the new normal.


And on the way is Biometric Testing....

As holiday handovers tend to be at the weekend expect more of the same. It occurred to me that it might help to put a positive spin on this latest brexit clusterf~ck if signs were put up like "View the hours and hours you have spent waiting here breathing in all that sea air as a Brexit Benefit" and "You will find much cheaper and fresher produce to buy once you get into the EU" and similar...

So you dismiss “ the usual garbage” from the Daily Telegraph by quoting “ the usual garbage” from your beloved Guardian

This game of newspaper ping pong could run and run!

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As a Kent-dweller in the 70s we often visited France by ferry and hovercraft. This was before the EU Free Movement thing was dreamed up.............entry and exit took mere seconds and passports were not stamped. Joining the EU made little, practical difference to the process since we were never part of Schengen. Still no passport stamping and a quick entry/exit.

Flying across the Channel frequently I have noticed that this year the entry/exit processes have been laboured by the French - possibly as a matter of principal and every excuse under the sun has been put forward. "You are early", "You are late", "The Douaniers are stuck in traffic" - all at an "official customs airfield". They also change their minds every trip on whether, or not, we need stamping in and out - even for a 10 minute turnround where we only leave the aircraft to pay the landing fee!

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Ah yes.

The good old days before the rise of international terrorism, illegal immigration, drug smuggling, pandemics, people smuggling etc etc.

It always makes me smile when folks on this side of La Manche seem surprised that maybe, just maybe, the French are aware of just how much Les Anglais dislike them.

However in my experiences of travelling to France the attitude of the traveller is always the deciding factor...

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6 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

So you dismiss “ the usual garbage” from the Daily Telegraph by quoting “ the usual garbage” from your beloved Guardian

This game of newspaper ping pong could run and run!

@The Voice of Reason Why should it?

I get the impression you are unable to discern between the load of old bollox as published by the Torygraph which has been in thrall to the agenda of the owners for so long all it prints these days is any old anti-EU nonsense it can dream up as compared to the Grauniad which does not have editorial interference so it can tell it like it is.

The central issues are all the extra checks that have to made because of Brexit, which is a given for the reasons already stated, and that the Port of Dover realising it will need to expand it's operation to cope with the Brexit workload put in for funding that was not forthcoming.

So your best shot at supporting the stance of the Torygraph is to refute the lack of funding. Let me help you here, you won't find anything to help you in the Sun, Express and Daily Mail either.

Happy to help!

Tonight's bunfight should be amusing as this is bound to be a hot topic. Unfortunately Sophie Raworth is no Andrew Marr...

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4 hours ago, Flyingfemme said:

As a Kent-dweller in the 70s we often visited France by ferry and hovercraft. This was before the EU Free Movement thing was dreamed up.............entry and exit took mere seconds and passports were not stamped. Joining the EU made little, practical difference to the process since we were never part of Schengen. Still no passport stamping and a quick entry/exit.

Flying across the Channel frequently I have noticed that this year the entry/exit processes have been laboured by the French - possibly as a matter of principal and every excuse under the sun has been put forward. "You are early", "You are late", "The Douaniers are stuck in traffic" - all at an "official customs airfield". They also change their minds every trip on whether, or not, we need stamping in and out - even for a 10 minute turnround where we only leave the aircraft to pay the landing fee!

France is a lovely country.

Just a shame it's spoiled by the people living there.

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