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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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3 hours ago, Eris said:

What matters is that the god awful mess that the UK is in is resolved and soon.

And naturally none of this mess would be as a result of Brexit, would it?

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What mess?

Of course there are going to be inconveniences as the UK struggles to extricate itself from the mass of bureaucracy that it has been entangled in as a result of decades of being wedded to the EU super state project.

Would the English nation have celebrated the recent ladies football team success with such vim and vigour if it had been a European Union team winning the World Cup? I don’t think so.

A hah you may say there is no such EU football team men or women. Well not at the moment but the trajectory is such that the EU will end up with its own army, with soldiers from each EU members, police force and football  team similarly.

Fortunately the UK referendum voters realised this and pulled out before it becomes a reality, but unfortunately citizens of countries still remaining in the EU think so but they have not had the chance to speak in a referendum.

Probably the one thing you can thank Cameron for.

The great sadness about all the this is that a looser affiliation of European countries could have achieved so much more together. We do have common aims and ambitions but also our differences. There is room for both but alas not under the aegis of the EU.

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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

What mess?

Of course there are going to be inconveniences as the UK struggles to extricate itself from the mass of bureaucracy that it has been entangled in as a result of decades of being wedded to the EU super state project.

Would the English nation have celebrated the recent ladies football team success with such vim and vigour if it had been a European Union team winning the World Cup? I don’t think so.

A hah you may say there is no such EU football team men or women. Well not at the moment but the trajectory is such that the EU will end up with its own army, with soldiers from each EU members, police force and football  team similarly.

Fortunately the UK referendum voters realised this and pulled out before it becomes a reality, but unfortunately citizens of countries still remaining in the EU think so but they have not had the chance to speak in a referendum.

Probably the one thing you can thank Cameron for.

The great sadness about all the this is that a looser affiliation of European countries could have achieved so much more together. We do have common aims and ambitions but also our differences. There is room for both but alas not under the aegis of the EU.

Oh dear. The much hackneyed "EU" army yet again! You do talk some bolox sometimes. There's an air of desperation creeping in here....

The NATO umbrella includes the military might of the US. Why eschew that with an mythical EU army?

All the UK referendum voters realised was that the Daily Mail, the Express, the Sun and the Telegraph spent years pushing the owner's agenda of " EU bad. Brexit good." Amazingly some folks still believe the rubbish they spouted about the totally false loss of sovereignty, the "undemocratic EU" even though they voted in MEPs, the "taking back control of our borders" even though we never lost control of them etc etc.

It's like dealing with permanently petulant children.

The only upside is that these gullible idiots will have to put up with the shitstorm they have created just like the rest of us who warned them time and again about the consequences of their stupid brexit...

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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

What mess?

Of course there are going to be inconveniences as the UK struggles to extricate itself from the mass of bureaucracy that it has been entangled in as a result of decades of being wedded to the EU super state project.

Would the English nation have celebrated the recent ladies football team success with such vim and vigour if it had been a European Union team winning the World Cup? I don’t think so.

A hah you may say there is no such EU football team men or women. Well not at the moment but the trajectory is such that the EU will end up with its own army, with soldiers from each EU members, police force and football  team similarly.

Fortunately the UK referendum voters realised this and pulled out before it becomes a reality, but unfortunately citizens of countries still remaining in the EU think so but they have not had the chance to speak in a referendum.

Probably the one thing you can thank Cameron for.

The great sadness about all the this is that a looser affiliation of European countries could have achieved so much more together. We do have common aims and ambitions but also our differences. There is room for both but alas not under the aegis of the EU.

You don't half spout some nonsense.

Do you just make things up to troll or do you actually sit and think through these things? If the latter it's terrifying.

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1 minute ago, Eris said:

What has racism got to do with this?

Are you aware of tone of both the comments of you and the person agreeing with you sound?

It was meant as a joke truthfully, as I love that GIF (if it's actually showing up - isn't on my current browser but was last night when I put it on at home). 

Let's take your point then. The 'economic migrants' (is that how you described them), how far back should the UK go? Are you suggesting they commit resource (that they don't have) to identifying where each person has come from and return them, if established they aren't genuine asylum seekers? This would require people to either be employed or deployed from somewhere else to do and the required workforce would be significant. Then there's the human angle of it too. 

Anyway I will let you answer the question rather than speculate as to what you might say. 

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3 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

Are you aware of tone of both the comments of you and the person agreeing with you sound?

It was meant as a joke truthfully, as I love that GIF (if it's actually showing up - isn't on my current browser but was last night when I put it on at home). 

Let's take your point then. The 'economic migrants' (is that how you described them), how far back should the UK go? Are you suggesting they commit resource (that they don't have) to identifying where each person has come from and return them, if established they aren't genuine asylum seekers? This would require people to either be employed or deployed from somewhere else to do and the required workforce would be significant. Then there's the human angle of it too. 

Anyway I will let you answer the question rather than speculate as to what you might say. 

700 "immigrants" crossed the channel in rubber boats two days ago.

This has nothing to do with race but it has everything to do with criminality.

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

It's really not as cut and dried as you're making it sound. 

In what way?  Surely people, millions of them, in a country illegally are not abiding by the laws of that country right from the get-go and are criminals by their very presence.

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13 minutes ago, Eris said:

700 "immigrants" crossed the channel in rubber boats two days ago.

This has nothing to do with race but it has everything to do with criminality.

Your 'send them back if we can establish where they came from no matter the circumstances' (which is what it sounds like) is a bit iffy sounding, certainly heading towards racism. 

I note you've not answered the question I ask. Worried you'll out yourself? 

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1 minute ago, Eris said:

In what way?  Surely people, millions of them, in a country illegally are not abiding by the laws of that country right from the get-go and are criminals by their very presence.

I think you'll find a number of them are entitled to be here, whether you agree with it or not. The laws may have changed since they were granted entry into the country but that doesn't give them any less right to be here. 

As I said, show how you would deal with it. 

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