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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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1 hour ago, Eris said:

Surely the fact that the UK government has NOT implemented full BREXIT is causing so many difficulties.  The terrible dependence on invisible exports by the UK together with profit opportunities for so many UK makers and shakers by continuing activities not in the interest of the UK general public has really muddied the waters.  The UK now desperately needs a General Election if only to cleanse the hives for a term.

Can you explain what you mean by full BREXIT, what exactly you want to see implemented  more or further? What difficulties you think that the alleged failure has caused. And how you think a GE will change anything?

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2 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

However speculative lies and nonsense from the Guardian are always welcome.😁

And then there's this:

The Guardian is most trusted by its readers among UK newspapers, finds Ofcom


Folks tend to read a newspaper that aligns with their prejudices. So it comes as no surprise at all that you're a fan of the right wing load of old nonsense that is The Telegraph.

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32 minutes ago, P.K. said:

And then there's this:

The Guardian is most trusted by its readers among UK newspapers, finds Ofcom


Folks tend to read a newspaper that aligns with their prejudices. So it comes as no surprise at all that you're a fan of the right wing load of old nonsense that is The Telegraph.

Except I’m not.

As I have explained previous I read the Telegraph online but also take the print version of the New Statesman which could not be more different in its politics. Reading both gives me a rounded view
To describe me as a “fan” of either is far from the truth.

I understand that you read the Guardian which aligns with your politics. Maybe you are a “fan”of that particular newspaper.?


Edited by The Voice of Reason
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46 minutes ago, P.K. said:

And then there's this:

The Guardian is most trusted by its readers among UK newspapers, finds Ofcom



Says the Guardian!

I think you’ll find that makes the Guardian readers the most gullible !😃

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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6 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Can you explain what you mean by full BREXIT, what exactly you want to see implemented  more or further? What difficulties you think that the alleged failure has caused. And how you think a GE will change anything?

100% total disassociation from the EU. Let's move to WTA trade and negotiate from that point always assuming the EU doesn't implode in the near future which is looking increasingly likely.  As for the need for  GE to be held, even though I'm a dyed in the wool Conservative I do not believe the UK presently has a Conservative government and actually has not had one for the last 20+ years with the present government worst of all.

The present government are not a government, instead they are a corrupt management team exploiting the wage earners.  Decisions are being made that are absolutely toxic for the majority of the population.

Would Labour be any better? In my opinion they couldn't be worse and a purge of Government Front Benches and the vast majority of Conservative MP's is desperately needed.

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4 minutes ago, Eris said:

100% total disassociation from the EU. Let's move to WTA trade and negotiate from that point

Really?  The UK economy is already heading for a recession and your idea is to implement WTA terms which would absolutely decimate the UKs trade with the EU.

5 minutes ago, Eris said:

always assuming the EU doesn't implode in the near future which is looking increasingly likely.

Is it?  People keep saying this and yet beyond some questionable regimes such as in Hungary no other nations are seriously considering leaving.  In fact there are more countries applying to become members.

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21 minutes ago, Eris said:

100% total disassociation from the EU. Let's move to WTA trade and negotiate from that point always assuming the EU doesn't implode in the near future which is looking increasingly likely.  As for the need for  GE to be held, even though I'm a dyed in the wool Conservative I do not believe the UK presently has a Conservative government and actually has not had one for the last 20+ years with the present government worst of all.

The present government are not a government, instead they are a corrupt management team exploiting the wage earners.  Decisions are being made that are absolutely toxic for the majority of the population.

Would Labour be any better? In my opinion they couldn't be worse and a purge of Government Front Benches and the vast majority of Conservative MP's is desperately needed.

So purely trade? And do you have any idea how much more bureaucracy, tariffs, and prohibitions that would introduce to hamper British industry and financial services than the current position?

So you want a scorched British industry policy?

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52 minutes ago, John Wright said:

So purely trade? And do you have any idea how much more bureaucracy, tariffs, and prohibitions that would introduce to hamper British industry and financial services than the current position?

So you want a scorched British industry policy?

For the return of sovereignty and independence to the UK any price is worth paying.

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Just now, Eris said:

For the return of sovereignty and independence to the UK any price is worth paying.

Really?  So the total destruction of the UK economy is worth it?

I though Brexit was all about opportunities and yet here you are talking about sacrificing anything and everything for the sake of so.e vague notion of sovereignty and independence? 

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6 minutes ago, Eris said:

For the return of sovereignty and independence to the UK any price is worth paying.

Yet independence was never lost, and some small areas of sovereignty were pooled, and for the most part sovereignty remained exclusive.

And of course, trade, on WTO rules, or Canada, or Norway2, or the sows ear we’ve actually got, involves a loss of sovereignty.

And unless there’s an unexpected rabbit to be pulled out of the proverbial hat then our manufacturers and agricultural producers and service providers will have to comply with the rules imposed by others, and into which, in our largest market, we no longer have a say.

Its already started with the AUS and NZ deals, where UK farmers are being sacrificed in the name of cheaper food, produced by standards not acceptable here.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

You can’t even read and comprehend. “Says Ofcom”

Yep I read it and comprehended it. There is no need to be so rude

The Guardian reported that Ofcom said that the print edition of the Guardian is most trusted by its readers amongst UK newspapers. But not apparently the news source provided by the online version, which fact conveniently does not appear in the headline.

So there is a little selectively and obfuscation going on here 

Never mind. That’s what happens. People are taken in.

As regards my comment re the gullibility of Guardian readers this is a classic example of confirmation bias which our friend PK has displayed in spades. They read it in blind faith and are blind to its flaws.

I used to take the Guardian for years until it stopped being serious. Shame really as it did make you think then, rather than telling you what to think ( I suppose that suits some, mentioning no names)

In the same way that my ex father in law thought that reading the Daily Mail made him a member of the intelligentsia, those that read the Guardian think it makes them somewhat superior, and that they are somewhat unique.



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27 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Yep I read it and comprehended it. There is no need to be so rude

The Guardian reported that Ofcom said that the print edition of the Guardian is most trusted by its readers amongst UK newspapers. But not apparently the news source provided by the online version, which fact conveniently does not appear in the headline.

So there is a little selectively and obfuscation going on here 

Never mind. That’s what happens. People are taken in.

As regards my comment re the gullibility of Guardian readers this is a classic example of confirmation bias which our friend PK has displayed in spades. They read it in blind faith and are blind to its flaws.

I used to take the Guardian for years until it stopped being serious. Shame really as it did make you think then, rather than telling you what to think ( I suppose that suits some, mentioning no names)

In the same way that my ex father in law thought that reading the Daily Mail made him a member of the intelligentsia, those that read the Guardian think it makes them somewhat superior, and that they are somewhat unique.



You really have a chip on your shoulder about Guardian readers and Remainers.

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