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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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7 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The problem is, when you’re a pariah, and outside everything, and you need the protection they bring.

What protection?  And there's a great deal more to becoming a pariah than being an isolationist. 

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14 minutes ago, John Wright said:

No, no, you link to your source. TikTok? That’s a reliable source? Albanians May be the organisers, the guys who take the money, find the boats, the wagons, but they aren’t the refugees. 

Perhaps I was wrong thinking about woody or pritti. Your prejudices are Rog, to a T.

Must try harder.  My opinions and values are mine alone.

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As is often the case with anything to do with Brexit, the ‘facts’ are the first casualty… ever since Brussels ‘correspondent’ BoJo began his production line of manufactured whoppers about non-existent EU ‘rules’ that purportedly caused the UK no end of undeserved hassles (who knows why he orignially conjured up his rubbish, perhaps he was jealous of some ‘fit Polish builders’ who were working on his conservatory at the time).                                                                                       

Indolent BoJo’s Government didn’t limit his porkies, they embraced them, e.g., they told their doting disciples that they had found ‘better’ migrants – hundreds of thousands of rich HK citizens who would bring with them bundles of cash as they fled the Chinese Communist Party (some Brexiteers were probably drooling at the prospect of elevated prices they could get for their ramshackle sheds from these monied ‘refugees’). Although some rich HK citizens have arrived, most of the rich HK citizens stayed put in HK. However, many HK people who managed to get to the UK are pro-democracy activists, who are not particularly wealthy, but are in need of quite a bit of assistance (financial and otherwise) from the UK Government, even though the BoJo Government has promised that the HK migrants would “not cost UK taxpayers a penny”.

Brexit’s devotees still point-blank refuse to acknowledge any of the ‘Brexit lies’. At a time when the NHS is historically stretched, for it is short of staff and cash, does anyone remember the biggest and boldest Brexit lie i.e., the one plastered on the side of buses, the one about the £300m per week going to the NHS? But the whole subject was quickly suppressed.

Edited by code99
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This has been brought to my attention purely for it's comedy value:

Staggering poll shows 94% of readers believe ‘we haven’t got the Brexit we voted for'

In a poll that ran from midday on Thursday, May 12, to 11am on Monday, May 16, Express.co.uk asked: “Has the Brexit we were promised been delivered?”

Overall, 4,273 people responded with the vast majority – 94 percent (4,013 people) – answering “no”, the Brexit we were promised has not been delivered.

Just five percent (222 people) said “yes” and one percent (38 people) said they did not know either way.


It would appear that Express readers are so stupid they can't figure out that "the Brexit we voted for" was not delivered because it exists solely in the imaginations of messrs Farage, Gove, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Francois etc etc and the Daily Express.

Oh the irony...

Edited by P.K.
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It appears cracks are appearing in the EU support for Ukraine as Russia squeezes gas supplies.

Re the proposed visa ban on Russian tourists Poland, Finland,Estonia and the Czech Republic amongst others are in favour, whereas Germany and the EU council are opposed.

This demonstrates precisely the folly of expecting 27 different nations to act in concert, where each ,due to economic and geographic concerns, have different interests.

Meanwhile the UK can now pursue its own agenda with regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine without having to consider what our European neighbours might think.

Exemplified by the UK Prime Minister visiting Kyiv on the anniversary of Ukrainian Independence Day. Didn’t see Macron and his EU buddies there.

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14 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

It appears cracks are appearing in the EU support for Ukraine as Russia squeezes gas supplies.

Re the proposed visa ban on Russian tourists Poland, Finland,Estonia and the Czech Republic amongst others are in favour, whereas Germany and the EU council are opposed.

This demonstrates precisely the folly of expecting 27 different nations to act in concert, where each ,due to economic and geographic concerns, have different interests.

Meanwhile the UK can now pursue its own agenda with regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine without having to consider what our European neighbours might think.

Exemplified by the UK Prime Minister visiting Kyiv on the anniversary of Ukrainian Independence Day. Didn’t see Macron and his EU buddies there.

Macron and his EU buddies have their countries to run. Totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Bozo Johnson doesn't give a shit about the country he is supposed to be running and instead went to the only place he thought he would be popular....

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