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Brexit Penny Dropping?


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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Excuse me but I also read the Guardian, what does that mean?

That a short article takes for ever as you slowly sound it out aloud, and still you don’t comprehend the content?

You say you have a degree. I’m not doubting you. Try as I might I’ve not been able to find the tertiary educational establishment that grants BA ( Hons ) Stupidity degrees.

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@The Voice of Reason

Have to say your last post made me smile. It reads:

Me - "It means you tell porkies!"

You - "Everyday online for free."

Don't we just know it...

I don't believe a word of it for two reasons:

Firstly when you started posting the stuff you cut and pasted was pretty much exclusively from behind the Telegraph paywall

Secondly the juxtaposition between the Guardian and the Telegraph is just so extreme that you reading both is about as likely as totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Bozo Johnson telling the truth to the Covid Inquiry...

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

@The Voice of Reason

Have to say your last post made me smile. It reads:

Me - "It means you tell porkies!"

You - "Everyday online for free."

Don't we just know it...

I don't believe a word of it for two reasons:

Firstly when you started posting the stuff you cut and pasted was pretty much exclusively from behind the Telegraph paywall

Secondly the juxtaposition between the Guardian and the Telegraph is just so extreme that you reading both is about as likely as totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar Bozo Johnson telling the truth to the Covid Inquiry...

Right I’m not sure why I have to explain myself to you, but.

I have a friend who takes the Telegraph online. With that he has the option to share his subscription with another person (possibly two) for free.

I am that person, so I get to read both the Guardian ( because they don’t charge) and the Telegraph for free.

You are right, they hold differing views but I would rather read contrasting views and make my own mind up, rather than just blindly following one source. 

Hope that clears things up for you.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
Minor adjustments
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Before you accuse me of making things up:

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Edited by The Voice of Reason
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3 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Right I’m not sure why I have to explain myself to you, but.

I have a friend who takes the Telegraph online. With that he has the option to share his subscription with another person (possibly two) for free.
I am that person, so I get to read both the Guardian ( because they don’t charge) and the Telegraph for free.

You are right, they hold differing views but I would rather read contrasting views and make my own mind up, rather than just blindly following one source. 

Hope that clears things up for you.

As soon as I read:

"I have a friend..."

I thought:

"Guilty as charged..."

No Guardian reader would ever be as right wing as you are. I mean, thinking "30p Lee" is an asset...?

No chance...

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5 minutes ago, P.K. said:

As soon as I read:

"I have a friend..."

I thought:

"Guilty as charged..."

No Guardian reader would ever be as right wing as you are. I mean, thinking "30p Lee" is an asset...?

No chance...

But I’m not right wing and I’ve never claimed 30p Lee is an asset.

When I lived across I was a card carrying member of the Labour Party and a prominent member of the local Fabian society ( one of their youngest members)

I have canvassed for the Labour Party and ( physically) marched alongside Scargill in the miners strike. In the constituency of which Lee Anderson is now an MP, and joined the Rock against Racism movement.

What have you done apart from read your precious Guardian and regurgitate what it says.

Many of those I marched with during the miners strike would have voted for Brexit.

Yes as I have got older I have grown up and  come to recognise that there are some decent  Tory’s as have others and that it why the Red Wall collapsed in the last election.

So you keep fighting the battles of the past, but don’t ever accuse me of being on the right just because I have a sense of balance.

You haven’t a fucking clue.


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On 2/20/2023 at 10:08 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

Watched a few clips featuring this Ashfield ex miner Tory MP. Ashfield is my neck of the woods where I grew up.

I would rather we had people like him in politics , like say Dennis Skinner, unfortunately not elected last time round,  on the other ( my) side who are not afraid to speak their mind.

It would be so much better than the now woke PC brigade which seem to predominate. It makes for much more healthier debate.

Lee Anderson makes for a much more healthier debate...?

Guardian reader? Yeah, right....

Don't bother...

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5 hours ago, Mr. Sausages said:


To use a Remainers argument.

The graph shows the result of people being fed a pack of lies. They don’t know what they are doing in this poll. They are stupid, ignorant dumb uneducated people surely?
The only poll that counts is the one in 2016 when the people of the UK voted to leave the EU

FFS just get over it.

Let the UK work with the EU on matters of mutual interest and with mutual  benefit without being in their pocket.


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