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Petrol and diesel RIP OFF


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1 hour ago, emesde said:

I came across e10 fuel about 4 years ago in a tiny filling station in N.Spain. Since then in all sorts of places around Europe. 

Are the garage petrol tanks really any different on IOM from everywhere else in Europe or is this just a myth to enable the government to be different and not stock this new grade of fuel. Surely if it is more eco friendly they should be supporting the change. 

Put simply if it was cost effective EVF and Manx Petroleum would already be doing it. I believe it’s the bulk storage that is the primary issue, but whilst the hardware on the surface is mostly new and shiny, the majority of these stations are still using their original storage tanks.

Eco friendly wise the Government only gets involved if it somehow benefits, for example UK garages require specialist drainage installed to ensure any fuel spillages are contained, IOM just fire it down the same drain as rain water.


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12 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

IOM just fire it down the same drain as rain water.


Not so sure about that, I was involved in the industry 30 odd years ago and our sites had to have intercepter drains around the exits so any spillages were contained to the site.


ETA but you're probably correct about some older locations.

Edited by finlo
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1 minute ago, finlo said:

Not so sure about that, I was involved in the industry 30 odd years ago and our sites had to have intercepter drains around the exits so any spillages were contained to the site.

Locally? Because I’ve got it on good authority that there is at least two sites that don’t have any additional drainage.

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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

It’s an absolute indictment that the Isle of Man Government yet again say one thing and do another. There’s either a climate emergency or there isn’t. That is either important or it’s not.

Well they stopped monitoring pollution/air quality for a reason, they were a million miles away from their targets, you’d think with the introduction of electric/hybrid vehicles this is something they’d revisit. There is a good chance levels have dropped since the last testing in 08/09, but they still won’t be within the desired range, particularly at peak times.

The Governments climate strategy is dependant on the public to be responsible, they have no interest in actually enforcing anything, it’s only if someone starts up a petition and makes a lot of noise that anything seems to be done, they will never lead the way with change.

When was the last time for example you saw a big fine or prohibition notice for companies burning plastics (or even tyres!) on a bonfire? I know of several companies who used to dispose of their waste this way regularly, one was in a prominent position close to the NSC track, nothing was ever done.


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2 hours ago, Banker said:

It’s the same as the crap infrastructure for electric vehicles, very limited charging points . The costs of buying an EV are prohibitive & then you’ve got to pay c£1k for the charging point if you’ve got a suitable property 

As petrol and diesel cars are gradually phased out over the next couple of decades, much better public transport will be the best solution for people who do not have off street parking (either a driveway or a paid space).

Edited by pongo
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On 9/6/2021 at 9:57 AM, Banker said:

It’s the same as the crap infrastructure for electric vehicles, very limited charging points . The costs of buying an EV are prohibitive & then you’ve got to pay c£1k for the charging point if you’ve got a suitable property 

I hope government stops putting in free charge points. Why should we pay for rich people to top up their cars? Only rich people can afford EVs. They can also afford to pay to top them up! 

Besides, it is not the future. Hydrogen fuel cells probably is. 

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3 hours ago, Cambon said:

I hope government stops putting in free charge points. Why should we pay for rich people to top up their cars? Only rich people can afford EVs. They can also afford to pay to top them up! 

Besides, it is not the future. Hydrogen fuel cells probably is. 

I thought they were charging for charging now

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