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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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2 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Speaking of potholes.  The DOI seem to be using creative language here 521 jobs cleared in 24 hours.  Have 521 potholes been filled in?  Or have jobs been cleared off one system and into a work log somewhere?


Have the DOI newly employed a battalion of workers to fill in the potholes? 

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21 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Speaking of potholes.  The DOI seem to be using creative language here 521 jobs cleared in 24 hours.  Have 521 potholes been filled in?  Or have jobs been cleared off one system and into a work log somewhere?


Well, the Chief Minister has stated that they can't be trusted, so what do people think?

If you could fill potholes with spin, every road on the Island would be like a billiard table.

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8 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Speaking of potholes.  The DOI seem to be using creative language here 521 jobs cleared in 24 hours.  Have 521 potholes been filled in?  Or have jobs been cleared off one system and into a work log somewhere?


The figures are the total for six months (183 days) so the 821 reports are only 4.5 a day and at the end of that period 172 (21%) hadn't been fixed.  But I'm not sure how they handle duplicate reports, so those 821 reports may represent many fewer problems than that.

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13 minutes ago, asitis said:

Meanwhile this intellectual colossus wades in with this he doesn't grasp the concept of the magic money tree not being real ! An utter TOOL !


He can only ever look back. History this. Heritage that. Old stuff museum the other. 

If MNH can't fund itself then it needs to make some cuts to its portfolio of mediocre 'attractions'. 

The government are having to offer financial incentives to get people to work in the hotel industry. We lose £8.5m plus on railways, lose £5m on MNH... what exactly is the point of propping up this so called industry? Where's the net gain and benefit?

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35 minutes ago, asitis said:

Meanwhile this intellectual colossus wades in with this he doesn't grasp the concept of the magic money tree not being real ! An utter TOOL !


He was bound to add his two pennerth, as now everyone else are adding their views. What I would also add that you don’t have to spend mega money, to keep things tidy. Basic maintenance prevents total erosion and then it becoming a major replacement. I would like to see IOMG being canny, creative and getting more for less, with their resources. Unfortunately IOMG doesn’t understand this concept, and likes to waste money and resources, instead of keeping things basic and simple, concentrate on the essentials.

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59 minutes ago, asitis said:

Meanwhile this intellectual colossus wades in with this he doesn't grasp the concept of the magic money tree not being real ! An utter TOOL !


The man who gave us the DOI.

And every other aspect of whose "money saving" reshuffle has since had to be undone.

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30 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

The silence from our MHK's is deafening. Paging Rob Callister and Chris Thomas...

You might get a response from Chris Thomas with Douglas being his constituency. However you’ll probably get nothing out of Rob Callister who is clearly still fantasizing about all the rusty railings and broken fixtures the 500,000 tourists in his tourist strategy will be queuing up to see. 

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51 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

The silence from our MHK's is deafening. Paging Rob Callister and Chris Thomas...

Given the number of views (which will undoubtedly include many from off-island) I'd be very surprised if Govt Communications hasn't had a firework lit under its rectum and isn't now working to come up with some sort of "point-by-point rebuttal"....again....

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