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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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3 hours ago, Barlow said:

The Courier, 24th December 2021, Christmas Eve, just popped through the door.

Page 7: Cabbie assault. Near the Gaiety Theatre on Douglas Promenade. about 3:45am on Saturday.

The bewitching hour in Douglas. Where could the assaultee have been? Well, anywhere I suppose.

Page 9: "Man who wounded victim outside pub is to be sentenced at higher court".
This one happened in November was at 3am outside Jaks pub on Loch Promenade. 

If people can't do whatever it is they need to do on a night out by 1am, then they need to take a look at themselves. This is a message that the licensing authority needs to consider.

Or is early morning /late night loud mouthed violent druggies and drunks what is euphemistically termed as  'vibrant' these days.

I’m sure our Politicos will tell us that our late night hospitality trade is thriving, contributing mega money into the economy (which it does) and provides employment to many. The downside is what is reported in the Examiner/Manx Independent/Courier Court report page. What’s worse, if an offender is found guilty and they are fined, the chances are it’s £10 a week deducted from their benefits. 

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4 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The downside is what is reported in the Examiner/Manx Independent/Courier Court report page.

Not really, the sort of low-level stuff that gets reported in the Manx papers wouldn't even get a mention in any local paper across. Nobody would even bat an eyelid. And not even just in the big cities, one of the lairiest places I've been out is Skipton.

Anyone who thinks Douglas is bad has led a very sheltered life.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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9 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Not really, the sort of low-level stuff that gets reported in the Manx papers wouldn't even get a mention in any local paper across. Nobody would even bat an eyelid. And not even just in the big cities, one of the lairiest places I've been out is Skipton.

Anyone who thinks Douglas is bad has led a very sheltered life.

Skippy? There’s a surprise. 

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18 minutes ago, Paulos The Great said:

Many people aspire to the point we’re all in Demolition Man. Douglas isn’t that bad when you compare it to some nights I’ve had in areas of Liverpool, Manchester or Leeds where it’s often total carnage after midnight. 

You missed out Ramsey 😂

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8 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

You missed out Ramsey 😂

we should not tolerate  drunken  drug fuelled  ,abusive or violent behaviour,  this isn't city centre  UK the Isle of Man should have standards , cross the line and expect to dealt  with  a fairly serious manner , sadly the islands media are too lazy to attend the courts  these days and the newspapers and radios main concern is advertising revenue , and not news stories

the isle of man is still a safe place to live , and long may it continue !


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I transferred in 1998 having directly policed one of the UK’s biggest night time economies as the Sgt of the Licensing unit at Blackpool. I’d say that pro rata, Douglas was as bad, although at Blackpool we had put in place a broad range of measures that had reduced calls to licensed premises by some 35%.

Many of these measures would have improved things in Douglas, but there was, unsurprisingly little appetite for change - a bit like Road Safety. The licensing unit which was formed around 2001 did some sterling work under the leadership of Ken Kneale, but it was an up and down ride from there. 

In reality, things aren’t that bad, but there is still a significant issue with public drunkenness. In my time in Ramsey, we made some inroads to this by prosecuting this at the lowest level. The word got round that there was a line in the sand, and things got a bit better.

overall though the IOM is pretty good. A public health approach to alcohol consumption is the only way the world will ever change.

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5 minutes ago, MadAsHell said:


If you walked up Parliament St at kicking out time there'd be 3 or 4 fights going on within 100 yards. 

Edited by Non-Believer
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14 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I remember Jimmy and Jill from the Traf in Ramsey retiring a few years back and saying that when they started, Ramsey was like the Wild West..  😂

I remember taking a girl out on a date to Ramsey, there was a fight in every single pub. In one of them, pool balls were being thrown like hand grenades. Another time we went to see Black Mass at the swimming pool, we ended up being chased out of town, quite literally! 

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19 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

Not really, the sort of low-level stuff that gets reported in the Manx papers wouldn't even get a mention in any local paper across. Nobody would even bat an eyelid. And not even just in the big cities, one of the lairiest places I've been out is Skipton.

Anyone who thinks Douglas is bad has led a very sheltered life.

Most of it would ever even get investigated in most of the rest of the world, never mind get to court and then be reported on.

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19 hours ago, 2112 said:

I’m sure our Politicos will tell us that our late night hospitality trade is thriving, contributing mega money into the economy (which it does) and provides employment to many. The downside is what is reported in the Examiner/Manx Independent/Courier Court report page. What’s worse, if an offender is found guilty and they are fined, the chances are it’s £10 a week deducted from their benefits. 

Hardly Mr Current Affairs are you?

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