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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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1 hour ago, AOR said:

No I don't.

We have lived here for over a quarter of a century. It's been fine. Its a town with all the benefits that brings. It's only the past 2 or 3 years or so there has been a relentless onslaught of drunks loud-mouthing it up the street on the way home at 4am or so in the morning. It has always happened since time immemorial and we all accept that, but these days it is just about guaranteed every Saturday and Sunday. 

How you can somehow attempt to justify such rowdiness in the way you have is shameful.

Shameful? Get a grip. 


It's people being a bit loud after a night out. Don't like it move.

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Drunks/druggies being drunk and druggied with complete disregard for people not unreasonably expecting a bit of peace and to be able to sleep.

A bit loud? Needlessly loud and shouting, booting bins etc is hardly a bit loud.

I would advise any tourists to steer clear of hotels on Loch Promenade if they expect a night's sleep. In fact I would suggest any tourists keep away from Douglas altogether. Unless of course they are drunks/druggies too.

That you thommo?

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

This place is adding nicely to the air of general dereliction and terminal decline. 


The ground floor/s is designated retail the upper floors residential. This will hamper the development of Villiers Square as an entertainment site, for which I think it would be quite good.

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

This place is adding nicely to the air of general dereliction and terminal decline. 


Looks a bit like Pripyat now, that city they abandoned adjacent to Chernobyl...now a study in how nature takes over what humans have abandoned.

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42 minutes ago, Max Power said:

As if on cue, a whole video by Charles Guard of interesting sites to ponder, well done to him for being so honest and wake up DTC and IoMG...


Excellent film - should be required viewing for every MHK and Douglas councillor

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1 hour ago, kevster said:

Excellent film - should be required viewing for every MHK and Douglas councillor

full marks to Charles for his honesty and attention to detail  some of our so called leaders should be ashamed of themselves when you think under their watch ,many millions have been  foolishly squandered , on pet schemes  and nice to haves , whilst the real beauty and value of the island has been left to rot , 

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Great film from Charles Guard.  I've not been back to the island for over ten years and didn't quite realise how bad* things were.

There's no point in spending £70 million (if that's all it ends up as!) in Liverpool and another £70 mill or whatever on a new ferry as no-one will want to go there.  (Well they might go once but they won't go again!)

500,000 visitors a year is pie in the sky wishful thinking.

I live only 20 miles from a fairly run-down seaside "resort" town.  I've been there a couple of times in the last two weeks for a pre-op assessment and a hernia repair at the local hospital.  It looks 100 times better than Douglas and even had a noticeable number of holiday-makers at this time of year.


*eg on the prom walkway they used to have those repeating octagonal(?) red or pink patterns inset into the tarmac surface.  Now they seem to have been half dug-up, and the dug-up bit replaced with fresh black tarmac with no attempt to reinstate the pattern?  I accept it was no great piece of design or artwork, but I remember it as a distinctive part of the prom.

Absolutely hopeless...

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41 minutes ago, Ghost Ship said:

Great film from Charles Guard.  I've not been back to the island for over ten years and didn't quite realise how bad* things were.

There's no point in spending £70 million (if that's all it ends up as!) in Liverpool and another £70 mill or whatever on a new ferry as no-one will want to go there.  (Well they might go once but they won't go again!)

500,000 visitors a year is pie in the sky wishful thinking.

I live only 20 miles from a fairly run-down seaside "resort" town.  I've been there a couple of times in the last two weeks for a pre-op assessment and a hernia repair at the local hospital.  It looks 100 times better than Douglas and even had a noticeable number of holiday-makers at this time of year.


*eg on the prom walkway they used to have those repeating octagonal(?) red or pink patterns inset into the tarmac surface.  Now they seem to have been half dug-up, and the dug-up bit replaced with fresh black tarmac with no attempt to reinstate the pattern?  I accept it was no great piece of design or artwork, but I remember it as a distinctive part of the prom.

Absolutely hopeless...

Just a disgrace. I've also not been over for 10 or 11 years; it'll be a while before I return.

Edited by GD4ELI
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