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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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2 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The amount of outraged comments on the stories over facebook got me thinking, if people really cared that much why don't they get a group together like beach buddies and go out and paint the railings? 

Because, as already mentioned,the Council/DoI would be quite likely to try to prosecute anyone who intervened in that way for 'damaging their property' or some similar nonsense.  But there's another reason in that particular case in that painting the railings is probably too late now. 

As Guard's video shows, it's because they haven't been regularly repaired and painted that they are now in such a state.  Though he also hints[1] that some of the more recent purchases may have been not robust enough for the conditions anyway.  Of course to the 'regeneration' crowd this exactly what they want.  Instead of doing something solid and it lasting for fifty years you get something that looks OK for five years and dreadful for 15 after which the whole process starts again.  But it's much better for the contractors and the managers - after all who needs an Assistant Chief Officer (Regeneration) if the place doesn't look like a shitheap.

Incidentally the same reason is why volunteer intervention isn't helpful in the long run.  It's also a big one-off gesture rather than the slow grind of careful professional maintenance done year after year, even when it doesn't look as if something needs doing. 


[1]  The whole video is actually far too polite.  For example the new tramshed was unnecessary, but certain people were determined to build a new one and when Douglas Councillors refused to pay up, the trams got taken over by DoI so they could spend the money instead.  Similarly I think the new paving visually jarring and difficult to maintain (not that they will even try).  But I suppose that's Charles's way and he thinks that by being nice about parts of what has been done, he hopes that those who oversaw such things will not be completely alienated and may actually change their ways.  This may be optimistic. 

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A tragedy. Very , very sad. We all know so many places that still take a pride in their towns. Have locals become oblivious to this? Enough money for the prom renewal, which many didn’t want, but no funds, or no desire to ensure maintenance and upkeep? Thank you, Charles Guard. It needed to be said.

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3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The amount of outraged comments on the stories over facebook got me thinking, if people really cared that much why don't they get a group together like beach buddies and go out and paint the railings? 

The authority would come up with negatives such as health and safety or wrong paint or other excuses so as not to be shown up.

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On 9/10/2021 at 2:55 PM, GD4ELI said:

You've got to be proactive, the market will not sort it out. The 'market' will move out of the town centre leaving behind what you're seeing today. Leave it too long and the buildings will not be usable, I've seen that with some in Parliament street.

Sadly true.

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3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The amount of outraged comments on the stories over facebook got me thinking, if people really cared that much why don't they get a group together like beach buddies and go out and paint the railings? 

What they also need to do is stop all the “outraged” Douglas Councillors on social media who are happy to blame the DOI to offset much of their own uselessness rather than doing something like organizing tidy up events. I see one has turned himself into the “Cone-Finder General” on Twitter walking round town taking pictures of discarded cones like some sort of demented lunatic. While another is constantly starting public fights with the DOI over social housing. They obviously have bugger all to do at Town Hall if they can spend all day on social media blaming the DOI for the fact that Douglas is a dump. 

Edited by Bandits
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@Roger Mexico As usual, a spot-on post...

3 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The amount of outraged comments on the stories over facebook got me thinking, if people really cared that much why don't they get a group together like beach buddies and go out and paint the railings? 

Jesus H @thommo2010 Ok, so while we're at it with the stripping, the primer and Hammerite let's all get together and fill in the pot-holes in our roads, while we're doing that we could re-instate the markings that have been removed and not repainted. After that we could spend our leisure time clearing the footpaths, the glens, etc. I'm sure we, this citizen workforce that you're suggesting, could apply our skills to managing the sad state of the trees and verges, maybe don some waders and, spades-in-hand, dredge our rivers and clear the banks.

While we're having a well-earned tea-break break from this conscience-labour we could ask ourselves what the fuck we're paying our rates for. 

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4 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The amount of outraged comments on the stories over facebook got me thinking, if people really cared that much why don't they get a group together like beach buddies and go out and paint the railings? 

Because we're already paying a fortune in taxes and charges to have it done?

The issue is that those who used to do it have retired or been paid off and been replaced by reams of mates and toadies with fat arses flying desks and dreaming up pointless schemes (again at our expense) to justify their lucrative terms and conditions. Like the cock-noshers who think they're going to bring 500k visitors a year to see the Island in this state.

Governance of this Island took a wrong turn a few years back. It will take years to get back on top of it unfortunately.

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20 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But that's part of the problem.  Because if things aren't maintained properly, we allow those running them to spend vast amounts on capital projects to replace them.  So if you say "it needs taken away" if a facility has been allowed to deteriorate, then they are encouraged to let stuff fall to pieces (at least as far as some tame professional will claim it is 'beyond repair').  So they're actually rewarded for lack of maintenance by being allowed to indulge their fantasies to 'fix' the problem they have created.

That's exactly what's happening at the airport and sea terminal and why I started the thread with photos about lack of maintenance at key PUBLIC assets. 

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Rather than open a new thread, I saw an article on IOM Newspaper website, there is a conference this week of the British and Irish Trading Alliance, which is made up of trading bodies, Chamber of Commerce etc. They are having networking events and golf tournaments etc, an audience with El Presidente, the presence of CM Cannan and Allinson in attendance, along with Sir John putting in an appearance. 

Surely those coming to the island will get the measure of the place, you can’t keep the delegates, under strict North Korea style, they are bound to see the Capital. Also they are bound to see the airport, and experience the ‘security’ when they go home on Friday. The Airport and Sea Terminal are the shop window and first impressions. Not a good impression to show delegates, especially when you are creeping to get these delegates to potentially open a presence on the island.


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4 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The amount of outraged comments on the stories over facebook got me thinking, if people really cared that much why don't they get a group together like beach buddies and go out and paint the railings? 

Your idea sounds ideal in theory but sadly won’t work in practice. With BB they collect litter and recycling etc. Unfortunately with painting railings you will have to deal with Douglas Corpy, DOI, IOMG. On top of that Health and Safety will come into play. Lots of Red Tape, and I’m sure Painting and Decorating Contractors will be up in arms, at the loss of potential business. 

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3 hours ago, Max Power said:

A guy complained about the state of the steel posts at Rosemount opposite Prospect Terrace for ages. Eventually he painted them himself, in the correct Douglas 2000 blue. All he got for his trouble was a summons!

I got a similar warning for filling in a pot hole that due to parked cars I couldn’t avoid, rather than wait for the shock to come through the top mount I bought one of the temporary pot hole repair tubs, exactly what they use as I was sick of waiting for it to be repaired. What they want people to do is report it, wait for damage to your car to occur while you’re waiting for them to turn up and send them the repair bill instead.

Nothing ever came of it though, they don’t like you cleaning their gulleys or drains out either.

Edited by Annoymouse
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Charles Guard has presented his case in the form of an expertly crafted video with  a calm but firm commentary.

What he is illustrating  is a lack of interest and enthusiasm in maintaining things; casual banal carelessness; a lack of civic pride.

It is obvious, of course, but in presenting it in this way,I think the message will be  very effectively carried.


Edited by hampsterkahn
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1 minute ago, hampsterkahn said:

Charles Guard has presented his case in the form of an expertly crafted video with  a calm but firm commentary.

What he is illustrating  is a lack of interest and enthusiasm in maintaining things; casual banal carelessness; a lack of civic pride.

It is obvious, of course, but in presenting it in this way it will, I think the message be  very effectively carried.


100% agree. He is to be congratulated, that a respected author/journalist/historian has recorded what many of us see and comment on day-to-day is probably an indicator of how long the slide has been going on and the level it has reached.

Let this be a watershed moment for our preening politicians and their self-serving lackeys to realise that the population does see things and want things addressed, and properly at that. Not what they're told to see and want by our unelected mandarins.

Come 4pm and the Govt shills will be on these boards ....

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