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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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16 minutes ago, Chris Thomas said:

What lofty ambitions and grandiose schemes do I have?

How do you not know in which constituency Marine Drive is? Not knowing that seems contradictory to your normal posting style of "often wrong, but never in doubt". :)

"Welcome to Braddan"

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35 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

This +1 .. I can never understand how they walk and drive the same roads as us low life public do but clearly they can drive with their eyes closed . Tbh I've said it before but surely the role of CM is someone to keep a eye on his departments and kick ass and make adjustments so we all get an acceptable service from those same Depts . Quayle was usless and looks like Cannan is no better. Or, is it just a case that they are all up the creek without a paddle without CS baby sitting our elected and they back off accordingly . Lets face it most haven't a clue about the areas they are minister's in. Most of the issues shown up in CG's video , which was excellent by the way , are just general house keeping types of problems but then you see the total failure of dealing with those issues while at the same time new projects popping up seemingly daily. All very sad !!.  

PS is it any surprise that all the MHK's are missing in action and lying low .  

One of the biggest problems we have and not just on the Island is the amount of useless civil servants controlling our MHKs. We voted them in, in the vain hope they would work for the good of the Island. If that means throwing countless CS out the door then get on with it. They are useless, unaccountable and living the good life on the backs of those paying into the government coffers. For heavens' sake, let's just see some bloody improvements.

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Charles Guard also focused on the ‘town square’, which has been neglected and is a derelict piece of urban squalor, which shouldn’t be like it is. Douglas Corpy should have taken action, with the site being at the the shop window, near the Sea Terminal, which people see coming off the boat. Perhaps it’s time that the owners of the site, devote some of their resources towards tidying up the site, after the TT. Maybe the constituency MHKs may wish to get involved, especially now it has been brought to the publics attention. Hopefully Chris Thomas in his role as Chairman of the Housing and Communities, having hopefully have seen Charles Guards excellent and well observed visual critique. Perhaps Chris Thomas could use his influence towards addressing some of the issues raised. 


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11 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Charles Guard also focused on the ‘town square’, which has been neglected and is a derelict piece of urban squalor, which shouldn’t be like it is. Douglas Corpy should have taken action, with the site being at the the shop window, near the Sea Terminal, which people see coming off the boat. Perhaps it’s time that the owners of the site, devote some of their resources towards tidying up the site, after the TT. Maybe the constituency MHKs may wish to get involved, especially now it has been brought to the publics attention. Hopefully Chris Thomas in his role as Chairman of the Housing and Communities, having hopefully have seen Charles Guards excellent and well observed visual critique. Perhaps Chris Thomas could use his influence towards addressing some of the issues raised. 


That site is currently getting sorted out at 1886's expense for their big TT site. All been scrapped and cleared and new hardcore put down with blinding to go in when dry and compacting it down. Looks good inside now or as best you can make it .

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Hopefully once it’s been used, suitable hoardings will erected so the site isn’t visible. Hopefully the owners of the site are actually going to redevelop the site, rather than it being a derelict empty site. Talking of derelict sites, perhaps IOMG could deal with the eyesore of the former Summerland site. Maybe, Chris Thomas and the Manx Development Corporation could come up with some concrete plans, to redevelop, or at least improve the appearance of the site. After all CM Cannan says we are going to have a bumper summer. 

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56 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

That video is a damning indictment of David Christian. Basically the entire time of his leadership nothing got done. 

Not just David Christian, but Douglas MHKs, and IOMG as a whole. Former and current Ministers, and serving Douglas MHKs should be squirming. After all, years of being in office and this squalor is their legacy. 

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Charles Guards video is just him throwing the toys out of his pram as Government won't waste another £5m on his beloved horse trams.

While the railings and walls need replacing, the heritage shite can be done away with. Who cares if Laxey Wheel looks shabby? Let it collapse. It serves no purpose. He's trying to present if as some kind of critically important national infrastructure when it's just a bag of shite.

Spend the money on the roads and vital infrastructure. 

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14 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

Have you ever heard of preventative maintenance?  It would probably have cost less than letting the wheel become neglected and needing a complete overhaul and the same will apply for the railings etc.  The added benefit being that a little bit of disruption at the start of each spring is better than a months long programme and you don’t have things looking like crap for years in between.

I feel that is the point he was trying to make and it went straight over your head.

A stitch in time saves nine, as my granny would have said.

If you take it at face value then yes that's the only reason. 


But Guard has other reasons for attacking Government and it's because of the horse trams and his heritage fetish.

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47 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

If you take it at face value then yes that's the only reason. 


But Guard has other reasons for attacking Government and it's because of the horse trams and his heritage fetish.

There may be an element of what your saying as being correct, but looking at the bigger overall picture, horse trams or no horse trams, he hit the nail on the head with his comments. 

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2 hours ago, Passing Time said:

One of the biggest problems we have and not just on the Island is the amount of useless civil servants controlling our MHKs. We voted them in, in the vain hope they would work for the good of the Island. If that means throwing countless CS out the door then get on with it. They are useless, unaccountable and living the good life on the backs of those paying into the government coffers. For heavens' sake, let's just see some bloody improvements.

Perhaps it's time to extract their "shepherd", the good Mr Greenhow, from his lofty, glinting tower, show him the video, take him on a walk around to see the reality and say "This is where your Flock have taken us - now what are you going to do about it and them?"

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1 hour ago, 0bserver said:

If you take it at face value then yes that's the only reason. 


But Guard has other reasons for attacking Government and it's because of the horse trams and his heritage fetish.

Is he right? Or is he right? Frankly Douglas is a disgrace. Maintenance is the answer. He mentions how things were regularly maintained decades ago. I can remember this too. Shopkeepers were also proud of the appearance of their shops. I can recall, in Ramsey, how shopkeepers were out swilling down pavements and polishing brass finger plates in the morning. No one seems to take a pride in things anymore. But other places do. You can’t entice companies here when the ambience for their employees is simply unacceptable.

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2 hours ago, 0bserver said:

Charles Guards video is just him throwing the toys out of his pram as Government won't waste another £5m on his beloved horse trams.

While the railings and walls need replacing, the heritage shite can be done away with. Who cares if Laxey Wheel looks shabby? Let it collapse. It serves no purpose. He's trying to present if as some kind of critically important national infrastructure when it's just a bag of shite.

Spend the money on the roads and vital infrastructure. 

Are you for real, Laxey Wheel is unique, you must be trolling

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This is about neglect.

Willful neglect.

This is not about money or where resources could be better spent (there are always deserving causes to be cited -but it is never an either or - they will never be alternative recipients).

 It is about something fundamental -essentially  an  attitude of mind.

The “broken window theory “  is real.If standards of general maintenance in a community  decline, the mores of a society slide, people lose respect for where they live and  then for each other; aspirations fail.The place becomes an increasingly unattractive place to live and frequent (and we at the very least need people to visit )In a predictable  sequence,  crime rises.

Maintenance , even at a personal level  like cleaning our teeth, washing now and again and brushing our shoes and straightening your clothes isn’t very exciting - but it helps one get by in life.

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