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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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9 hours ago, AOR said:

I'm surprised. Stan had run pubs all his life in UK prior to taking the job at the college.

I had some limited dealings with Stan and he could come across as being awkward sometimes. Probably got out of bed the wrong side that day!

Edited by Andy Onchan
Much more betterer Gramma.
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5 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Yes, it was OK because it was a joke (we still have those, right?). A play on the KFC strapline. Who was it insensitive to, the people prepared to sit in their cars in a ridiculously long queue? Throwaway comment, unworthy of another witch trial. I'm with Ricky Gervais on having a laugh. I don't go out to offend people (except the usual suspects on here and Facebook) but some would take offence (often by proxy) at absolutely anything I say, so zero given.

I cannot find a single definition of ‘window locker’ that doors not describe the term as an offensive reference to a person with severe mental and / or physical disability. It is a disgusting relic of a less enlightened age, and to fail to recognise that fact tells us clearly how to estimate the poster.


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20 minutes ago, manxman34 said:

I cannot find a single definition of ‘window locker’ that doors not describe the term as an offensive reference to a person with severe mental and / or physical disability. It is a disgusting relic of a less enlightened age, and to fail to recognise that fact tells us clearly how to estimate the poster.


i'm guessing your tongue froze to the glass in winter then ??

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5 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Yes, it was OK because it was a joke (we still have those, right?). A play on the KFC strapline. Who was it insensitive to, the people prepared to sit in their cars in a ridiculously long queue? Throwaway comment, unworthy of another witch trial. I'm with Ricky Gervais on having a laugh. I don't go out to offend people (except the usual suspects on here and Facebook) but some would take offence (often by proxy) at absolutely anything I say, so zero given.

Just to follow up. It's not OK. You're now an elected representative, not a comedian. Comedians are funny. I realise your chosen comedic persona here is a hybrid of Alan Partridge and a hospital-radio presenter who thinks they're Clarkson, and you think you can say anything without consequence because you've jumped on the bandwagon that anyone who calls you out on the shit you comment is "trying to cancel you", but you do so often get it so wrong and end up going all Savile-ish instead.

I'm sure you're not that naive that you don't know that "Window Licking" is mocking the disabled. It's not cancel culture or taking offence by proxy to point that out. I'm not interested in a ridiculous witch-trial, and If you were just a retired small-town local radio DJ this might be sad but expectable, but as an elected representative, the onus is on you to punch up, not down. Do better. Lecture over.

Edited by The Bastard
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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Yes, it was OK because it was a joke (we still have those, right?). A play on the KFC strapline. Who was it insensitive to, the people prepared to sit in their cars in a ridiculously long queue? Throwaway comment, unworthy of another witch trial. I'm with Ricky Gervais on having a laugh. I don't go out to offend people (except the usual suspects on here and Facebook) but some would take offence (often by proxy) at absolutely anything I say, so zero given.

Keep digging. It'll be deep enough soon.

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7 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

I had some limited dealings with Stan and he could come across as being awkward sometimes. Probably got out of bed the wrong side that day!

Best to catch Stan in a more amenable mood. The Manor on a Friday after work for example.

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17 hours ago, Roxanne said:

I used to live on the prom. I was frequently woken up. I suggest earplugs that drummers use. It’s an easier solution than trying to change society at this stage. 

You make a pragmatic point and I appreciate the grounding.

This is not a society changer, not really. So-called common sense surely?

But when I think about it, I would be going against the tide and these things tend to progress on a ratchet (11pm weekend blanket closing to.....midnight.....12:30am.....1:30am.....03:30am).

Could I persuade a majority of Tynwald to see my point? 

Hmmm, actually, probably not, the majority of them live in middle-class suburban bliss. Even my former Douglas East MHK lived out in the country in his ivory tower, neighbour to Howard Quayle, the AG (RIP and all that) and a few others, in the dormitory town of Crosby. Even the usually empathetic Kate Beecroft lived at the end of their road.


Ah bollocks to it.

Where do I get some of those drummers earplugs (although the BB gun idea sounds more fun).




Edited by AOR
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23 hours ago, John Wright said:

I did the Catering College training restaurant  renewal as well. Stan, the head of department was impossible. 


12 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

I had some limited dealings with Stan and he could come across as being awkward sometimes. Probably got out of bed the wrong side that day!

Interestingly and coincidentally, Stan's widow has recently published a book "I Never Wanted A Pub" and there was an interview with Celia on Manx Radio this evening Shiaght Laa (go to 27 mins for the Stan part).

She mentions Stan taking on the job of teaching catering students at the college and how there was a licensed premises at the college for food and drink.

I think if Stan knew of some of the slack arsedness that goes on in our pubs these days he'd be spinning in his grave. For example, I've seen bar staff scratching herpes on their face and then holding a glass high near the brim when pouring, rather than hold the glass low near the base. Oh, and in all her years Celia said she only heard the 'f' word twice and that was from people who didn't know she was present and who apologized profusely. These days even the pub managers can throw in a couple of 'fuckin this' fuckin that' in each and every sentence.

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1 hour ago, AOR said:


Interestingly and coincidentally, Stan's widow has recently published a book "I Never Wanted A Pub" and there was an interview with Celia on Manx Radio this evening Shiaght Laa (go to 27 mins for the Stan part).

She mentions Stan taking on the job of teaching catering students at the college and how there was a licensed premises at the college for food and drink.

I think if Stan knew of some of the slack arsedness that goes on in our pubs these days he'd be spinning in his grave. For example, I've seen bar staff scratching herpes on their face and then holding a glass high near the brim when pouring, rather than hold the glass low near the base. Oh, and in all her years Celia said she only heard the 'f' word twice and that was from people who didn't know she was present and who apologized profusely. These days even the pub managers can throw in a couple of 'fuckin this' fuckin that' in each and every sentence.

I knew Stan well was a frequent visitor to the Brewery Sample room with his mate Bernie who also lectured at the College

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On 6/23/2022 at 8:22 AM, The Bastard said:

I'm sure you're not that naive that you don't know that "Window Licking" is mocking the disabled. 

Well I’ve heard the term before but never really knew what it meant.

I never really gave it much thought but had some vague notion that it referred to a particular unpleasant trait or characteristic. Like say ( “rubbernecking” at the scene of an accident.)

You live and learn

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well I’ve heard the term before but never really knew what it meant.

I never really gave it much thought but had some vague notion that it referred to a particular unpleasant trait or characteristic. Like say ( “rubbernecking” at the scene of an accident.)

You live and learn

Me too! You and I must have lived very, very sheltered lives (which I haven't). I'd never heard/read it before now.

Every day, it is said, is a school day.

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I worked for a NHS trust providing a learning disabilities service and I've never heard the term either.  I didn't know what it meant* until I looked it up.  I think it's an example of one of those terms where it's wrongly assumed that everybody is familiar with it. 

*I'm still not entirely sure what it means.  The Guardian article linked to seems to refer only to people with disabilities but other online definitions seem to suggest it refers specifically to people with learning disabilities.

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