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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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It's one of these collective punishment things. They sent out letters to residents telling them not to allow their dogs to foul the streets a few weeks back, as if somehow they didn't know that letting your dog crap on someone's doorstep was a bad thing, and the only barrier to waste-free streets was a stern letter from the council, rather than actually enforcing anything.

I suppose it gives them something to do. Like the new scheme where they stop emptying your bins pleading budget worries, but then start a new green waste collection scheme that does broadly the same thing.

You would think in the middle of an epidemic with the world on the brink of war, the council would perhaps realise that people have other focuses than shifting their bins around, like deckchairs on the Titanic. 


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1 minute ago, The Bastard said:

It's one of these collective punishment things. They sent out letters to residents telling them not to allow their dogs to foul the streets a few weeks back, as if somehow they didn't know that letting your dog crap on someone's doorstep was a bad thing, and the only barrier to waste-free streets was a stern letter from the council, rather than actually enforcing anything.

I suppose it gives them something to do. Like the new scheme where they stop emptying your bins pleading budget worries, but then start a new green waste collection scheme that does broadly the same thing.

You would think in the middle of an epidemic with the world on the brink of war, the council would perhaps realise that people have other focuses than shifting their bins around, like deckchairs on the Titanic. 


Yes, I have been so preoccupied by the pandemic and now Ukraine, that my bin is still on the road and has been since March 2020.  Its a PITA when I want to put stuff in it, but I really have been so worried about world events that I just can't concentrate on the day to day anymore. 

Lord knows the last time I topped up the bird feeders. 

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1 hour ago, Newsdesk said:

Just to add this has been raised on social media in the last 24 hours. The Douglas Corpy Bottom Inspectors can also fine people £5,000 for leaving their bin out. Looks like Douglas now has a really effective socialist bin Stazi victimizing it’s ratepayers on top of the reduced bi weekly collections. 



Excellent. It's about time people took more responsibility for their rubbish and waste.
Keep the lanes, roadways and pavements clear and tidy. 

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and I thought the corporation mantra was ,its too expensive to bring a prosecution under the bye laws , even dog fouling with CCTV evidence apparently too hot to handle , 

lets hope the next  Town (city) clerk  is a qualified advocate capable of taking cases under the byelaws to the magistrates court  for intended prosecution , 

too much money spent on so called legal advice ,  the Clerks job spec is for a qualified lawyer  so lets start to see some value for money , local solutions for local problems !

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

Yes, I have been so preoccupied by the pandemic and now Ukraine, that my bin is still on the road and has been since March 2020.  Its a PITA when I want to put stuff in it, but I really have been so worried about world events that I just can't concentrate on the day to day anymore. 

Lord knows the last time I topped up the bird feeders. 

Drat, I knew I'd over-egged the trolling there. 

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4 hours ago, Newsdesk said:



It's a fair enough question you have posed.

I would go further and ask "Have You Washed Your Hands Properly, If At All?". There is an amazing amount of people who don't, and certainly don't properly. And a huge number of men don't wash their hands after a pee as they don't think they have to as they are biologically different to women despite, having just handled something that has been swilling about in their swetty underkegs for the past few hours.
And how many men shake hands as a greeting throughout the day. Probably with their right hand too.

Which brings me back to the question in the cartoon " Hve You Wiped Properly":

Do you use your left hand (as would for example, many muslim countries, and for good reason).



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But people touch their faces, their hair, blow their noses, cough into their hands without washing afterwards, all these areas are likely to carry more bacteria than a sweaty knob. Personally speaking, mine is lovingly buffed and tufted daily, whose isn't? 

And it's not just people with prostates, those without are similarly lax in their ablutions equally, I'd say. 

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33 minutes ago, quilp said:

But people touch their faces, their hair, blow their noses, cough into their hands without washing afterwards, all these areas are likely to carry more bacteria than a sweaty knob. Personally speaking, mine is lovingly buffed and tufted daily, whose isn't? 

And it's not just people with prostates, those without are similarly lax in their ablutions equally, I'd say. 

I think that falls into the TMI category.

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5 hours ago, Newsdesk said:

Just to add this has been raised on social media in the last 24 hours. The Douglas Corpy Bottom Inspectors can also fine people £5,000 for leaving their bin out. Looks like Douglas now has a really effective socialist bin Stazi victimizing it’s ratepayers on top of the reduced bi weekly collections. 



I have no issue with this, bins clogging lanes and streets is a sign of a scummy neighbourhood in my opinion! 

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  • 3 months later...

There was a reply to one of my posts somewhere on the forum about me awake at night worrying about zombies fighting and roaming the streets of Douglas late at night.

It was of course, a sarcastic dig at my consternation of noisey drunks/druggies late at night/early morning at weekends in Douglas.

Turns out the sarcasm was somewhat mis-placed. Admitting it was 'only' 1:18 am on a Sunday morning rather than 3 or 4am, but I wouldn't be happy staying in one of the sea view hotels on Douglas Promenade.

This from Isle of Man Today:



Two 19-year-olds have been fined £500 each after a brawl on Douglas promenade.

Tom Noble and Talat Cemal Kilic both pleaded guilty to affray and were also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs each.

Four other men who were involved in the fight were previously bound over to keep the peace for 12 months.

Prosecuting advocate Rachael Braidwood told the court how police were called to outside the Claremont Hotel on Douglas promenade on January 16 at 1.18am after a report of a large group of men fighting. There was said to have been punches thrown and kicks during the melee.





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30 minutes ago, AOR said:

There was a reply to one of my posts somewhere on the forum about me awake at night worrying about zombies fighting and roaming the streets of Douglas late at night.

It was of course, a sarcastic dig at my consternation of noisey drunks/druggies late at night/early morning at weekends in Douglas.

Turns out the sarcasm was somewhat mis-placed. Admitting it was 'only' 1:18 am on a Sunday morning rather than 3 or 4am, but I wouldn't be happy staying in one of the sea view hotels on Douglas Promenade.

This from Isle of Man Today:




Not sure what you are saying. Things like this happen in every town and city in the world all the time. There are far worse places than Douglas as I am sure you know. 

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