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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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That area in front of the Sefton must have cost a few bob to build, But it really needs to kept clean daily..during late practice week this year, and last years Southern 100 it was covered in Birdshit, human no1s, technicolor yawns or pavement pizzas.Beer bottles etc.. who ever designed it ,should have factored in daily cleaning

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44 minutes ago, Ďouglas Peel said:

That area in front of the Sefton must have cost a few bob to build, But it really needs to kept clean daily..during late practice week this year, and last years Southern 100 it was covered in Birdshit, human no1s, technicolor yawns or pavement pizzas.Beer bottles etc.. who ever designed it ,should have factored in daily cleaning

There was a photo on FB of Bez from Happy Mondays sitting on the Norman Wisdom Bench. There was an unbelievable amount of crap stacked up underneath it! Quite honestly the hotel has no pride in its appearance, like many Manx businesses, it's someone else's problem!

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1 hour ago, finlo said:

They need to be made to fulfill their promises that they've reneged on on their previous developments before allowing them a spade in the ground elsewhere.

I am very familiar with this in respect of Auldyn Meadow which was built in 3 phases, starting @ 2010 and the 3rd and final phase is completing only now, further expansion eastwards (back towards Ramsey) was knocked on the head when DD failed to reach purchase agreement with the landowners concerned. They then turned their attention westwards towards Milntown Farm.

At the start of each phase (the 3rd didn't start until 2018 after development was mothballed for over 3 years due to slow sales of the 2nd phase), DD gave assurances that the overall development would be given a shop, a pub and a children's playground, none of which appeared. Ramsey Commissioners lodged objection to the intended Milntown development (despite it being outside the Town's rating area), one of their objections was the "failure to honour these assurances" (q/unq) to date at the time.

The 3rd phase has now been just about completed after 5 years, there is going to be "a shop" included in one of the terraces though it is unclear what sort.

A "children's playground" was started to the extent of digging up a development greenspace and putting some railings and substrate in around six months ago, work then halted and has not restarted since. These facilities only began to be installed following RTC's objection to Milntown, many believe it was quite clearly an attempt to get RTC to lift their objection.

DD are now winding down their presence in the locality.

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the street is filthy  especially  around the front entrance  of marks and Spencer , oil from vehicles  dog piss stains and vomit  , if it were in the EU   and in such a prominent position it would be washed and scrubbed every  night ,  the grey fake marble shows all the marks , and without a proper cleaning programme  in place will always look scruffy , something the City fathers have obviously missed in their street cleaning   policy 

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2 minutes ago, Omobono said:

the street is filthy  especially  around the front entrance  of marks and Spencer , oil from vehicles  dog piss stains and vomit  , if it were in the EU   and in such a prominent position it would be washed and scrubbed every  night ,  the grey fake marble shows all the marks , and without a proper cleaning programme  in place will always look scruffy , something the City fathers have obviously missed in their street cleaning   policy 

They have a street cleaning policy?

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20 hours ago, Max Power said:

The Mafia would struggle to compete with our snivel service! I'm surprised that the Newson's building wasn't brought up? They have pulled out all the stops, at great expense I may add, to protect a crumbling, ugly, uneconomic building. All they have succeeded in doing is piss off a developer who could have helped to solve a lot of the issues around the island. This has resulted in another eyesore, where there could now be a nice multi use building.

As usual, the 'powerful' idiots enjoy threatening behaviour, in the belief that their 'high office' will protect them. Twats, one and all!


I assume you're talking about the Charles Guard video not mentioning Newson's? I noticed that too.

It made me wonder if Charles is against pulling it down. He is, after all, very much into preserving Victorian or otherwise old buildings. While I feel he's correct in his thinking about the Victorian mansion they pulled down to build a care home, if I'm right about his stance on Newson's, well, nobody's perfect! 

I just wish he'd included a mention of the place. After all, in its current state it is an eyesore. I'd like to hear his thoughts on what he thinks should be done. 

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4 minutes ago, Zarley said:

I assume you're talking about the Charles Guard video not mentioning Newson's? I noticed that too.

It made me wonder if Charles is against pulling it down. He is, after all, very much into preserving Victorian or otherwise old buildings. While I feel he's correct in his thinking about the Victorian mansion they pulled down to build a care home, if I'm right about his stance on Newson's, well, nobody's perfect! 

I just wish he'd included a mention of the place. After all, in its current state it is an eyesore. I'd like to hear his thoughts on what he thinks should be done. 


Yes he is one of the womblemonkeys who would rather see it sat there in its current state or worse than see a nice new building on the site.  I think he is even named in the planning somewhere as an objector.

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2 minutes ago, Asthehills said:


Yes he is one of the womblemonkeys who would rather see it sat there in its current state or worse than see a nice new building on the site.  I think he is even named in the planning somewhere as an objector.

Thanks. I missed that article when it was first published. 

It makes me all the more curious as to what he thinks should be done with the place. He disabled comments on the video which is a shame as it would have been a good place to ask and encourage him to make a video about it.

He could put forward his case in a way that might not be appropriate in an objection to planning - such as doing a deep-dive into the history of the building and why he thinks it's important and how he thinks it could be preserved in a sustainable, useful way. 

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

Thanks. I missed that article when it was first published. 

It makes me all the more curious as to what he thinks should be done with the place. He disabled comments on the video which is a shame as it would have been a good place to ask and encourage him to make a video about it.

He could put forward his case in a way that might not be appropriate in an objection to planning - such as doing a deep-dive into the history of the building and why he thinks it's important and how he thinks it could be preserved in a sustainable, useful way. 

I think that we should save our built heritage, where it is feasible and possible, but even if Newson's was a sound construction, what can be done with it? The planning office had the developer over on this, and it is an example of how the Manx government and its various tentacles operate in a criminal fashion.  

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