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Douglas Sh@hole!

Max Power

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3 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

There is a block of expensive flats in Ramsey, beside the new hotel, that have sat empty since they were built  -5 to 6 years ago?

They may have been sold technically as a tax dodge but that does not bring in local spending in the shops etc, they are empty since built. I go to Mooragh Park  and have took an interest.

I have a feeling, although I cant back it up with evidence, that lots of new houses are sold here are only to create a postal address for money laundering/ tax avoidance. 

The island really is the ass end of the world in things like this, "Don't ask questions and you will be told no lies"

Most of Douglas prom is the same, take a drive along at night and you'll see hardly a light on.

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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

The reality is that it is a third of the average lifespan of a human being, many people will only ever have known Douglas as a crap hole for their entire lifetime. How sad it is!

What we forget is that Douglas was a shit hole building site from 1870 to 1908, then again 1912/13, then again 1929-36, then a prison camp with barbed wire ( or an army/navy training camp ) 1939-1944, then demolition and building 1961-64 ( Victoria Arcade/sea terminal, bus station/air terminal and Coliseum/Palace ) 1980/81 breakwater and 1992/5 Iris. There haven’t been many periods of 10 years, let alone 20, in the last 150 years without major demolition, building, infrastructure projects.

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9 minutes ago, John Wright said:

What we forget is that Douglas was a shit hole building site from 1870 to 1908, then again 1912/13, then again 1929-36, then a prison camp with barbed wire ( or an army/navy training camp ) 1939-1944, then demolition and building 1961-64 ( Victoria Arcade/sea terminal and Coliseum/Palace ) 1980/81 breakwater and 1992/5 Iris. There haven’t been many periods of 10 years, let alone 20, in the last 150 years without major demolition, building, infrastructure projects.

So  in effect,

Once a shit hole always a shit hole?

That post from Max re the Villers site brings it home.

If this was one of the richest economy's in the world, would that site, and plenty others, not have been developed by now?

What is actually stalling the investment?

The CS? Anti money laundering? The island legal "system"

Why do you think John?

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11 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

So  in effect,

Once a shit hole always a shit hole?

That post from Max re the Villers site brings it home.

If this was one of the richest economy's in the world, would that site, and plenty others, not have been developed by now?

What is actually stalling the investment?

The CS? Anti money laundering? The island legal "system"

Why do you think John?

It's a very good question, personally I think the switched on types can see no return on their investment despite what Skelly and co would like us to believe.

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It’s within the last 20-25 years I’ve noticed Douglas Town Centre really earn it’s shithole status, losing the bus station (which while dilapidated and considered end of life was still better than nothing) , watching the Castle Mona slowly turn into a wreck, the crescent leisure centre which whilst outdated was good for the kids, an amusements arcade is a must have for any seaside town! 

Just from a personal point of view the lack of parking in Douglas over the last  10 years especially has really helped internet ordering within our household, drive 18 miles, circle round a car park or up/down the prom waiting for a space to appear, just to go into a shop to pay sometimes 50% more, no thanks. I would have thought others would do the same, but on the odd occasions I do need to go into Douglas it’s still exactly the same, that and every time you park you’ll probably witness either inconsiderate parking or quite frankly incompetent parking, only last week I witnessed someone pop their rear window in Chester St, probably relying on their parking sensors or rear camera rather than using their eyes.

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45 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

So  in effect,

Once a shit hole always a shit hole?

That post from Max re the Villers site brings it home.

If this was one of the richest economy's in the world, would that site, and plenty others, not have been developed by now?

What is actually stalling the investment?

The CS? Anti money laundering? The island legal "system"

Why do you think John?

Mainly the market. Yes planning is slow and there’s lots of nimbyism.

I suspect the rot set in during the late 60’s when redevelopment and flats on the prom weren’t allowed by planners, due to Tourism, bed spaces, being a sacred cow - just as mass tourism found “abroad”.

As for the bus station, don’t forget that it sat around as a cinder covered car park from demolition of the Fairy Ground in 1931/33until the mid  1960’s when the bus station and Air Terminal were built.

So it’s been a demolition site, building site in waiting for all but 25 out of the last 90 years.

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12 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Mainly the market. Yes planning is slow and there’s lots of nimbyism.

As for the bus station, don’t forget that it sat around as a cinder covered car park from demolition of the Fairy Ground in 1931 until the late 1950’s when the bus station and Air Terminal were built.

So it’s been a demolition site, building site in waiting for all but 30 out of the last 90 years.

I guess that's why we are happy to live in a town reminiscent of a slum in places? Where we lived when I was a kid, the top of Well Road Hill, all of the tourists used to use it as a thoroughfare who were based in all the guest houses which dominated the town. Lower down was one of the roughest areas of the town, Chester Street, a great shop window for the rest of the island. Some of that area isn't much better today!

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2 hours ago, finlo said:

Most of Douglas prom is the same, take a drive along at night and you'll see hardly a light on.

East Europeans like to sit in the dark...keeps their leccy bills down 😂

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1 hour ago, Kopek said:

I suppose it will be developed when viable. Flats, shops and nightlife???

If it wasn't viable during the recent boom years we've had, the near future doesn't auger well. Douglas is already a plethora of assorted flats and far too many empty shops; Nightlife? Some will have to be generated first before investment in facilities to accommodate it will be considered.

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

If it wasn't viable during the recent boom years we've had, the near future doesn't auger well. Douglas is already a plethora of assorted flats and far too many empty shops; Nightlife? Some will have to be generated first before investment in facilities to accommodate it will be considered.

Absolutely, without the vision and action to enable investment, well we have had it! 

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