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800 Billion Pounds.....


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18 minutes ago, code99 said:

True, solar panels need to be linked to battery storage (which traditionally has been difficult/ expensive etc). But battery technologies are improving very rapidly i.e., battery storage should become much more viable and practical, hopefully.

One thing we could be doing right now is insist that any new housing estates are built to the passive housing standard and so require little or no energy to heat. The government could provide subsidies for these provided they were for first time buyers only.

I doubt some developers would be happy though.

It is crazy that these large estates are getting built right now without being to this sort of standard.

Edited by ellanvannin2010
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2 hours ago, code99 said:

i.e., vast ‘farms’ of solar panels are being installed in multiple countries around the world. 

Where exactly would you put one of these vast farms on the IOM? 

For the foreseeable future wind is much more cost effective to set up than solar.

You'd need to cover the entire island with panels with our limited sunlight.  There is a reason they are in deserts. Plus nothing can l live underneath a solar panel. 

I can see it now, our beautiful black shiny rolling hills.

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9 hours ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

One thing we could be doing right now is insist that any new housing estates are built to the passive housing standard and so require little or no energy to heat. The government could provide subsidies for these provided they were for first time buyers only.

I doubt some developers would be happy though.

It is crazy that these large estates are getting built right now without being to this sort of standard.

As I said earlier - I'm all for making builders put solar panels on all newbuilds. The costs of installation would then be at their minimum.

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3 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Deserts are not the ideal place for solar as the panels overheat and require a cooling system. 

Have a look at Roger's link. They're finding in the deserts of southern Arizona that plants beneath solar panels cools them. Quite an interesting article. 

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4 hours ago, monasqueen said:

As I said earlier - I'm all for making builders put solar panels on all newbuilds. The costs of installation would then be at their minimum.

It seems Bill Mummery, executive director of Celton Manx, agrees with you: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=58672&headline=Firm's £500%2C000 investment in live casino and solar energy&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2020&cat=Business

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On 9/11/2021 at 10:15 AM, Zarley said:

It was said at last night's debate that the gas reserves in question are off the southwest coast, not the northeast, and allegedly wouldn't involve fracking. The information was in response to a question of whereabouts the gas would come ashore - but the question (as to where it would come ashore) wasn't specifically answered. I would speculate Peel or PSM. 

I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember who gave this information, however it was likely Cowin as he seems to be the "authority" on the subject. The debate has yet to appear on the MR website so I can't refresh my memory. 

On the subject of Cowin, at least twice he had to ask "what was the question again?", and the only one to do so. I thought he'd be a good candidate when he first declared, but after seeing him in person... OMG. He'd be an MHK disaster zone. He's far more right-wing than I thought he'd be and he's kinda creepy as well. Don't think I'd want to be in a room alone with him and my daughter agreed. 


On 9/11/2021 at 10:34 AM, The Phantom said:

Cowin is making it up!

It's quite clearly off Maughold. Relatively shallow. There is a bloody dep trench off the SW coast and would more than likely be a nightmare to drill. 

Due to the complete absence of infrastructure on the Island to extract and process, the most sensible option would be for a submerged drill head (after the initial drilling there wouldn't be an oil rig off Maughold). They'd then probably just run an undersea pipeline to Morecambe or other processing plant on the NW coast of the UK.

The transcript from Friday night's Glenfaba & Peel MR Constituency Debate is now available (although it's riddled with silly mistakes).

It was indeed Cowin who claimed the gas reserves he is talking about are off the southwest coast and not off Maughold. It was in response to a question from a member of the public about having ideas about alternative income should the e-gaming and/or the finance sectors fail.

I had hoped to C&P the relevant section of the transcript but it won't let me, so here's a few quick quotes. If you would like further detail, please click on the above link.


Cowin: "...£800 billion worth of gas reserves just to the south of the island."

 Wint: "Ok and will that in any way harm our green agenda?"

Cowin: "No, in 2018 they were looking at gas reserves off the east coast but that would involve fracking."  (so presumably this gas is accessible without the need for fracking)

 Wint: "Where would the gas be brought ashore in the Isle of Man?"

 Cowin: "...I haven't actually got the exact details but I do know it's to the southwest of the island within our territorial waters and basically it's our reserves."


 I'm still thinking he must be talking about the area around the Chickens, just south of the Calf. Don't think local fishermen will be very happy if I'm right. 

There's a meeting on Wednesday at QEII and I'm hoping someone questions him in more depth about how he knows any of this and how reliable his source is. I might even muster the cahones to stand up and ask him myself - I'm not the most confident public speaker, but I really want to know if there's any truth to this or if it's just a cynical attempt to get people to vote for him. 

Edited by Zarley
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14 minutes ago, Declan said:

Was that transcript by Stanley Unwin?

Yeah it certainly was gobbledygook in places. To be fair I wasn't terribly surprised at how garbled some of the Cowin bits were; he was very difficult to follow in person as he's quite the mumbling waffler. I dread to think what Hansard will be like should he be elected.

But that doesn't excuse mistakes like attributing Wint's questions to Cowin on several occasions for example. Poor editorial oversight.

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

 I'm still thinking he must be talking about the area around the Chickens, just south of the Calf. Don't think local fishermen will be very happy if I'm right. 

There's a meeting on Wednesday at QEII and I'm hoping someone questions him in more depth about how he knows any of this and how reliable his source is. I might even muster the cahones to stand up and ask him myself - I'm not the most confident public speaker, but I really want to know if there's any truth to this or if it's just a cynical attempt to get people to vote for him. 

That transcript says £800 Million?? it is so important not to get Millions and Billions confused! :D

If you do go, tell him the natural gas is 2km below the seabed to the north east of our territorial waters, and estimated to generate in the region of £5Billion to £10Billion in tax revenue for the Treasury over it's 15 year lifecycle.

Also, ask all of the candidates this question....

"Wouldn't it be much easier and quicker to meet our net zero targets with a potential £8bn windfall?"

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