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According to the newspaper report:

Stephen Mark Dobbs, of Circular Road, Douglas, asked to stand outside the court dock and for the court to address him as ’Stephen’.

which suggests he might be about to go all Freeman of the Land.

Osteopaths have only be registered in the UK since the 1990s:

Numerous attempts were made in the 1920’s to have the terms "osteopathy" and "osteopath" on the statutes books as protected titles, as are medicine, dentistry, nursing etc. Robust opposition from the medical establishment led to failure in all cases. Finally in 1993 the Osteopaths Bill was passed by parliament leading to statutory recognition on the title. Between 1998 and 2000, all existing osteopaths were required to undergo an arduous registration process to be listed on the register of the newly formed General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). The osteopathic courses available were audited and new graduates of approved schools gained entry on to the same register.

He claims to have studied at the LSO, so maybe he never gt round to registering.


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On 11/5/2021 at 10:07 AM, wrighty said:

Firstly, I'm not sure this has anything to do with DHSC.  He's been practising here, privately, as an osteopath for many years.

This leads into the business of 'protected titles'.  Some years ago, anyone with a bucket and sponge who ran onto the footie pitch after an injury could call themselves a physiotherapist.  I'm pretty sure the same was true of 'osteopath' and 'chiropractor'.  I think it is still true of 'sports therapist'.  I know there was a case here many years ago when one of the legitimate (as in fully qualified and regulated by the CSP) physiotherapists had to complain to the Yellow Pages (when that was still a thing) to get one of their 'physiotherapists' de-listed.  He still practices here, and patients frequently refer to him as a 'physiotherapist', when he's not at all qualified to be one.

It's only a few years ago that chiropractors here did not have to be registered with the chiropractic council.  That changed, but it was a bit of a battle to get it through.  I understand DHSC are now in the process of regulating and licensing all therapists and other private practitioners.  So they should.  Or at least ensure that those that aren't qualified or regulated advertise the fact in big letters.  Anyone fancy a bit of amateur dentistry?

Stephen is a pretty good osteopath , took his practice over from Simone( who was exceptional ) . He s pretty good at what he does in my opinion. and unlike you lot at least he will see patients .

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ve just heard that woman on Manx Radio


To be honest I’m really tired as well, do I get a prize? The rest of us have had to live with a huge amount of insecurity over the last two years. Some have ripped through their savings or had to live on nothing as their jobs or businesses evaporated to protect the NHS. But now the public sector wants a rest and we have to put up with it again. Just pi** off with your moaning and do your job and stop with the excuses.

I must be honest, this person, Bernie Moffatt, Steve Salter and other associated self appointed experts, are professional moaners and aren’t doing the people they represent or used to represent any favours. 

Bernie Moffatt is forever posting on Facebook via The Mannin Branch Celtic League - an expert on everything and nothing. Slags off everyone, Government when he can’t get his own way. I would respect him if he got off his self entitled arse and sought public office - even being a Peel Commissioner. He won’t put his money where his mouth is! Relic of the past, a Dinosaur.

The other toytown hardliner who like Bernie Moffatt prattles shite, the ex Union Man Steve Salter. Likes to give it loads on Facebook on matters of the day. Again, I would have real respect if he stood for public office. I’m surprised he finds the time sitting behind his pc on Facebook, thought his business would pre-occupy his time? I wonder if he has had IOMG assistance, not that I really care, but it’s it’s the irony?

Just to add I am not slagging off the nurses, medical staff and doctors/surgeon who have worked hard and if you treat them with respect and kindness, you get excellent care. 

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1 hour ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Why are they moaning now?

Didn't they get a whopping 3% raise this year, in addition to all the claps?

As usual a dickhead wakes up and before engaging a brain cell types some ignorant shit into an internet forum.

FYI 3% doesn't even come close to covering the increase in gas charges.

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10 minutes ago, The Chief said:

As usual a dickhead wakes up and before engaging a brain cell types some ignorant shit into an internet forum.

FYI 3% doesn't even come close to covering the increase in gas charges.

If they were given 10% or more, people still won’t be happy. Yes, I can see and respect your arguments, unfortunately public sector pay, there has to be a level of realism as to what can be afforded. If we hadn’t have wasted money on grandiose infrastructure projects, and squandering £mmm’s on climate change, maybe we will have more funds for a better pay which takes into account the cost of living. I’m sure lots of business owners would love to pay themselves greater salaries, or dividends but even they aren’t immune to the cost of living - gas, fuel, water, rates etc, not forgetting other costs such as increasing Government charges and regulations. No money will result in less being spent in the local economy. 

Besides, as much as it pains me, nobody is forcing people to work in Healthcare either in Manx Care or in a Nursing Home. They are at liberty to find another job at a higher rate of pay. 

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1 hour ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Why are they moaning now?

Didn't they get a whopping 3% raise this year, in addition to all the claps?

And I thought you had inside knowledge!

No pay rise this year, yet.  Still being negotiated, but the only offer from Manx Care has been a below inflation figure, ie a pay cut in real terms. 

And before you accuse me of moaning, I’m not. I’m paid well.  But this isn’t about consultants, it’s about carers and nursing staff, who are not.  A real-world pay cut is not going to do anything for recruitment and retention, let alone morale. 

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2 minutes ago, wrighty said:

And I thought you had inside knowledge!

No pay rise this year, yet.  Still being negotiated, but the only offer from Manx Care has been a below inflation figure, ie a pay cut in real terms. 

And before you accuse me of moaning, I’m not. I’m paid well.  But this isn’t about consultants, it’s about carers and nursing staff, who are not.  A real-world pay cut is not going to do anything for recruitment and retention, let alone morale. 

Health Care staff are deserving of a pay rise. The second the Government gave the greedy teachers a pay deal last year, they should have been awarding the same +5%. 

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1 minute ago, wrighty said:

And I thought you had inside knowledge!

No pay rise this year, yet.  Still being negotiated, but the only offer from Manx Care has been a below inflation figure, ie a pay cut in real terms. 

And before you accuse me of moaning, I’m not. I’m paid well.  But this isn’t about consultants, it’s about carers and nursing staff, who are not.  A real-world pay cut is not going to do anything for recruitment and retention, let alone morale. 

I wouldn’t accuse you of moaning, I can see your argument and the flip side. And you are entitled to voice your opinions. It’s not easy. It’s difficult trying to pay, and making sure the figures add up to be able to afford the pay rise. Making rash promises - promising the moon then realising you can’t deliver isn’t brilliant either, neither is shouting on the airwaves. Is the Unite Trade Union seeking special favours for their membership, and non members can be shafted? 

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9 minutes ago, wrighty said:

And I thought you had inside knowledge!

No pay rise this year, yet.  Still being negotiated, but the only offer from Manx Care has been a below inflation figure, ie a pay cut in real terms. 

And before you accuse me of moaning, I’m not. I’m paid well.  But this isn’t about consultants, it’s about carers and nursing staff, who are not.  A real-world pay cut is not going to do anything for recruitment and retention, let alone morale. 

I think most people would accept inflation + rises for front line health staff it’s when all the 9-5 office staff get the same people aren’t happy 

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9 minutes ago, wrighty said:

And I thought you had inside knowledge!

No pay rise this year, yet.  Still being negotiated, but the only offer from Manx Care has been a below inflation figure, ie a pay cut in real terms. 

And before you accuse me of moaning, I’m not. I’m paid well.  But this isn’t about consultants, it’s about carers and nursing staff, who are not.  A real-world pay cut is not going to do anything for recruitment and retention, let alone morale. 

I think most people would accept inflation + rises for front line health staff it’s when all the 9-5 office staff get the same people aren’t happy 

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

And I thought you had inside knowledge!

No pay rise this year, yet.  Still being negotiated, but the only offer from Manx Care has been a below inflation figure, ie a pay cut in real terms. 

And before you accuse me of moaning, I’m not. I’m paid well.  But this isn’t about consultants, it’s about carers and nursing staff, who are not.  A real-world pay cut is not going to do anything for recruitment and retention, let alone morale. 

I think this needs to be addressed urgently. Rather than throwing money at pie in the sky projects and green initiatives we need to ensure we look after our health workers.

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

I think this needs to be addressed urgently. Rather than throwing money at pie in the sky projects and green initiatives we need to ensure we look after our health workers.

I would agree with most of that sentiment but others won’t. Others are too busy slagging off one part of the economy, others are too busy playing at social justice campaigns and being part time toy town Trots, and another lot who will quite happily give part of the islands income to third world nations - to absolve conscience, virtue signal and to dick wave. Lots of nice to have projects and schemes but no sense of spending priorities. 

Before anyone starts calling me, I have no issue with the islands politicos giving aid, but we need to take things into perspective and add a sense of realism. When other sectors of society are being neglected and wages in essential services aren’t keeping pace, then these should take precedent. Any spare ‘change’ or ‘medical’ equipment could be donated to a charity. 


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