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5 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Nor do 346 and a half over the last 30 years!!!!

There has to be a point now that we can see that the problems are being addressed.

It could be that Cope is put in the invidious position of having to draw up a list of names that need 're-training' in their staff handling skills. Don't envy her that.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

I don’t find myself in agreement about the need for the genotyping to identify strain. I’m still not convinced it would have changed the timing or scope of lockdowns. It’s academically, but not pragmatically or politically important. 

Just a quick note on this: the genomics was never to identify strain/variant. That's what COG-UK were doing, except we could have done it overnight instead of 10 days. The ethical approval project I wrote which DHSC/Public Health approved back in August 2020 was to look at the first outbreak to determine whether the accurate transmission chains (who gave it to who, determined by the genomics) would help improve policy for any future COVID outbreak response. For example, did contact tracing need improving, were there any clusters which needed investigating further, the exact play-by-play of Abbotswood infections. All data to help improve the future. As a complete additional bonus, it would have enabled the linking of January 21 and March 21 outbreaks, if a link existed.

Edited by rachomics
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13 hours ago, 0bserver said:

Whichever way Ashford comes out of this he has to resign. He was either;

1) A total patsy that was walked over and taken advantage of by the DHSC senior management, thus allowing this state of affairs 


2) He was aware of what was going on and was complicit in allowing this state of affairs.


Either way this person should not be in charge of the Treasury. Cannan needs to remove him with immediate effect. 

Exactly, but can also understand his stated reaction when faced with load women bitching all the time. But also means his MBE at least on management side was for impersonating a Health Minister. On public messaging side he always had an answer for everything, which I imagine occupied all his time and energy. [His mate also got COVID 4 times which "proves" herd immunity does not exist :) ]

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Quite who decided Dr Ranson shouldn’t sit on gold, I don’t know. I’d have thought with a situation like covid, and with the competing responsibilities of Ewart, Magson and Ranson ( public health, the health and social care system and medical ) surely all three should have been at the highest level.

Tribunal report details that Dr Ranson in March 2020, and I assume yourself thankfully (and I have genuine gratitude) sidestepped the wall chart to detail in person how COVID if left unchecked would lead to medics' needing to select who to ventilate within 6 weeks, because Nobles would become swamped. We will never know exactly what would have happened if those meetings never happened, but I think safe to say initial lockdown would have been delayed, resulting in more deaths, illness and disruption. 

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2 hours ago, 747-400 said:

She’s left the Island or too much water under the bridge?

I'm told she's still on the Island and her husband seems to have based his business here.  (Note to IOMCS: if you're going to maltreat someone, try not to do it to someone married to a well-connected lawyer)  And she was after all (despite Magson's best efforts) still trying to work for the DHSC till the end of January, so she won't be that out of touch.

Just from the fact she's still here I get the impression that she wants the job back and I think that would also play better for the Island's reputation among the wider UK medical community where admitting your mistakes is seen as a good thing.  And after this and various other shenanigans the Island's reputation in medical circle needs all the help it can get.

Dr Andole (the current Manx Care MD) isn't a specialist MD like Ranson.  He's also a stroke consultant so they could certainly find a use for him.  As so often in the past they seem to want to make it a part time job[1] - no doubt to keep the administrators in charge and as Ranson highlighted, this didn't work.


[1]  At one time it was being job-shared between four different people at the same time (including oor wrighty).

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6 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:


Dr Andole (the current Manx Care MD) isn't a specialist MD like Ranson.  He's also a stroke consultant so they could certainly find a use for him.  As so often in the past they seem to want to make it a part time job[1] - no doubt to keep the administrators in charge and as Ranson highlighted, this didn't work.


[1]  At one time it was being job-shared between four different people at the same time (including oor wrighty).

That isn’t right, and misunderstands the role of Medical Director. I may have ‘stood in’ for the MD previously (about 5 years ago when Dr Mahajan was on leave) but I’ve never job shared the role with 3 others. That’s never happened. 

There is no such thing as a ‘specialist MD’. Medical Directors are senior doctors who are generally hospital doctors (although in Rosalind’s case she was a GP) that take on managerial roles. They often maintain a clinical practice, doing a couple of sessions a week to ‘keep their hand in’. The Medical Director is usually seen as the lead doctor in an organisation - usually a hospital, but here the role also covers GPs. They are responsible for Clinical Governance (patient safety), job planning (how much work and thus salary each doctor does), conduct and probity (they deal with poorly performing or badly behaving doctors). They often, but not always, act as the GMC Responsible Officer. 

These roles can mean the job is too big for one person, so an MD will often have Associate Medical Directors leading on various aspects of the job. Rosalind came into the role with everything I’ve just listed to do, and then covid came, the public health director was on holiday, and the CEO was working from home. It made it impossible for anyone. At the time I was clinical director for the ‘scheduled care group’ and was a member of the clinical leadership team she set up to try and navigate us through the early days of the pandemic. 

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39 minutes ago, wrighty said:

That isn’t right, and misunderstands the role of Medical Director. I may have ‘stood in’ for the MD previously (about 5 years ago when Dr Mahajan was on leave) but I’ve never job shared the role with 3 others. That’s never happened. 

There is no such thing as a ‘specialist MD’. Medical Directors are senior doctors who are generally hospital doctors (although in Rosalind’s case she was a GP) that take on managerial roles. They often maintain a clinical practice, doing a couple of sessions a week to ‘keep their hand in’. The Medical Director is usually seen as the lead doctor in an organisation - usually a hospital, but here the role also covers GPs. They are responsible for Clinical Governance (patient safety), job planning (how much work and thus salary each doctor does), conduct and probity (they deal with poorly performing or badly behaving doctors). They often, but not always, act as the GMC Responsible Officer. 

These roles can mean the job is too big for one person, so an MD will often have Associate Medical Directors leading on various aspects of the job. Rosalind came into the role with everything I’ve just listed to do, and then covid came, the public health director was on holiday, and the CEO was working from home. It made it impossible for anyone. At the time I was clinical director for the ‘scheduled care group’ and was a member of the clinical leadership team she set up to try and navigate us through the early days of the pandemic. 

Wrighty, did you feel like your advice wasn't being followed or passed on to ministers? 

I cant imagine the stress you and your colleagues must have gone through during the pandemic.

You hit on an often overlooked issue with Henrietta, she decided to go ahead with her leave knowing that we were in the verge of a major crisis.  I hope this wasn't a factor when considering border closures.

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