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13 minutes ago, asitis said:

The comforting thing for me, in respect of any potential serious wrongdoing, is Ashford appears stupid enough to talk himself into it, rather than talk himself out of it. Perhaps someone should tell him to sit on his hands and shut up ! He has the intellect of a marble.

As I said earlier, engaging his mouth before his brain (if he has one) is his single biggest failing. He hasn't learnt the art of less is more.

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Given that this case, as did Dr Tindell case, is about employment and the (apparent) misbehaviour of others towards employees, where exactly are the HR Department in all of this.?

And what needs to happen to stop it happening again.

Two high profile cases argued over by expensive lawyers. Sounds about right. What about others ?

No doubt the four anaesthetists will deserve some recompense for what they went through.

Yesterdays curt (in my view) apology to the "Information Commissioner" show some communication mistakes being made. Manx Care need to get on top of it all. 


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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I have to say Teresa Cope is coming across well on the Mannin Line. She’s no bullshitter that’s for sure. 

Agree on this, think the two of them are very good.

It's clear that it's not the staff that are the issue (I don't think anyone ever thought it was) but the bureaucracy.

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I have to say Teresa Cope is coming across well on the Mannin Line. She’s no bullshitter that’s for sure. 

All I have heard today is that she absolutely recognizes different issues and has discussed them at Board level. What is being done…..

Oh wait, finally they are saying what they are actually going to do to resolve the problem of getting GP appointments…..

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30 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

Agree on this, think the two of them are very good.

Agreed. Their level of experience and expertise is clear. It bodes well for the island if (when) the project can be fulfilled. 

It should be said though that they have been tasked to deal with difficult decisions and situations (some of have made already) that some people should have stepped up to the plate and dealt with well before now. However, from here on in I guess it is all on their shoulders, and nowhere to hide. Good luck to them. Corner turned.

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

As I said earlier, engaging his mouth before his brain (if he has one) is his single biggest failing. He hasn't learnt the art of less is more.

Ashford is like a lot of modern British politicians.  He thinks it doesn't matter what he says, providing he says it in the right tone of voice.  If he sounds authoritative enough, everyone is expected to believe him. 

To be fair it's a strategy that does fool a lot of people (especially journalists).  But in the days of social media, when you can look up what a statement actually says, check facts, replay an online video, it's vulnerable to people being able to examine stuff and check it against reality. 

Which is why politicians like to blame social media for everything.  They're really complaining about lack of deference.

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On 8/31/2022 at 6:25 PM, Manx Resident said:

Mr Ashford has apparently mentioned having a limit of 2GB of data storage. During the Covid briefings he often spoke about data protection as if he was some sort of expert and even shredded a letter to protect the identity of the supposed author!. So I trust he is aware that he should not be holding any personal data for longer than is necessary, and that he will in future ensure that personal data that should be deleted is removed from his user account and from back-ups.

I think that the Boy Vampire is either deluded or being economical with the truth again here.  When I watched the interview, it sounded like he said that his Outlook storage domain had a capacity of only 2.2 GB (I know that IOMG is a MS junky client).  As my IT manager says, storage is cheap, and I find it hard to believe that even an organisation as crappy as government GTS would hold everyone to such a low limit.  For example, the basic MS OneDrive package gives you storage of 1 TB (500x Ashford's!).

In addition, I simply don't believe his stats about his incoming and outgoing email traffic.

I always thought that he lived in a personal fantasy bubble, and now I'm certain of it.

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8 hours ago, Apple said:

Given that this case, as did Dr Tindell case, is about employment and the (apparent) misbehaviour of others towards employees, where exactly are the HR Department in all of this.?

And what needs to happen to stop it happening again.

Two high profile cases argued over by expensive lawyers. Sounds about right. What about others ?

No doubt the four anaesthetists will deserve some recompense for what they went through.

Yesterdays curt (in my view) apology to the "Information Commissioner" show some communication mistakes being made. Manx Care need to get on top of it all. 


Theresa says she needs a new HR department to tackle the deficit: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/recruitment-needed-to-tackle-deficit/


And some amazing new programme:


And a new IT system:


Don't we just piggyback of the UK system? Any new system would just be an add-on?

Manx care were shadowing DHSS for 18 months before taking over.  Why are these things being discovered now?

Alf told us to expect a tough winter, but Manx care are spending money like it's going out of fashion.  You would struggle to find anyone, outside of the Manxcare board, that thinks this has gone well.

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19 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Theresa says she needs a new HR department to tackle the deficit: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/recruitment-needed-to-tackle-deficit/

And some amazing new programme:


And a new IT system:


Don't we just piggyback of the UK system? Any new system would just be an add-on?

Manx care were shadowing DHSS for 18 months before taking over.  Why are these things being discovered now?

I don't think any of these things are just being discovered now or that Manx Care and Cope were unaware of them.  Centralised recruitment via the Cabinet Office's HR Department was never going to work when most of those who Manx Care wants are specialists: doctors, nurses, technicians and so on.  Even if HR weren't the incompetent, disengaged mess we read about whenever we come across them in a tribunal case and even if they knew how to recruit people who weren't back-stabbing bullshitters, they wouldn't have made a good job of it.

As for the second Manx Radio piece can anyone make head nor tail of what has been written?  Cope's clip is a bit clearer, but cut off.  Clearly it's been known about for two decades but there's been resistance to doing something sensible for some petty bureaucratic reason.

The new booking system does indeed seem to be copied from England (also two decades ago) but again DHSC/Manx Care seem to have wanted to continue in the incomprehensible ritual of sending endless letters over a year booking, altering, cancelling and re-booking appointments.  Again this was hardly unknown.  They're trialling the new system in orthopaedics, so if @wrighty suddenly finds no one at all turns up, we'll know they achieved the impossible task of making things worse.

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