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3 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Ashford has been churning out these sort of questions since pretty soon after he was sacked in May.  The main characteristic of them seems to be the asking of vast amounts of data that will be incredibly time-consuming to produce, but not necessarily meaningful.  Occasionally he will ask for something that is already available publicly, but more likely it will be something that isn't even possible or demonstrates that he doesn't really understand what he is asking for. 

It's not just on health matters, though when they are you end up wondering just what he actually did or learnt there in his four years.  And what sort of answer he expects that doesn't implicate himself as well in any mess uncovered.  But a lot of them are just stupid and most of the rest could be better phrased to get a useful response.

Of course the real point of these questions isn't actually to get information, it's to show how hard-working and knowledgeable Ashford is - it's all just grandstanding.

Horrible little prick!

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On 1/14/2023 at 4:43 PM, Moghrey Mie said:

At the latest board meeting they reported that Synaptik had worked in co-operation with local Manx Care staff to do the operations.

I was treated by Synaptic. Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Synaptik nursing staff - all reminded me of the style and approached as it used to be. Can't fault them. 

One to two outside of that could learn a lot from them. It wasn't down to staffing though. More about attitude to patients which I think is a problem for some in Nobles. Comes from the leadership from what I have seen.

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I agree with JW about the provision of clinical care on the island. It's general good I think. The scope for improvement is not just down to money though. I get comments that Manx Care don't care and even can't care. As we see on here, it doesn't seem consistent. 

There are the main areas that I take from the Board papers and listening to people recently.

Manx Care are asking for a three year mandate and a three year rolling budget. That to me indicates close to £1 billion over the next three years to do with as they determine without going back to Tynwald. Is that right? 

All organisations eventually seek to save, serve and preserve themselves. (Mathew Sayed) I see that the government no longer has the right controls in the  development of health and social care on the island. There is a growing tendency to read that patients have to fit the systems being created by Manx Care, not the other way round. The DHSC Engagement policy clearly emphasises this. 

I have been to the Manx Care Board meetings and I have also spoken with clinicians who have. Poorly lead in my view. A lot of information does not get discussed so the transparency we were promised is not always forthcoming. (BTW At the last meeting someone seems very interested in Ramsey GPs for some reason)

Yes, a lot of people have worked hard over the last few years to improve the health and social services. Some I have met with feel that their hard work over the years was sadly rewarded with "being pushed out". Has bullying gone away ? 

if you read FOI requests last week there were several health related questions but the enquirer was referred to either Manx Care, the DHSC, the Transformation team or the Cabinet office. It's sometimes vague about who is actually responsible for what. We need more clarity about that.

Why did Manx Care take all the staff away from Government pay roll? What is the "culture they are trying to change ? What are they trying to change it to ?

I was up at Nobles recently. It's a building site wherever you look with the construction workers vans etc. Couldn't find a space anywhere. That is a massive problem for patients trying to get to appointments on time, or at all. Why can't staff use the overspill car park? 

I read that there were three beds in Hospice in use last week. Do we still require that building to be that - would it not be better to move management and admin staff over there and use the management suite for clinical staff who could well use the space. ( Hospice has its own car park)

Manx Care are looking to appoint more clinical staff (good) and more people for Manx Care (not more surely). At the end of the day, we can collect data till the cows come home, read the dashboards some of which is not needed or relevant, and we can see the RAG ratings to be shown what been done and what hasn't. It all makes little difference to many people and most of the public who are totally unaware of all that stuff. It's how people get treated across the board that really counts, and in some ares that needs calling out. The mechanisms though for that are simply not good enough.

Finally (Yeah thank goodness) . Why do I have to take a 60 mile round trip to an outpatients follow up appointment. What happened to the internet? If we can do to to the UK, (that a was first proposed 20 odd years ago by the good Mr Harper iirc) surely we can do it on the island, can't we? 



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15 hours ago, Apple said:

I was treated by Synaptic. Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Synaptik nursing staff - all reminded me of the style and approached as it used to be. Can't fault them. 

One to two outside of that could learn a lot from them. It wasn't down to staffing though. More about attitude to patients which I think is a problem for some in Nobles. Comes from the leadership from what I have seen.

Getting the full Synaptik package is the exception rather than the norm. 

Since Synaptik started doing orthopaedics in April 2022, we’ve been working on 4 week phases, with a week gap in between.

Phase 1 - all operations were done by me and my Noble’s colleagues, with a Synaptik anaesthetist, theatre staff and ward staff.

Subsequently they’ve also brought in a surgeon (for 2 of the 4 weeks) to offer additional capacity on top of what we’re doing. The ward (PPU) has been staffed by Synaptik, but theatre staff and anaesthetist has been a bit more mix-and-match. Currently we’re working with our own theatre staff and anaesthetist, with only the ward staff still being Synaptik. 

It’s definitely been partnership working, although the initial view from Synaptik was that they were providing a service, not acting as a staffing agency. 

Your follow up will be in Ramsey, by one of the Noble’s team. It proved impossible to arrange follow up with the operating surgeon (because they’ll be back in Scotland) so we took it on. We moved to Ramsey due to covid and haven’t been moved back despite our constant lobbying to be able to do so. In my view, you need a face to face review at 6 weeks - your GP could probably do it but I don’t think they were keen to take it on. 6 week review is all about checking there’s been no disasters, that wound is healed etc. Virtual reviews are fine after that though. 

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17 hours ago, Apple said:

I agree with JW about the provision of clinical care on the island. It's general good I think. The scope for improvement is not just down to money though. I get comments that Manx Care don't care and even can't care. As we see on here, it doesn't seem consistent. 

There are the main areas that I take from the Board papers and listening to people recently.

Manx Care are asking for a three year mandate and a three year rolling budget. That to me indicates close to £1 billion over the next three years to do with as they determine without going back to Tynwald. Is that right? 

All organisations eventually seek to save, serve and preserve themselves. (Mathew Sayed) I see that the government no longer has the right controls in the  development of health and social care on the island. There is a growing tendency to read that patients have to fit the systems being created by Manx Care, not the other way round. The DHSC Engagement policy clearly emphasises this. 

I have been to the Manx Care Board meetings and I have also spoken with clinicians who have. Poorly lead in my view. A lot of information does not get discussed so the transparency we were promised is not always forthcoming. (BTW At the last meeting someone seems very interested in Ramsey GPs for some reason)

Yes, a lot of people have worked hard over the last few years to improve the health and social services. Some I have met with feel that their hard work over the years was sadly rewarded with "being pushed out". Has bullying gone away ? 

if you read FOI requests last week there were several health related questions but the enquirer was referred to either Manx Care, the DHSC, the Transformation team or the Cabinet office. It's sometimes vague about who is actually responsible for what. We need more clarity about that.

Why did Manx Care take all the staff away from Government pay roll? What is the "culture they are trying to change ? What are they trying to change it to ?

I was up at Nobles recently. It's a building site wherever you look with the construction workers vans etc. Couldn't find a space anywhere. That is a massive problem for patients trying to get to appointments on time, or at all. Why can't staff use the overspill car park? 

I read that there were three beds in Hospice in use last week. Do we still require that building to be that - would it not be better to move management and admin staff over there and use the management suite for clinical staff who could well use the space. ( Hospice has its own car park)

Manx Care are looking to appoint more clinical staff (good) and more people for Manx Care (not more surely). At the end of the day, we can collect data till the cows come home, read the dashboards some of which is not needed or relevant, and we can see the RAG ratings to be shown what been done and what hasn't. It all makes little difference to many people and most of the public who are totally unaware of all that stuff. It's how people get treated across the board that really counts, and in some ares that needs calling out. The mechanisms though for that are simply not good enough.

Finally (Yeah thank goodness) . Why do I have to take a 60 mile round trip to an outpatients follow up appointment. What happened to the internet? If we can do to to the UK, (that a was first proposed 20 odd years ago by the good Mr Harper iirc) surely we can do it on the island, can't we? 


I can see why Manx Care would now like to have secure funding for three years rather than just one.

It must be very difficult to plan services with such a short horizon.

I suspect the hospice building was always too big but maybe they got carried away when Donald Gelling gave them the land.

The questions at the recent meeting were mainly about the situation in Ramsey. So that's where the emphasis was. It's a pity more people don't ask questions and attend the Manx Care Board Meetings in person.

It would be helpful if we knew who was responsible for what-DHSC, Manx Care, Transformation Team,Cabinet Office or Public Health.


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2 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

It would be helpful if we knew who was responsible for what-DHSC, Manx Care, Transformation Team,Cabinet Office or Public Health.

It might help a lot of people I think.....


3 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

I can see why Manx Care would now like to have secure funding for three years rather than just one.

Three years without Tynwald debate and for politicians to demonstrate accountability. Yeah, works for me ....Can we do that with all Departments then from now on. If so, DoI will wet themselves I reckon.....


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6 minutes ago, Apple said:

It might help a lot of people I think.....


Three years without Tynwald debate and for politicians to demonstrate accountability. Yeah, works for me ....Can we do that with all Departments then from now on. If so, DoI will wet themselves I reckon.....

7 minutes ago, Apple said:

It might help a lot of people I think.....


Three years without Tynwald debate and for politicians to demonstrate accountability. Yeah, works for me ....Can we do that with all Departments then from now on. If so, DoI will wet themselves I reckon.....


Wouldn't the mandate be for one year?

And Manx Care would still be accountable through annual report.


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2 hours ago, Moghrey Mie said:

Wouldn't the mandate be for one year?

And Manx Care would still be accountable through annual report.

Its all in the Board papers but I don't think so.

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