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4 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

Even if (s)he offered you some links that gave actual medical information, you'd only reply with a bitchute or John Campbell youtube link, so it's pointless

The question therefore is - Who gives you the right to speak on my behalf?

You may answer a reply for yourself, but please don't think for one second that you have any say on what I think.

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4 minutes ago, Sign in said:

The question therefore is - Who gives you the right to speak on my behalf?

You may answer a reply for yourself, but please don't think for one second that you have any say on what I think.

There is a link from the CDC that gets to the point and lets you know that masks can help reduce (not eradicate) the chance of infection spread of respiratory viruses. There are plenty of other studies out there that show they can be effective.


What Manx Care are asking for is people to wear masks in the hospital when visiting friends / family in order to try to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses to patients and staff. It's really not a big deal.

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3 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

The people on the MR Facebook post most definitely are.

Surgeons in operating rooms should stop wearing them if they don't do anything 

I'm not keen on providing links that could have been looked up, but the NIH - National Library of Medicine or Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine states in the following link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4480558/

You can choose to ignore or accept their conclusion, but all I'm doing is offering their publication of which I have no input of.

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7 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I wonder what it is that makes anyone who has lived the last few years actually think that facemasks have any effect whatsoever on a smaller than microscopic airborne virus.

Is it blind hope? 

From observations this week. Mostly the ones who look to be one step away from a diabetic coma. Waddling around with a mask on rather than bothering to actually look after their own health by being relatively healthy to fight off infection. 

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5 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

There is a link from the CDC that gets to the point and lets you know that masks can help reduce (not eradicate) the chance of infection spread of respiratory viruses. There are plenty of other studies out there that show they can be effective.


What Manx Care are asking for is people to wear masks in the hospital when visiting friends / family in order to try to reduce the spread of respiratory viruses to patients and staff. It's really not a big deal.

Perhaps for you its not regarded as a big deal, but I won't speak for others who may not share your viewpoint.

Please don't feel that you have to add to your point of view as I accept that what you wrote is personal and valid to you. I have no issues in what you say. 👍


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3 hours ago, Banker said:

Courtney heading supporters & other conspiracy theorists!! if people want the vaccine or wear masks what does it matter to anyone else? I have had the Covid vaccine & didn’t feel ill at all when catching Covid, I’ve also had the flu jab & will have the shingles vaccine when eligible.

I don't feel ill when I have covid. I'm asthmatic apparently. And fully unvaccinated. Weird how you would have covid if you're vaccinated though. I'd urge you to search on your search engine of choice, for the many articles falsey claiming the vaccines prevent transmission, serious illness.

When all this nonsense started (I can't believe we're having to say this in 2024), there were 2 vocal tribes. 

The first was being paid to say the vaccines were safe.

The second were not being paid to say they are dangerous. 

Manx Care are currently setting up a vaccine injury reporting service, due to strong demand.

Make of that.. what you will.

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2 hours ago, swoopy2110 said:

The people on the MR Facebook post most definitely are.

Surgeons in operating rooms should stop wearing them if they don't do anything 

The experts used to say the earth was flat. We used to lobotomise people. Doctors used to smoke in their offices. 

As many people say, follow the science. Unfortunately, free and open science is quashed by the big industry.

I recommend this video to all parties: 

Yes. Primarily regarding America. But an interesting insight to how corruptible and fragile our democracies are. 

Quite relevant to the crony capitalist rock that (most of us) reside on.

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11 hours ago, swoopy2110 said:


Surgeons in operating rooms should stop wearing them if they don't do anything 

The whole mask thing is a bit more nuanced than them being either 'totally useless' or 'lifesaving'.

Firstly, let's avoid comparisons with masks for covid and masks in the operating theatre.  When operating I wear a mask for two reasons.  Firstly, to protect myself from the odd splash of fluid, blood etc - it happens, surgery is sometimes a messy business.  Secondly, to prevent bacterial infections in my patients.  The skin is a pretty effective barrier against bacterial infection.  Once I've cut through it, there's not much of a barrier.  In your mouth and nose there are plenty of commensal organisms that in the wrong place could cause infection.  Like in a joint replacement for example. Masks in operating theatres are here to stay, for good reasons, even though there's probably no level 1 evidence for their effectiveness (you wouldn't run a study of mask vs no mask for example - it would not be ethical to do so).

As for covid, the Cochrane group have stated that there is no evidence of benefit from mandating or encouraging the use of masks in a general setting in prevention of covid/flu.  In a hospital it's a bit different - you have a higher concentration of both vulnerable patients, and of covid patients.  So the odds are changed.  There is no harm from wearing a mask when done properly, and whereas it might not make a huge difference in spread of the disease, in the context of a hospital setting there is probably a small benefit to be gained, and it at least focuses the mind on general infection control procedures and that covid is once more amongst us.

Manx Care's response yesterday, that masks should be worn in patient facing areas, is reasonable.  I don't like wearing masks any more than the next man, and hopefully once cases come down in the near future we'll be back to business as usual.

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