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Dr Ranson’s tribunal victory raises some very disturbing “What if ?”s”

1.What if - Dr Ranson had not had the professional experience of 26 years as a general practitioner , several years working for the GMC and then for the QCC - to give her the confidence and considerable personal courage to stand her ground?
2.What if - she had not been able to access expert legal advice because of support from the BMA  and the expertise of the one  of the Medical Defence Societies.

3.What if -she had been ground-down by the concerted, dishonest and manipulative actions of her CEO, the chief medical officer who it shows bullied, denigrated and tried to “gaslight “ her and the senior civil servants whose actions have been laid bare by the tribunal.

4. What if it had been someone who did not have the professional background or  the resilience to  persist with her case or  could not access the support of organisations that had such huge legal clout ?

What if ?

 Well,I think we know.

1.We would not have heard about it.

2.She  would have suffered the same fate as  others - chewed up and spat out by the flawed  system.

And  ..

3.We would not have heard about the forging of evidence by government officials which still needs further investigation.


4.We would not have  seen how the health minister gave evasive testimony as QC Segal  illustrated - a general denial of any involvement  until such denial was untenable. 

This is a situation that is not just  “ uncomfortable”as the CM described it 

it the biggest expose of what can most charitably be called  government “failings” in decades.

-and because of the nature of it being a tribunal, there is no where to hide.





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5 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

and because of the nature of it being a tribunal, there is no where to hide.

Unfortunately, it's already started, aided and abetted by no less a person than the President of Tynwald himself.

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5 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

We would not have heard about the forging of evidence by government officials which still needs further investigation.

This is a very valid point. It has clearly happened before. But I doubt a local advocate has a forensic IT team behind them to basically second check all documents that a lot of lawyers may have taken as fact. The likelihood is that the HR Department and the DHSC have got away with it before but this time they came across a seriously tooled up QC who was having none of the usual poor standards and incompetence. 

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10 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Unfortunately, it's already started, aided and abetted by no less a person than the President of Tynwald himself.

Watching the dialogue between him and Cannan he clearly was on orders to close people down. 

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We only know about this case because it went to tribunal. 

One wonders how many cases get 'settled' to avoid both public and off-island scrutiny.

I know of two cases over the last 30+ years where decent, ethical, able and hardworking clinicians were treated very badly indeed by the employer both due to, imo, middle managers with way too much executive power linked to too little managerial experience.

It is also my opinion that one of these cases involved a degree of victimisation and vexatious behavior by the clinical middle manager involved who had a known departmental track record of managerial concerns going back years. 

I understand that both cases resulted in significant settlements at public expense to (one assumes) avoid tribunal where the Manx public (and UK media) would have been shocked at how one of these clinicians in particularly was treated during the due process.

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7 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Not me. I've spent 12 months on an NHS quango. The last 8 I've been bullied and isolated by the longest serving member. I'm about to whistleblow. 

So even the quangos share that ethos.  It really needs a thorough clear out. 

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8 minutes ago, wrighty said:

I’ve come to the conclusion that people (a few, some, most?) aren’t very nice. In all walks of life. 

Agreed there are some horrors, but I generally find people are nice.  Perhaps everyone has an inner bastard that, if allowed by the culture, will soon surface? 

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20 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Not me. I've spent 12 months on an NHS quango. The last 8 I've been bullied and isolated by the longest serving member. I'm about to whistleblow. 

Sorry to hear that John.  

We need an anti bullying unit to root out all these scumbags, no golden handshake, just kicked out the door and publicly shamed.

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On 5/19/2022 at 7:21 PM, Dr. Grumpy said:

I'm not sure there's any number I would be comfortable with to even apply for that. 

Coincidentally, this is also why I believe that increasing MHK salaries is a waste of money. Those that will stand, will stand. The salary won't make a difference.

Edited by rachomics
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