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7 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Why do you think we need a wealthy lawyer, accountant or surgeon? What would their very specific skills bring to Tynwald?

Why are you presuming that because someone earns lots of money they will be a better politician? Do you think poor people are not worthy?

Read this.

I was replying to a previous post who said we needed to reduce wages & attract candidates who don’t need the money so I agree with you but you obviously didn’t read the post correctly !!

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

I was replying to a previous post who said we needed to reduce wages & attract candidates who don’t need the money so I agree with you but you obviously didn’t read the post correctly !!

In any case, it’s probably more competent civil servants we’re in need of more.

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The only way to sort the island out imho would be for at least 10, maybe 15 years of a dictatorship.

To pick the right dictator would be the key but at least dictators get things done and don't have time wasting meetings all week.

I am actually semi serious in the above, someone like a Thatcher, not necessarily right wing but someone who can see the islands problems and do whatever needed to drain the swamp even if it did their own reputation harm.

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The reasons why we didn’t come a cropper in the Pandemic has very little to do with the actions  of the CM, the health minister, the CEO , the Chief Medical officer and the toadying of the next CEO. Too much of their focus was clearly on them selves and building a vindictive case against Dr Ranson.Shockingly,from the tribunals conclusions it has raised suspicion that evidence produced by the Govt.was at least open to question regarding its authenticity.

The reasons we did pretty well were partially geographical - and having a lot of very sound, low profile people who quietly and diligently just  got on with their jobs in medicine, nursing, care homes  and yes, some very hard working and dedicated civil servants.People who most people could not put a name to.

This is the way the vaccination programme was quietly and efficiently roled out and has saved us many lives and serious illness.

Amongst these folk  whose just “did their bloody job” were the Steam Packet who were very unfairly targeted with dubious evidence from the usual culprits.

The reason why many people are angry with the recent expose is that we are all aware a lot of people just” got on with the bloody job” and by and large we were a public that was not only  willingly compliant as we accepted fairly unpleasant and sometimes draconian rules - we abided by them.We helped deal with the Pandemic -we did.

We don’t need a new a new political system - and certainly not some sort of “benign” dictatorship,if there is such a thing.We already have a very good system - we just have to recognise the when things are wrong - and take action to maintain it.

Edited by hampsterkahn
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4 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

The reasons why we didn’t come a cropper in the Pandemic has very little to do with the actions  of the CM, the health minister, the CEO , the Chief Medical officer and the toadying of the next CEO. Too much of their focus was clearly on them selves and building a vindictive case against Dr Ranson and, from the tribunals conclusions it is clear with  others help concocting fraudulent evidence.

The reasons we did pretty well were partially geographical - and having a lot of very sound, low profile people who quietly and diligently just  got on with their jobs in medicine, nursing, care homes  and yes, some very hard working and dedicated civil servants.People who most people could not put a name to.

Amongst these folk  whose just “did their bloody job” were the Steam Packet who were very unfairly targeted with dubious evidence from the usual culprits.

The reason why many people are angry with the recent expose is that we are all aware of lot of people just” got on with the bloody job” and by and large we were a public that was not only  willingly compliant, we accepted fairly unpleasant sometimes draconian rules - and abided by them.

We don’t need a new a new political system - and certainly not some sort of “benign” dictatorship if there is such a thing.We already have a very good system - we just have to recognise the when things are wrong - and take action to maintain it.

Except for the fraudulent evidence bit, which has yet to be established, this is 1,000% spot on. It was little to do with the "names" but ordinary CS, health staff and the GMP. 

The Steam Packet shenanigans was just one of many.  Dr E was aghast that they were not isolating as was thought, but did she enquire and in practice what else could they do?  

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12 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

.The reasons we did pretty well were partially geographical - and having a lot of very sound, low profile people who quietly and diligently just  got on with their jobs in medicine, nursing, care homes  and yes, some very hard working and dedicated civil servants.People who most people could not put a name to.

I’d agree with that bit we also had a very sensible community focussed public outside of government circles too.  But sadly the Chief Secretary decided that we are all f**king idiots who had to be threatened with being put in jail If we dared to take any element of personal risk based approach to our behaviour. Amd invoked wartime emergency powers from which ensued a Chinese-style totalitarian orgy for a good few months that he and others got off on. For that reason alone I’m happy he’s now out on his arse. 

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3 hours ago, Bandits said:

Amd invoked wartime emergency powers from which ensued a Chinese-style totalitarian orgy for a good few months that he and others got off on

Indeed, it was way over the top as was accessing private property "just to check" those subject to quarantine were actually at home with zero indication whatsoever that they had not been. 


Edited by ballaughbiker
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The attitude of the Gov towards the public during the Pandemic as shown by the CM,CEO ,when available , and particularly the chief medical officer was  one of talking down to rather silly children.

This became toe -curlingly cringe-making when the same approach was taken regarding the various denials - the “letter”, the Steam Packet incident etc.

Even Mr Ashford’s citation re his gong  was something along the lines of making complicated messages  simple to the public, suggesting that the nomination emanated  from a source not too distant in a system  with a similar mind-set.

But it was this simple,  silly  “public” who made the whole thing work, not these media stars

I don’t think DA will include any recognition of -  us - or an  an apology for letting us down and certainly no insight or apology to Dr Ranson or anyone else.

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On 10/26/2020 at 2:26 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Probably not Public Health, who seem to be as little listened to as @rachomics, opposition is more likely to be from within the DHSC hierarchy - especially from those with no medical or scientific qualifications of their own...

How very true Roger. It is obvious now who that person is. 

On 10/28/2020 at 4:22 PM, Roger Mexico said:

... Ashford continues to maintain that the way in which government is reaching their decisions is the right one.  He is misleading in implying that @rachomics is demanding that her advice be the only one that is listened to, whereas all she has been complaining about is that it wasn't asked for at all. And neither was advice from other sources such as Public Health it appears. Effectively Ashford is confirming this. 

As so often this is more revealing than intended.  What is important in determining policy is clearly not not the arguments and evidence put forward or the experience and knowledge or track record of those contributing. All that matters is whether you are one of the 'right' people - a member of the correct club.  And then long rigmaroles  and endless committee meetings have to be gone through to make sure that responsibility can never be pinned on anyone if things go wrong.

Then in reality the actual decisions are made on a whim by an uninformed and bullying individual.  But they know they can get away with it because the whole system is actually designed to cover everything up and if things go wrong no one will ever be held responsible. In practice the purpose of these elaborate charades of policy-making  is to keep all those involved employed and feeling important rather than coming to the right decisions.


On 10/30/2020 at 6:28 PM, slinkydevil said:

Watching it again I'm still calling bullshit, it's even written in his style of delivery! 

This charade has to be considered in the round also. Toe-curling to say the least. I don't believe for one minute that the letter was genuinely sent by a member of the staff, more likely the source is, er, much closer to home. It's worth observing Quayle's body language during Moulton's questioning, the 'how-very-dare-you' eye-rolling and brown shoe shuffling says it all.

On 10/30/2020 at 10:40 PM, Uhtred said:

Quayle and Ashford have indisputably shown themselves as the petty, spiteful, ignorant and incompetent half-wits that many of us have clearly discerned from day 1. They’re a disgrace who should be unceremoniously booted out of office. ‘Chief Minister’ my arse. Appalling.


That particular thread, and the comments it raised at the time are relevant even now.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

I don't believe for one minute that the letter was genuinely sent by a member of the staff, more likely the source is, er, much closer to home. It's worth observing Quayle's body language during Moulton's questioning, the 'how-very-dare-you' eye-rolling and brown shoe shuffling says it all.

I do think it was sent by a member of staff (in the sense of a DHSC employee), but it wasn't from someone who was working with Rachel Glover directly or at the frontline.  It always sounded to me like it came from someone in the management structure who was annoyed that anyone except the people at the top should get any credit whatsoever.  Perhaps someone like Murray.

What I do now wonder about is whether the letter was spontaneous or was requested (or hinted at) by Ashford so as to undermine Glover and silence any criticism[1]  There's a big irony here that Ashford is now claiming that he was only allowed to follow information that came through the official channel (ie Magson) and yet he was happy to believe a semi-anonymous letter pushed through his front door.


[1]  Obviously it didn't work - predictably quite the opposite.  But just because people are bullying manipulators doesn't mean that they're much good at it.

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