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7 minutes ago, code99 said:


I take your point about the Health portfolio – under the circumstances who would want that poisoned chalice? I may be wrong but I would have thought that DfE would be an interesting proposition for someone with business experience and gumption.                   

Gumption yes, but you have have to get through the fog of the civil service. I’m sure CM Cannan would have filled the DfE role if he thought Clare Christian was the answer. For all we know she may have turned down the role. 

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27 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

As was inevitable (I've been checking YouTube all day) the Chris and Paul show returns to discuss the latest developments in the Ranson case:

Joined Andrew Langan-Newton the Green Party leader and more relevantly a practicing lawyer.

Robertshaw really going for Hoopers jugular in the second one - “I’m disgusted” and “Where is Laurie’s head on all this” 

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20 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I think that you are in the class of "extreme moderate" people. You always look on the good side of people (except maybe me).

Yes, we will see what happens, but one can at this time also form an opinion about the behaviour of the government and its lawyers.

Ranson's lawyers have stated that (if not all, then most) documents have been delivered to them late, or extremely late. That has hampered their preparations for the case. During Thursday's hearing the Deemster when commenting on statements made by the gov.'s advocate, several times he shrugged his shoulders and said "You are out of time", or pointed out - pointedly- that the Tribunal document was published at the start of May.

This is behaviour I would expect from an East End lawyer representing an East End second-hand car dealer who had sold a car in which the wheels fell off.

It is not the behaviour I would expect from a government department and its legal team.


When I say "expect", actually I mean it is par for the course for this IoM gov.

The point I am making is that there may be many explanations for the evidential discrepancies, not just that there had been some concoction going on.  If that makes me an "extreme moderate" then OK.  My scale was from sloppy to illegal, not that there is nothing to see and all is fine.  It was intended to be a counter point to those jumping to the worst possible conclusion. 

I absolutely agree that the conduct of this whole affair by government has been less than reassuring and the various attempts made to de-rail pretty shambolic and cynical if not shameful. 

I try not to automatically see the worst in people, even you 🙃!  I would rather make a judgement when the facts are known, not on supposition or the popular hue and cry. 

There are certain characters in this whole piece who, in my opinion, are piles of shite and TBH they have gotten off lightly, ....... so far. 

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1 hour ago, code99 said:

I may be wrong but I would have thought that DfE would be an interesting proposition for someone with business experience and gumption.                   

That’s the funniest comment I e read on here for a while. Nobody with any business acumen could last a week in the DfE. 

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1 hour ago, Wavey Davey said:

That’s the funniest comment I e read on here for a while. Nobody with any business acumen could last a week in the DfE. 


The perfect fit...

Edited by Non-Believer
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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Fantastic interview that. Well done IOM TV and Paul Moulton. Forensic stuff for anyone who wants to get up to speed on this. Big respect to all involved and especially Chris Robertshaw who has shone a light on this from the beginning. 

The remarks made by Chris about Mr Hooper imply that the current Health Minister is out of his depth. However, the insidious influence emanating from the AG’s Office (that the panellists alluded to) seems to me to be even more frightening prospect. If this is as bad as they intimated, the IOM legal system is something akin to the rule of law based on ‘Godfather fiction’ than a function within an open and transparent democracy. Paul may have been a bit melodramatic when he said that he was worried that his phone might be bugged...presumably by somebody acting as an agent for the IOMG? I find even the idea that he should voice this concern very troubling. If this is actually happening, then it is a watershed moment for the Island, IMHO.

Next week’s public hearing could provide much more than just ‘bread and circuses’ for the masses.      

Edited by code99
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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

Where is Laurie head? Up his arse.

I’d be putting money on Hooper leaving his role soon. Are you actually able to resign while Tynwald is in recess? Twitter is alive with criticism that he can’t counter. As Robertshaw points out Ranson was still in position when Hooper got the job, he can’t try to dump it all on Ashford. Much as he’d probably like to. 

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28 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I think we can safely assume that it's extremely unlikely that young, dynamic, professional people and their families will be making up the numbers to 100 000. This is probably why they're being so sneaky. This could be massive.

It's kicked the platform out from under the glitter-rolled turd...

( I was going to say stool but it was at cross purposes 😂 )

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