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32 minutes ago, code99 said:


IMHO, if the Island introduces ‘fees’ for seeing GPs or similar, then this process should be handled cautiously, and should only be implemented if there is means-testing. I also suspect that the admin costs associated with managing such a system will probably outweigh any additional revenues it might generate.


Introducing a fee to see your GP would be counter productive.

Everyone knows (or should do) that early diagnosis is absolutely key in positive outcomes in a number of conditions, especially cancer. Men especially are already less likely to go to the doctor when they should, an additional fee would make them even less likely to do so. 

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On 10/24/2021 at 9:01 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Regarding the Dr Tinwell case there's some interesting information just emerged from an FoI Request[1].  The request starts:

Dear Attorney General

First Deemster Andrew Corlett dismissed an appeal from the health department in July 2020. The Deemster was plainly not happy with the DHSC, which were represented by the Attorney Generals Chambers noting that the proceedings had merely increased costs.

Naturally the Attorney Generals Chambers should not be seen to be wasting tax payer’s money so in this respect please supply the following

Request and response are:

Your Question – Part 1:

The total cost to the tax payer in court costs advocates time ect that the Attorney Generals Chambers have incurred throughout all the various and long running employment tribunals and failed court cases relating to Dr Tinwell.

Our Response – Part 1:

The Attorney General’s Chambers does not record court costs for an advocate’s time: nor does the court itself raise any costs when determining cases before it. In the case to which you refer the High Court made an order that the Appellant (which was represented by advocates from the Attorney General’s Chambers but which was not itself the Attorney General’s Chambers) was ordered to pay the Respondent’s costs of appeal which were assessed in the amount of £10,000 plus VAT.

Your Question – Part 2:

The case has disappeared off the employment tribunal listings. I ask the Attorney Generals Chambers has the case with Dr Tinwell been settled out of court. In respect of this I do not ask for the settlement figures just confirmation that the case has been settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. As it is tax payers money openness and transparency should rightfully be shown, so I can see no reason for not disclosing what has been asked for

Our Response – Part 2:

For this part of your question, the Attorney General’s Chambers can confirm that prior to the proceedings before the Tribunal being determined, the parties disposed of matters relating to the dispute on what they both agreed were strictly confidential terms.


You can almost hear the gritted teeth the answer came through.  In any other organisation, saying that no records are kept of the time spent by very highly-paid staff would be treated as ridiculous (particularly as it's not unknown for the AG's Office to try to claim their costs against individuals), but this lot are so disorganised it might be true.


[1]  As ever the servlet problem means it can't be reliably linked but case ID is 2021153 and the title "Costs incurred in the Dr Tinwell court and employment tribunals" submitted on 04/10/2021 (replied on 19th)

Remember this one folks . Should do it went on for years the Attorney General’s Chambers did everything in their power not to let it get to an employment tribunal . When that failed it’s the usual settled out of court complete with gagging order . At least a million pounds here in pay out in tax payers cash .  Another one for the famous Isle of Man Government carpet . The Attorney Generals Office was used at great expense over many court applications to break Dr Tinwell , when they couldn’t they silenced the doctor with a very , very big cheque. The abuse of your taxes right here by some very vindictive individuals.

If this million pound pay out is true it’s scandalous. Complete waste of tax payer’s money. The case was based on a scam diagnosis of severe PTSD. Sure Dr Tinwell was treated badly but the claims she was making were exaggerated tremendously. Food for thought…

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16 minutes ago, Max Power said:

Make sure you go to Ramsey Cottage Hospital with all of your minor injuries and illnesses.

How long before they are swamped?


Probably quite a long time, if they're having to tout for business.  Obviously Northerners mainly injure themselves in the hours of darkness when the MIU is shut.

To be fair the video isn't saying that you have to go there (I suspect the tweet is badly worded - they usually are).  Instead that with something minor you can go there - it's not restricted to those living in the North - and you might get treated quicker for something with lower priority, even after allowing for travelling time.

It won't work of course, because if it's worrying enough to take to A&E rather than a GPs surgery, then people want to go to the nearest hospital to get reassurance as quickly as possible.  And for most people that's going to be Nobles.  Might be worth thinking about at weekends.

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1 minute ago, Roger Mexico said:

Probably quite a long time, if they're having to tout for business.  Obviously Northerners mainly injure themselves in the hours of darkness when the MIU is shut.

To be fair the video isn't saying that you have to go there (I suspect the tweet is badly worded - they usually are).  Instead that with something minor you can go there - it's not restricted to those living in the North - and you might get treated quicker for something with lower priority, even after allowing for travelling time.

It won't work of course, because if it's worrying enough to take to A&E rather than a GPs surgery, then people want to go to the nearest hospital to get reassurance as quickly as possible.  And for most people that's going to be Nobles.  Might be worth thinking about at weekends.

If it is minor you will probably save yourself several hours by going to Ramsey rather than Nobles as the wait can be 3/4 hours easily when it’s busy 

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

If it is minor you will probably save yourself several hours by going to Ramsey rather than Nobles as the wait can be 3/4 hours easily when it’s busy 

Oh that's the perfectly valid point they're making.  It's just for most people they'll head for Nobles if just for reassurance.  Of course there's nothing to prevent whoever is seeing people on arrival at A&E suggesting they might be seen quicker at Ramsey if it's something appropriate.

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10 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Of course there's nothing to prevent whoever is seeing people on arrival at A&E suggesting they might be seen quicker at Ramsey if it's something appropriate.

That’s been done, and is usually met with complaints of being ‘fobbed off’ or incredulous shrieks of ‘what, all the way to Ramsey?’

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Imagine a situation where someone falls from a height, definitely breaks one arm plus there is other damage, walks 2 miles to the hospital because they can't drive there, only to get told off on arrival by some guy who normally works on the railways for not going to Ramsey.



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13 minutes ago, wrighty said:

That’s been done, and is usually met with complaints of being ‘fobbed off’ or incredulous shrieks of ‘what, all the way to Ramsey?’

Quite. An extra 20 minute journey to shave a few hours off a waiting time just doesn't seem worth it when you can have a moan and potentially make your situation worse instead.

Edited by Danoo
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On 10/24/2021 at 9:01 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Your Question – Part 1:

The total cost to the tax payer in court costs advocates time ect that the Attorney Generals Chambers have incurred throughout all the various and long running employment tribunals and failed court cases relating to Dr Tinwell.

Our Response – Part 1:

The Attorney General’s Chambers does not record court costs for an advocate’s time: nor does the court itself raise any costs when determining cases before it. In the case to which you refer the High Court made an order that the Appellant (which was represented by advocates from the Attorney General’s Chambers but which was not itself the Attorney General’s Chambers) was ordered to pay the Respondent’s costs of appeal which were assessed in the amount of £10,000 plus VAT.


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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Ramsey Cottage has a major disadvantage in that booking in to A & E is done through a glass window just at the side of the open plan waiting room.  I (and fifty others) had the unfortunate experience of hearing a young man trying to tell the receptionist that he had a large boil on his scrotum. He tried, unsuccessfully to keep his voice down but the receptionist couldn't hear him through the glass and so, inevitably, he had to bawl that he had, "A massive boil on his bollock!"

I felt for him.  Probably not as much as he felt for himself mind.

At least at Nobles you can state your condition in a slightly more private setting.

Poor lad.  Seeing as the previous Health Minister was quite keen on GDPR, it is surprising that such a lack of privacy was allowed.  Perhaps they could have a shredder running in the background to mask the more sensitive details. 

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1 hour ago, snowman said:

Has X ray reopened at weekends in Ramsey or is it still shut ?

Don't know about Ramsey but was well impressed with X ray service at Nobles. Doctor referred me and I expected to have to ring , make appointment etc , but no, just go straight down to the dept. Arrived gave receptionist my paperwork , sat down and really friendly girl came out and into the room and well within 10 mins was out of there . Very impressive service tbh .  

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8 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Don't know about Ramsey but was well impressed with X ray service at Nobles. Doctor referred me and I expected to have to ring , make appointment etc , but no, just go straight down to the dept. Arrived gave receptionist my paperwork , sat down and really friendly girl came out and into the room and well within 10 mins was out of there . Very impressive service tbh .  

If it’s urgent then the service at nobles is excellent for scans ,X-ray etc

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