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6 hours ago, P.K. said:

I watched the Moulton / Robertshaw wash-up show but unfortunately fainted from boredom....

You should take the time to listen to/watch the vids, whatever you think of the participants. I wasn't a fan of his but I thought Andrew Langan-Newton came across well. Up until recently I wouldn't have taken much notice of Robertshaw either but he's definitely moving in the right direction with this. 

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Hear, hear Code99.  There needs to be an independent whistleblowing support service for the CS/PS with funding for legal advice to whistleblowers as well as a statutory power of inquiry. 

CS/PS terms need to be re-written to include the kind of behaviour we have seen as gross misconduct and where this is established, the penalties can include loss of non-contributory pension entitlement. 

Wonderful idea but can’t see it happening. 

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

I thought Andrew Langan-Newton came across well. Up until recently I wouldn't have taken much notice of Robertshaw either but he's definitely moving in the right direction with this. 

Langan Newton stood in Rushen and failed. When you consider what useless sacks of crap got in hopefully the people of Rushen might change their minds next time around. 

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4 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

Langan Newton stood in Rushen and failed. When you consider what useless sacks of crap got in hopefully the people of Rushen might change their minds next time around. 

I think he was a militant greeny in the run up to election which likely put some voters off.

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13 minutes ago, MrGarrison said:

Langan Newton stood in Rushen and failed. When you consider what useless sacks of crap got in hopefully the people of Rushen might change their minds next time around. 

I doubt it. The electorate were seduced by Mr Squeaker and Michelle Haywood. Now firmly wedded establishment figures and IOMG apologists when it suits. Hardly likely to condemn Hooperman and the DHSC as if Mr Squeaker rocks the boat he won’t stand a chance of being the next Chief Minister, and I’m sure Michelle Haywood would love to be a COMIN member.

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44 minutes ago, BriT said:

Or if they had more then 40 followers!

Only two actually.  Including the pseudonymous proposer who is both incorrect (Hooper wasn't responsible for Ranson's 'sacking') and has a particularly random use of  capital letters, even for Change.org.

I actually thought Robertshaw was a little unfair about Hooper's role, because we are constantly told that Ministers shouldn't intervene in personnel matters and when he took over, the DHSC was already in dispute with Ranson.  That doesn't stop the fact that Hooper has (unnecessarily) behaved like an idiot.  He could have got away with saying "I have been legally advised[1] that as the current Minister I shouldn't say anything for fear of prejudicing the ongoing litigation[2]".  No sarky tweets, no mysterious hints as to secret reasons, no offering interviews.  'Protecting' your Department is the last thing to do in these circumstances, both for justice in general and for sheer self-preservation.


[1] And get this in writing from the AG's Office before he said anything.

[2]  This is not the same as sub judice and doesn't stop anyone else discussing it.

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5 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

Ashford is too busy on a kids holiday at Disney Land with his girlfriend (they have no kids) to give a rats arse about what's going on in the real world.


where's a crazy nut job with a gun when you need one................

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