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The NPM is reporting that Manx Care is asking Tynpotwald for £18.3 million to use towards clearing the waiting lists. This funding is going to be ring fenced, and be seperate from the annual budget. 

If funding is granted, what carrots and sticks are going to be used to ensure that targets are going to met? I’m concerned that funding is granted, some operations/treatments carried out but there is another ‘crisis’ and everything comes to a shuddering halt. I’m concerned that Manx Care will come back next year asking for £25 millions.

With Manx Care being arms length, is there any mechanism ensuring that the taxpayers interests are adhered to, and the funding isn’t being squandered?

Edited by 2112
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50 minutes ago, Flyingfemme said:

Nice thought but how will they clear the stuff that needs doing on the mainland. The system is overwhelmed for the foreseeable.

Well that’s down to availability at Uk hospital’s which is not in control of Manx Care, I’m happy to see extra funding for things like cataracts as my mother has been on urgent list for nearly 3 years & had to give up car

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Apologies for getting the facts wrong and thanks to everyone who corrected me - it is great that the CEO and half of the Manx Care Board are Manx residents. Let’s hope that they will establish an ethos of openness and collaboration within IOM health services and ensure that whistle-blowers are treated with respect and dignity. The Island does not need a sequel to Dr Ranson’s case – this one has been traumatic enough. I presume that the Manx Care Board Members have been following her case closely and are learning from it. It is imperative that Manx Care succeeds in delivering high quality public health services to the residents without scandals and allegations.

As @2112 asked in their post – my view is that there is no clear and sensible “mechanism to ensure that taxpayers’ interests are adhered to”. Unless I am wrong again, I believe that under the current arrangements, Manx Care are not required to justify their performance to anyone on a regular basis. I am also at a loss to understand how they can be held accountable for implementing the Health Minister’s ‘policies’. If they fail KPIs and are subsequently ‘fined’, then presumably these ‘fines’ will be money that Manx Care will not be able to spend on delivering health services to the residents. In which case Manx taxpayers/ patients will be worse off. IMHO, it is more like Catch-22 than “carrots and sticks to ensure that targets are met”.

Manx Care is not a charity, they are a private business. I am uncomfortable with the idea that a private, arms-length company has been appointed to deliver public health services with public money. Making profits is what naturally drives private sector companies (without profits they go bust). It has always been my view that public health services should be run and administered by public organisations.

Edited by code99
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1 hour ago, code99 said:

Apologies for getting the facts wrong and thanks to everyone who corrected me - it is great that the CEO and half of the Manx Care Board are Manx residents. Let’s hope that they will establish an ethos of openness and collaboration within IOM health services and ensure that whistle-blowers are treated with respect and dignity. The Island does not need a sequel to Dr Ranson’s case – this one has been traumatic enough. I presume that the Manx Care Board Members have been following her case closely and are learning from it. It is imperative that Manx Care succeeds in delivering high quality public health services to the residents without scandals and allegations.

As @2112 asked in their post – my view is that there is no clear and sensible “mechanism to ensure that taxpayers’ interests are adhered to”. Unless I am wrong again, I believe that under the current arrangements, Manx Care are not required to justify their performance to anyone on a regular basis. I am also at a loss to understand how they can be held accountable for implementing the Health Minister’s ‘policies’. If they fail KPIs and are subsequently ‘fined’, then presumably these ‘fines’ will be money that Manx Care will not be able to spend on delivering health services to the residents. In which case Manx taxpayers/ patients will be worse off. IMHO, it is more like Catch-22 than “carrots and sticks to ensure that targets are met”.

Manx Care is not a charity, they are a private business. I am uncomfortable with the idea that a private, arms-length company has been appointed to deliver public health services with public money. Making profits is what naturally drives private sector companies (without profits they go bust). It has always been my view that public health services should be run and administered by public organisations.

I’m really concerned that Tynpotwald and especially Hooperman (a man of limited understanding of taxpayers), who’s only solution is to throw money at the problem. Money helps, but using that money wisely to good effect and getting the most out of the funding. Sadly if as is typical of IOMG and it’s civil servants, I have a feeling this £18.3 million will be wasted, and Manx Care management will be pleading for more funding.

Also, is Hooperman the right person to be the Minister for the Department of Health and Social Care? He has made a dogs breakfast of the DHSC wishing to appeal against the judgement of the Employment Tribunal decision to hold an additional disclosure hearing. I dont think he is capable of being let off the lead. I would rather the DHSC is headed by a politician who is competent, and able. Hooperman could perhaps have a Ministerial role where he couldn’t cause much damage - DEFA?

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DEFA is an important component in our future carbon reduction, it's wrong to suggest this is an easy Dept to manage.

What woulld you have our NHS do? Nothing? or spend on an input of outside services to reduce waiting times and provide services required by the Islands population?

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2 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

Do you have a link for that description, please, Gladys?   Or an indication of where the description came from?

Manx Radio top story, can't link for some reason.

One of the findings of a review by the CQC into ED.  There are other, quite frankly, disturbing findings. 

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21 hours ago, 2112 said:

The NPM is reporting that Manx Care is asking Tynpotwald for £18.3 million to use towards clearing the waiting lists. This funding is going to be ring fenced, and be seperate from the ……..

Mr Hooper and Co should have the courage to ask what is Manx Care doing that couldn’t have been achieved by the old Department?. What value is the Manx Care Chairman and his Board providing to IOM. Shouldn’t the whole sorry mess be scrapped?.

Manx Care reduced some waiting lists after using £millions of taxpayers money to outsource the waiting lists to a Scottish health provider to clear. Now they want another £18m to outsource further waiting lists to the same Scottish health provider, money which incidentally will go out of our economy. The DHSC could have done the same with extra funding.

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