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15 minutes ago, manxlass said:

I know someone who broke their arm early January, was plastered for 6 weeks. Cast was then removed late February and they were told your arm is still broken. Not going to put another cast on as you will lose too much mobility. Early April they were in Liverpool for a hospital appointment for something else, consultant noticed that they were holding arm. Asked what was up, they explained what had happened. They were sent straight away for a scan and orthopedic consultant summoned. The orthopedic consultant said this should have been operated on straight away. Where the break was it would never have healed. He also said whoever left your arm like this should be struck off. Early May the arm had major reconstruction in Liverpool.

Did they make a formal complaint? 

The reason I say that is that unless a complaint is made, all these issues will fall below the radar, even if that radar is ineffective.  It is not to criticise at all.

I have had close experience of the ineffectiveness of mental healthcare, but because the options are limited, I didn't do anything.  I wish I had. 

Edited by Gladys
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9 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Because he posts under his own name.  Unlike you or I who post anonymously. He has been good enough on many occasions to post his thoughts but it feels that you are throwing that back in his face now by making an unfair judgement. How about you post your real name and where you work and then maybe we can start throwing stones at you?

I agree. Wrighty is one of the few good guys remaining at Noble's.

I've been told that A&E's downward spiral hugely accelerated after he stepped down from his Clinical Director role (which covered surgery, a&e, anaesthetics etc.)

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20 minutes ago, manxlass said:

I know someone who broke their arm early January, was plastered for 6 weeks. Cast was then removed late February and they were told your arm is still broken. Not going to put another cast on as you will lose too much mobility. Early April they were in Liverpool for a hospital appointment for something else, consultant noticed that they were holding arm. Asked what was up, they explained what had happened. They were sent straight away for a scan and orthopedic consultant summoned. The orthopedic consultant said this should have been operated on straight away. Where the break was it would never have healed. He also said whoever left your arm like this should be struck off. Early May the arm had major reconstruction in Liverpool.

Nobles put a brace on a friends daughters leg earlier this year and during a re-scan and consultation several weeks later, turns out it wasn't even broken and the cast had caused new issued for her ankle! Seems a common theme.

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5 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

I agree. Wrighty is one of the few good guys remaining at Noble's.

I've been told that A&E's downward spiral hugely accelerated after he stepped down from his Clinical Director role (which covered surgery, a&e, anaesthetics etc.)

Then Id openly say to Wrighty to stop defending the indefensible and speak up about true experiences.

Edited by NoTailT
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10 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Did they make a formal complaint? 

The reason I say that is that unless a complaint is made, all these issues will fall below the radar, even if that radar is ineffective.  It is not to criticise at all.

I have had close experience of the ineffectiveness of mental healthcare, but because the options are limited, I didn't do anything.  I wish I had. 

The problem is, if you go and see a GP or for a followup at Ramsey Cottage, there's just this general acceptance of 'Nothing surprises me at Nobles' amongst the medical profession outside of Nobles.

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4 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

The problem is, if you go and see a GP or for a followup at Ramsey Cottage, there's just this general acceptance of 'Nothing surprises me at Nobles' amongst the medical profession outside of Nobles.

Sadly and seemingly true. My GP was like I can refer you but there’s a 50% chance Manx Care will make it worse. Which is a terrible state of affairs 

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All this is frightening really. And when I'm sitting here with  osteoarthritis in my ankle which my GP and a Doctor from Nobles both said was very bad but still said it will be up to 5 years before its done. It seems the whole process is totally broken with only a token force holding the fort. Very worrying as you get older tbh . 

Just a follow up from post above by Zolty.. My GP , who I like , said in all the hospitals he's been involved with around the world Nobles is by far the worst

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16 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

A quote from the ManxRadio item is:

"Presenting the body's first annual report, at September's board meeting, Teresa Cope said that over the past year the body had uncovered "many issues and deficits that have needed to be addressed":"

It took the inspectors 4 days....

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How has it come to this and how is it fixed?

A total clear out will have a deleterious effect on the health service and may make recruitment even more difficult.  But dealing with these issues on a slowly, slowly basis will only allow the underlying culture to perpetuate, even if hiding under stones.

Perhaps the answer is to engage a private healthcare provider at management level, give them clear objectives and measurable targets and let them go through the whole system like a dose of salts.  Some may argue against it as privatisation by the back door, but what we have now is not working  you could even say it is a risk to the health of the island.  From that report, the jeopardy is not just failing to cure, but actually cause more harm.

No matter, it will wait until the next Tynwald. 

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3 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

A quote from the ManxRadio item is:

"Presenting the body's first annual report, at September's board meeting, Teresa Cope said that over the past year the body had uncovered "many issues and deficits that have needed to be addressed":"

It took the inspectors 4 days....

And would seem , apart from asking for another 18+ million , they haven't addressed or dealt with any of them.  

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50 minutes ago, manxlass said:

I know someone who broke their arm early January, was plastered for 6 weeks. Cast was then removed late February and they were told your arm is still broken. Not going to put another cast on as you will lose too much mobility. Early April they were in Liverpool for a hospital appointment for something else, consultant noticed that they were holding arm. Asked what was up, they explained what had happened. They were sent straight away for a scan and orthopedic consultant summoned. The orthopedic consultant said this should have been operated on straight away. Where the break was it would never have healed. He also said whoever left your arm like this should be struck off. Early May the arm had major reconstruction in Liverpool.


38 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Did they make a formal complaint? 

The reason I say that is that unless a complaint is made, all these issues will fall below the radar, even if that radar is ineffective.  It is not to criticise at all. 

I know about this one. They did indeed make a formal complaint, independent review from a specialist centre was obtained, and the Noble’s Consultant’s original management was deemed to be entirely reasonable. 

The comments referencing being “struck off” are laughable and most likely made up. If not they are frankly slanderous. 

Not everything critical said about Noble’s is accurate.  @manxlass I suggest you talk to them again and get the full picture. 

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15 minutes ago, Gladys said:

How has it come to this and how is it fixed?

A total clear out will have a deleterious effect on the health service and may make recruitment even more difficult.  But dealing with these issues on a slowly, slowly basis will only allow the underlying culture to perpetuate, even if hiding under stones.

Perhaps the answer is to engage a private healthcare provider at management level, give them clear objectives and measurable targets and let them go through the whole system like a dose of salts.  Some may argue against it as privatisation by the back door, but what we have now is not working  you could even say it is a risk to the health of the island.  From that report, the jeopardy is not just failing to cure, but actually cause more harm.

No matter, it will wait until the next Tynwald. 

It is privatisation through the backdoor but then this is what they wanted when they created Manx Care.

The big issue is if they sack off all the bad apples who is going to replace them? There is a shortage of staff across the whole of the UK. If a private healthcare operator comes in to run Nobles they will run it from the UK and we will, eventually, end up paying more for healthcare.  


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1 minute ago, wrighty said:


I know about this one. They did indeed make a formal complaint, independent review from a specialist centre was obtained, and the Noble’s Consultant’s original management was deemed to be entirely reasonable. 

The comments referencing being “struck off” are laughable and most likely made up. If not they are frankly slanderous. 

Not everything critical said about Noble’s is accurate.  @manxlass I suggest you talk to them again and get the full picture. 

I think you just broke confidentiality there Mr Wright, in your hast to defend 

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