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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I don't think Manx Care is undermanaged.  What struck me reading the CQC report was that it was under-administered.  Most of the things the CQC complained were missing (some more important than others) were things that were expected to be done by medical staff: doctors, nurses etc.  Even policy needs to be checked with those using it - I doubt you'd be happy if what treatment you gave was dictated by someone with an MBA and GCSE General Science.

But many of these administrative tasks could be devolved in part to admin staff under medical guidance.  They can fill in forms, check up missing data, update computer systems, maybe collect patient info.  And of course chase up the medical staff to do their bit.

None of these sorts of omissions will be solved by employing more managers to produce important policy documents which no one reads and have important meetings that no one can remember a thing about.

You’re probably right - I was using the term ‘managed’ perhaps too loosely. However, the boundaries between management, leadership, administration etc are all too often blurred. 

I already do what I consider to be too much admin. But if I don’t do it there doesn’t appear to be anyone else to do so. The points you make are what I was trying to say - the CQC may complain that stuff is missing that should be done by medical staff, but if those staff have already got enough ‘stuff’ to do on top of seeing patients and saving lives etc what happens? Some of the policies don’t get updated, some of the weekly kit checks doesn’t get done etc. 

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57 minutes ago, snowman said:

I know someone who went to A&E unable to move their arm. No X ray done. No sling given. Was told to go home with pain killers and that it was muscle injury.


They went back after a couple of weeks and this time X ray was done. It identified a break.


A friend of mine - in their 70's - fell over in A&E whilst receiving treatment at the start of this year. Smacked head, brusing and concussion for 2 weeks following. No head scan.

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A damming verdict on the isle of man government. They have allowed this situation to develop.

Remember who the health ministers have been.

Remember this is only one department.

God only knows what else will be found by the CQC.

This information is required and it is most welcome.

If Manx Care don't know what's broken they can't fix it.

Let's hope they are given every resource they require. 

Edited by snowman
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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

I don’t defend the indefensible - you need a lawyer for that, not a medic. If something really is ‘indefensible’ I say nothing. 

That report is bad, I’m not going to mount any defence at all. I will say however that healthcare in the UK, particularly with regard to the safety agenda, has moved on far more than here, and the CQC are comparing us to an idealised (probably non-existent) UK model. I’m not entirely convinced that making patient safety the number one priority at the expense of everything else however has led to overall improvements (but that is another debate)

We’re actually undermanaged here. You all moan about managers being appointed left, right and centre, but in reality the reason all the policies are out of date, and we don’t have data, and the culture is ‘toxic’ is that we don’t have enough people to do all that stuff. I’ll give you an example I know about - orthopaedics. If we get assessed we’ll quite possibly be much the same. Policies out of date, mandatory training levels below par etc. Why? An average UK unit may have 3-4 times the staff, but we still have the same level of housekeeping to do. They’ll have someone whose entire job is to write, update, and circulate policies, making sure the CQC can tick that box. We don’t. We all do bits of it. In ortho there are some aspects of practice comparable with the best in the UK - we spin the plates we consider to be most important, but some inevitably fall as there aren’t enough of us to keep everything going. 

How can it improve? It’s a challenge to be honest. I will defend the chief exec though. She has a probably impossible job, but is living here to do it and genuinely wants to make things right. As we all do. But healthcare globally is in crisis. To expect a small island in the middle of the Irish Sea to be immune from the difficulties is deluded. And our geography means we’re likely to be worse off. 


But the truth should be the opposite.

We are indeed a small Island with the tiny population of a village and this is a review of A&E. It shouldn't be in the poor state that it is and there is zero excuse for the 'toxic' culture and people worrying about raising concerns.

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It is yet another Report slating yet another facet of the Manx Government. Consider how previous reports into other facets have

a) Been received by those concerned and

b) Have actually achieved

Given that this aspect has a bearing on the health and lives of Manx people/residents and there can be nothing more important, let us hope that those failings identified will now be addressed.

Not another lump added to a rug which has long started to resemble a relief map of the Moon.

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Mr Peters MHK claimed in October 2021 that a worker had advised him that the IOM health services would be in special measures if it was in the UK. A certain Minister, rewarded for his leadership during Covid rubbished the claims. Yet here we are one year later….

If DHSC are responsible for policy making and Manx Care for the delivery of healthcare then surely Mr Hooper and his minions should be answerable in some part for out of date health policies?. Incidentally, a web search will turn up all sorts of policies which are out of date across government.

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4 minutes ago, Manx Resident said:

Mr Peters MHK claimed in October 2021 that a worker had advised him that the IOM health services would be in special measures if it was in the UK. A certain Minister, rewarded for his leadership during Covid rubbished the claims. Yet here we are one year later….

If DHSC are responsible for policy making and Manx Care for the delivery of healthcare then surely Mr Hooper and his minions should be answerable in some part for out of date health policies?. Incidentally, a web search will turn up all sorts of policies which are out of date across government.

Hooper will just say another £15mln needs throwing at it to bring in some folk from across to fix it all.

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11 minutes ago, NoTailT said:

Hooper will just say another £15mln needs throwing at it to bring in some folk from across to fix it all.

Or a trip to New Zealand with some other parasite hanging onto his coat tails.

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48 minutes ago, snowman said:

If Manx Care don't know what's broken they can't fix it.

Correct. Short of doing a public confidential consultation the full extent of the potential impact on people will never be known.

The report will frighten some people on the island if they have had cause to use A and E and had problems during this period. What are they now expected to do ?

The demoralising effect on staff will be significant and now other areas will be bracing themselves for possible similar feedback. 

As an ex Nobles manager It is sad to see the services so depleted and in the state the report indicates. It wasn't always like this. Some of my colleagues worked damned hard till the middle of the night in some cases to try and improve things. 

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The NPM this morning has an interview with ex Minister of the DHSC David Ashford, who comments that he wasn’t surprised by the CQC report published yesterday. He further says that changing the culture could take decades. 

This really is appalling and shows that these politicos clowns either know what’s going on, are turning a blind eye to neglect and incompetence or Ministers in charge are incompetent themselves. Ashford was awarded his MBE based on his all brilliance during the pandemic, so he must have been aware of the culture but chose to do nothing - which is unforgivable. He really is now by his frankness proving that he isn’t fit to work within a department and certainly not fit to be a Minister.

I will say this, that it’s not totally Ashford who is incompetent but also ex CM Quayle who was formerly ex DHSC Minister, along with ex Minister DHSC Beecroft. 

Edited by 2112
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50 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The NPM this morning has an interview with ex Minister of the DHSC David Ashford, who comments that he wasn’t surprised by the CQC report published yesterday. He further says that changing the culture could take decades. 

This really is appalling and shows that these politicos clowns either know what’s going on, are turning a blind eye to neglect and incompetence or Ministers in charge are incompetent themselves. Ashford was awarded his MBE based on his all brilliance during the pandemic, so he must have been aware of the culture but chose to do nothing - which is unforgivable. He really is now by his frankness proving that he isn’t fit to work within a department and certainly not fit to be a Minister.

I will say this, that it’s not totally Ashford who is incompetent but also ex CM Quayle who was formerly ex DHSC Minister, along with ex Minister DHSC Beecroft. 

Beecroft / Kinrade was sacked because she was trying to tackle the Nobles issue and Couch didn't want political interference.

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