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13 hours ago, 2112 said:

Noble's has very good infrastructure and some very skilled, committed and caring staff. It can be turned around

Agreed. Some excellent staff, past and present, too many though wasted and have been lost on the way. Many afraid to speak out or up for fear of personal / professional reprisals. Remember, there is no-where else to go for some things !

The report begs some questions about potential breaches of law and professional conduct which now may never be addressed. 

Another issue is the viability to get staff trained and the department up to scratch for next years TT.  Repeat CQC inspection in June and an update Major Incident Plan in place ? 

Edited by Apple
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1 hour ago, Apple said:

Agreed. Some excellent staff, past and present, too many though wasted and have been lost on the way. Many afraid to speak out or up for fear of personal / professional reprisals. Remember, there is no-where else to go for some things !

The report begs some questions about potential breaches of law and professional conduct which now may never be addressed. 

Another issue is the viability to get staff trained and the department up to scratch for next years TT.  Repeat CQC inspection in June and an update Major Incident Plan in place ? 

If the CQC inspection and report covered A&E, when is the rest of the Hospital being inspected? I dread to think what horror stories that will throw up? 

If the current management of Who Cares? can’t get the staff trained and the department up to scratch for next years TT, surely that’s going to impact on medical facilities outcomes as to whether next years TT could take place? 

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1 hour ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Can anybody point out where I can see the details of the Synaptik contract please?

Ahem ...Why do you want to know ? Commercially sensitive in' it? 

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2 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

ust want to know how they were selected out of all other available providers (some of whom local). I'm going to be waiting a long time, am I not?

I think the selection and priority criteria and who is behind the decisions would be quite interesting. But of course patient confidentiality would bar that information being made public I imagine.

I would hope that Synaptic are overseeing the whole process but who would know ?

You could always ask the new MCALS for where the info is? I have found them very useful and efficient before.

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3 hours ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

When will the CQC Reports of other Pilot inspections that took place in June be published? Hopefully before they're leaked? From memory they were inspecting some GP surgeries and social care facilities at the time

We can anticipate announcements of hurried changes in some of these areas before any publication, probably citing  the Pandemic and a return to more normal working  practice.


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22 hours ago, Jarndyce said:


I've just managed to listen to this podcast.   Leaving aside the disconnect of the Minister stating that staff should be able to flag up issues (against the background of an employment tribunal relating to whistleblowing): I thought Manx Care's Director of Nursing and Governance made interesting listening.   I assume Mr Moore was invited with the Minister, wearing his Governance hat.

If I have misheard, do please correct me - but I believe that I heard him:

- Attempt to redefine bullies as passionate and committed individuals who can maybe be perceived as abrasive;

- Downplay comments about patient safety in the report in favour of "risk" - then state that all healthcare is  inherently risky (to an extent, maybe - but shouldn't that risk be minimised - and shouldn't Mr Moore be able to assure the public that any risk has been minimised due to application of good governance principles?).   Is patient safety not a concept any more?

- Provide a self-serving picture of himself, putting on the uniform and working in ED, while downplaying the comments of more junior staff who told the CQC that they didn't see the chief nurse very often.


I've never met Mr Moore and he may be a very passionate and committed individual - but my first impressions, rather like the report, leave room for improvement.   I do not feel that I have been given "assurance".

I picked up the same points with equal astonishment and thought his contribution very revealing (in contrast I though Hooper can across OK if rather powerless).  The point about working in ED was particularly amusing.  According to the CQC:  "The chief nurse told us they worked shifts on the department. Another senior nurse told us they spent 50% of their time working on the department. However, more junior staff consistently told us they did not see senior leaders in the department".  Clearly Moore is the "Chief Nurse" and I doubt anyone was convinced by his 'explanation' that everyone they interviewed just happened to be away when he was there.  Though as, judging by his Linkedin, he last did any actual nursing in 1998, it's probably for the best.

Incidentally the other senior nurse mentioned [...] told us they were the nurse consultant for urgent and emergency care and the ambulance service. They explained that their role was an associate director of nursing type of role. They were also the lead for non-medical prescribing and for patient group directives. They said that their role was multi-faceted but they usually spent 50% of their time working clinically in the department and had line management responsibilities for all staff in the ED and MIU. (p 20)  But were also noted by their absence.  I get the impression the CQC were not impressed.

I first came across Mr Moore only recently when watching a bit of the video at the start of the April Manx Care Board Meeting when he was presenting a load of governance guidelines and saying how far ahead they were (the CQC have another opinion).  One of the local NEDs suggested that it might read more clearly if the document didn't refer to Health Trusts and things not relevant the the island such as market share.  I don't know if Mohammed from Ramsey made an appearance[1], but the devotion to cut and paste from the UK seems to continue.

As you can see from his Linkedin, Paul Moore's employment history contains quite a few shortish appointments.  No doubt he is someone who (as the polite phrase has it) "interviews well".


[1]  Unlike in the Courts recently where he got done for drunk in charge.  Which is admittedly very Ramsey.

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