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Thanks for the spelling lesson but hypochondria  is still the biggest health problem for our imaginary worried well society.

As Rog M alludes above, 80 or so a day require A n E , are we really that accident prone?

Or do we just like the comfort of an immediate diagnosis? Even with the waiting times?

\\\in a private health service would we still accept a charge for a frivolous use of AnE???

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6 hours ago, Banker said:

Someone like ex rugby player Dick Welsh with a cut leg wound I assume be less priority than an old lady with chest pains

Yes but as ex senior government he clearly thinks he should be the most important person in the world when it comes to receiving medical attention above everyone else in A & E. The arrogance of the government pensioned classes who think they have paid for everything when really all they’ve done is taken taxpayer funds. 

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2 hours ago, asitis said:

I wouldn't criticise anyone who may have been unable to see a GP with some worrying symptom, so instead presents themselves to A & E. I don't understand what has happened to the GP's since Covid, there never seemed to be any problem seeing someone before .

I think it’s the age profile of a lot of GPs here. Many are in the 50s and above category and they seem to be the main ‘disappeared’ in the work force since covid. If people can afford to retire or semi retire after the pandemic then they have. They’ll start drifting back into the workforce as the cost of living increases dictate that that have to do more hours. 

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According to Paul M, second appeal in the Ranson matter being heard on Tuesday, whether a lawyer in the AG's office can be called to give evidence to the Tribunal. 

ETA its a directions hearing, so not sure if PM has correctly described it as an appeal. Nevertheless, as one of the replies says, get on with fixing things in the DHSC, not wasting time and resources on trying to defend the indefensible. 

Edited by Gladys
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4 hours ago, asitis said:

I wouldn't criticise anyone who may have been unable to see a GP with some worrying symptom, so instead presents themselves to A & E. I don't understand what has happened to the GP's since Covid, there never seemed to be any problem seeing someone before .

The Onchan GP surgery has gone to the wall since covid.  Dr stone retiring is a huge loss, the new ones quite literally don't know the difference between diarrhoea and cancer.

It seems that calling at 830am for an appointment isn't just an IOM problem, is it a quirk in whatever terrible booking system they use?

An excel spreadsheet would be a better solution than they currently use.

As an aside, I am skeptical about the frequency of GP training sessions since covid.  Is this a way to reduce GP hours and therefore reduce the cost to government?

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13 hours ago, Kopek said:

Thanks for the spelling lesson but hypochondria  is still the biggest health problem for our imaginary worried well society.

As Rog M alludes above, 80 or so a day require A n E , are we really that accident prone?

Or do we just like the comfort of an immediate diagnosis? Even with the waiting times?

\\\in a private health service would we still accept a charge for a frivolous use of AnE???

Your spelling is the least of the problems, when considered alongside your silly assertion that hypochondria is the 'biggest problem'. A funding crisis, a staff crisis, a mental health crisis, the challenges these pose are serious, but you prefer to criticise people for going to the ED when you have no knowledge of their conditions or needs, or the shortcomings elsewhere that have driven them to attend.

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As if it couldn’t get any worse - former flouncing member now gets purse strings - what this place needs is some stability not constant change, the staff must be fed up with the revolving door - think we need to know why this change was made. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/rob-callister-appointed-as-islands-health-and-social-care-minister/

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4 minutes ago, 360 View said:

As if it couldn’t get any worse - former flouncing member now gets purse strings - what this place needs is some stability not constant change, the staff must be fed up with the revolving door - think we need to know why this change was made. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/rob-callister-appointed-as-islands-health-and-social-care-minister/

Jesus! Talk about scraping the barrel!

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2 minutes ago, Manx Bean said:

Jesus! Talk about scraping the barrel!

Which part, Rob Callister getting Health or Hooperman in charge of the Starship Emterprise?

Its obvious that this little stunt was carried within the last week, but IOMG cancelled all business due to the Queens death, and it’s respect for the period of mourning - or when it’s suits them?

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4 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

Now we know why that idiot really flew back from his cruise.

Well what he says on Facebook and what he does in actuality are always two completely different things. I think the first thing I’ll be doing today is ringing my insurance broker and finding out how much a private health plan is. Honestly if Alf Cannan wasn’t low enough in my esteem already and then he pulls a move like this to give the biggest dickhead in Keys the role of Health Minister.

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26 minutes ago, 360 View said:

As if it couldn’t get any worse - former flouncing member now gets purse strings - what this place needs is some stability not constant change, the staff must be fed up with the revolving door - think we need to know why this change was made. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/rob-callister-appointed-as-islands-health-and-social-care-minister/

I honestly don’t think it matters much who the health minister is. This will be the 8th one I’ve worked ‘under’ (at least - I may have missed one or more in my counting) and I don’t think they have that much influence over anything. Chief Exec is far more important. 

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1 minute ago, wrighty said:

I honestly don’t think it matters much who the health minister is. This will be the 8th one I’ve worked ‘under’ (at least - I may have missed one or more in my counting) and I don’t think they have that much influence over anything. Chief Exec is far more important. 

Please don't tell him that, you may hurt his ego. When he was told, he couldn't get invovled in day to day operations of the hospital, he had allegdly already brought a scalpel set and surgeon gowns,

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