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24 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

DHSC loses again in the Ransom case: https://www.judgments.im/content/Judgment 111022.pdf.  This time it was about a member of the AGC team being required to provide evidence to the tribunal, which the DHSC wanted to be blocked.

"While I agree that it is somewhat odd that Ms Heeley was not named in the oral submissions to the EET on 29 July 2022, this does not entail my finding that she was not properly to be made the subject of an order. As I have held, I consider that she was and is capable of providing factual, relevant evidence to the EET."  Deemster Corlett

Good 😊 

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I reckon the DHSC won’t take this latest set back lying down, they will probably nit pick their way through all the court cases, trying to find a legal point. Pathetic, both Hooperman and I’m afraid Rob Callister won’t have the backbone to throw in the towel. I wonder how much these little legal escapades are going to cost the GMT?

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46 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I reckon the DHSC won’t take this latest set back lying down, they will probably nit pick their way through all the court cases, trying to find a legal point. Pathetic, both Hooperman and I’m afraid Rob Callister won’t have the backbone to throw in the towel. I wonder how much these little legal escapades are going to cost the GMT?


The new DHSC Minister Vitalstatistix will not have the gaul to point the blame for this latest faux pas, after his IOMNP facebook rant.

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

The taxpayers are going to get rinsed, they might as well just get on with it and then their favourite phrase "move on".

I suspect they are making no friends stalling and wriggling !

I thought the phrase ‘lessons will be learned’ followed by ‘commercially confidentiality’ a close second, are the most well trotted out phrases?

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12 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I thought the phrase ‘lessons will be learned’ followed by ‘commercially confidentiality’ a close second, are the most well trotted out phrases?

You are of course correct, usually followed by "we are where we are" and "we move on" !

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8 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Fear not Rob the legal eagle is on the case mansplaining something we already knew.


As I have previously said, I get the impression these idiots will pore over every word, comma, dot and paragraph, hoping to find something in which to go back to court for another hearing. 

Why, Why or Why does Rob Callister feel the need to give a running commentary to his followers on Facebook? He should STFU and get on with the job he has been tasked with. 

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Maybe it is me but surely as the Minister of the DHSC his (RC) comments should be made available to all, not just his followers on Facebook. When did the social media replace the official Government media platform?. If they are not happy with Manx Radio and the press then why are we giving them so much money each year?

Politicians seem quick to criticise the 'armchair keyboard warriors' but they seem very comfortable themselves to promote their own views and profiles using the same methods.

It is time the DHSC put their case to the people of the island. What are they about with this, what is the aim, will it reduce the legal costs / payout to Dr Ranson? Where is the accountability to the population about what has been going on and why.

My view is this case is doing untold damage to our reputation and that the DHSC / Government  need now to come clean as it is fast showing them up as just churlish and  incompetent. Or is there a major, historical significant legal precedent being made here that will affect loads of future cases? Is it just a power struggle ? Its time we were told the truth.


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37 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Fear not Rob the legal eagle is on the case mansplaining something we already knew.


It's like watching a goldfish trying to explain quantum physics.

Of course if you actually read paragraph 32, the Deemster uses it to demolish all the 'arguments' that the DHSC put forward and to reiterate that Legal Privilege was never under threat.  Indeed it turns out that the Tribunal had written to the DHSC to make this clear as far back as 9 August (see para 6), so why the appeal wasn't stopped at that point is a mystery (which appears to be the Deemster's opinion as well).

What may be going on here is hinted at in another paragraph:

27.  It is clear from the authorities that a failure by a solicitor or an advocate to discharge his or her duties in relation to disclosure can lead not only to adverse inferences being drawn against the client, but also to wasted costs orders against the lawyer and/or a contempt finding. The extent to which our system of civil justice depends on the integrity of advocates in this respect (for example in ensuring disclosure of relevant documents which are unfavourable to the client) cannot be overemphasized.

In other words it was the job of the AG's Chambers to make sure that their client (the DHSC) not only knew they must disclose everything, but to do their best to make it happen.  Indeed: The best way for the solicitor to fulfil his own duty and to ensure that his client’s duty is fulfilled too is to take possession of all the original documents as early as possible. (para 25).

But of course we know from Ashford's squealings that Magson was the one who decided what was relevant and what wasn't - completely against the law.

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