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58 minutes ago, wrighty said:


Clinics do sometimes seem quiet. There are loads of possible reasons for this. You only need a couple of patient cancellations or DNAs and you find yourself sitting around doing nothing for half an hour. We no longer overbook clinics regularly. Covid put paid to packed waiting rooms and so clinic schedules were adjusted accordingly. As per BOA guidelines we allow 20 minutes for a new patient. And the clinics at Ramsey cannot cope with the numbers that the ones at Noble’s used to - space is an issue. 

Ideally a clinic should seem quiet to a patient - turn up on time, get seen straight away, have enough time in clinic, and go just before the next patient turns up 20 minutes later. 

@Dr. Grumpysorry, your insinuation is wrong. Anything that’s been done with external providers has been in addition to our usual services. Synaptik have been working with us in Noble’s to both enable us to work at capacity, and provide additional lists. Medefer have been used for outpatient triage and telephone consultations, but I’m not sure they’ve done anything yet. If they have however it will be in addition to, and not instead of local services. 

Fair enough @wrighty, sometimes I'm too cynical. I'll edit my post

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"then Callister will be under attack over every little thing that goes awry."

 can't see it being too long before he'll be using the service himself. If he wasn't sleeping as a backbencher I dunno how he will cope with a real job. 

all the folk I speak to at Manx Care are either new to the post or interim promoted and very few have any knowledge at all of Mann. 

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1 hour ago, english zloty said:

"then Callister will be under attack over every little thing that goes awry."

 can't see it being too long before he'll be using the service himself. If he wasn't sleeping as a backbencher I dunno how he will cope with a real job. 

all the folk I speak to at Manx Care are either new to the post or interim promoted and very few have any knowledge at all of Mann. 

We have seen many of the typical non jobs that civil servants enjoy spring up with Manx care, many of them on over £80,000

Good to hear that some of our politicians have noticed that Manx care have achieved nothing and wasted millions

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12 hours ago, cissolt said:

We have seen many of the typical non jobs that civil servants enjoy spring up with Manx care, many of them on over £80,000

Good to hear that some of our politicians have noticed that Manx care have achieved nothing and wasted millions

Have they, really?

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12 hours ago, cissolt said:

Good to hear that some of our politicians have noticed that Manx care have achieved nothing and wasted millions

Which politicians, exactly?

Unfortunately, Manx Care was presented as a fait accompli and voted through on the nod.   None of them (IIRC) looked at the numbers or raised any concerns about the failure of the same model in the UK - and now, none of them want to be the first to start pointing out that the Emperor is, in fact, naked - despite the highly expensive “new clothes”.

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16 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

Just one question, are there any connections between Manx Care peeps and the providers of these catch up services?

Go to the Manx Care Board meetings on their web site. A list of all their interests and any perceived or actual conflicts are listed. 

Edited by Apple
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10 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

Which politicians, exactly?

Unfortunately, Manx Care was presented as a fait accompli and voted through on the nod.   None of them (IIRC) looked at the numbers or raised any concerns about the failure of the same model in the UK - and now, none of them want to be the first to start pointing out that the Emperor is, in fact, naked - despite the highly expensive “new clothes”.

Tim Glover, John W, Claire Christian, Juan and maybe a few more.  Listen to the Tynwald sitting, it is quite illuminating.


Some tragic stories in the news of seven Manx residents dying, some due to a lack of action by adult mental health.  An awful indictment of our mental health services.


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I have read the stories which were featured and most of the people involved would not accept help, it is very sad.    There was one lady who was a migrant who slipped through the net did not even have a GP who died of hyperthermia but some of the others had been in the loop but if a person does not want to be helped you cannot make them.

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8 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I have read the stories which were featured and most of the people involved would not accept help, it is very sad.    There was one lady who was a migrant who slipped through the net did not even have a GP who died of hyperthermia but some of the others had been in the loop but if a person does not want to be helped you cannot make them.

She died from overheating?

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43 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I have read the stories which were featured and most of the people involved would not accept help, it is very sad.    There was one lady who was a migrant who slipped through the net did not even have a GP who died of hyperthermia but some of the others had been in the loop but if a person does not want to be helped you cannot make them.

From what I have seen, the support in these circumstances deals with the symptoms, not the cause. 

It doesn't help by encouraging strategies to stop the hoarding and hygiene issues, it is the reason behind those issues that needs to be 'cured'. I have seen it happen, accommodation gradually tidied and cleared by incremental targets.  Once the place is sorted, off go OT and the old behaviour returns. 

Edited by Gladys
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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

She died from overheating?

No,no, that  is clearly a mistake ( hypo/ hyper),  John.

Such unfortunate errors do  happen 

Many many years  ago, on MR, news casts throughout the day reported  a coroner’s inquest listing  the causes  of someone’s very sad and untimely death.High on the list  was   “Severe amnesia”.

It  obviously  did not mean they  “forgot” to breathe.Most reasonable people I think,  realised it should have read   “anaemia”.

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7 hours ago, cissolt said:

Some tragic stories in the news of seven Manx residents dying, some due to a lack of action by adult mental health.  An awful indictment of our mental health services.

In all fairness it isn't just Mental Health services in as much as communications and actions between different agencies.

However, the real tragedy is that these events are sadly reminiscent of those described in the Lesley Enquiry Report several years ago. Those recommendations were accepted and a never again response was made. There were policies, procedures and mechanisms put in place to prevent recurrences.

They say history repeats itself. So very sad. 

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5 hours ago, Apple said:

They say history repeats itself. So very sad. 

I think there’s a slightly different emphasis to the original tag, which is (unfortunately) relevant to our politicians and the DHSC/MC in particular:

Those who won’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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13 hours ago, cissolt said:

Tim Glover, John W, Claire Christian, Juan and maybe a few more.  Listen to the Tynwald sitting, it is quite illuminating.


Some tragic stories in the news of seven Manx residents dying, some due to a lack of action by adult mental health.  An awful indictment of our mental health services.


You are right in this. I am opinion that the island’s authorities as a whole are somewhat oblivious to the true scale of the problem. Some Adult Mental Health cases are  somewhat minor but result in petty and serious crime and wasted taxpayers resources. These case studies illustrate how sadly people are neglected even when receiving the support. Either way it’s another Manx success story to join the other success.  

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