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2 hours ago, asitis said:


Doesn't look like Nobles is faring too well at the moment !


What isn’t reported is the impact the lack of staff and beds is having on the £18m programme to clear waiting lists. Operations can’t be done if there is nowhere for patient recovery. People have had pre-ops and are waiting for a date while the medics who have been contracted are treading water because bed availability is an issue?. 

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1 hour ago, Manx Resident said:

What isn’t reported is the impact the lack of staff and beds is having on the £18m programme to clear waiting lists. Operations can’t be done if there is nowhere for patient recovery. People have had pre-ops and are waiting for a date while the medics who have been contracted are treading water because bed availability is an issue?. 

People are getting quoted week commencing for big operations at the moment. 

Is that normal?

I have had a couple, not here thank god,  and was always quoted as a day, not a week commencing.

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Where do they get the locums from?  Is there any check?  Not going to go into detail, but a consultant let my family down  very badly. 

It was a straw that broke the camel's back, apparently. 

What that means more widely, is whether we carry out checks?  Or are we just grateful for any help, whether it is good or bad?

Edited by Gladys
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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Where do they get the locums from?  Is there any check?  Not going to go into detail, but a consultant let my family down  very badly. 

It was a straw that broke the camel's back, apparently. 

What that means more widely, is whether we carry out checks?  Or are we just grateful for any help, whether it is good or bad?

That is sad to hear about your family issue but recently has become a familiar lament. I know of two other similar type cases.

The question about checks on agency and locum medical and clinical staff from off island is an important one and probably would be better aired in HoK. The problem is though is that MHK's now are reluctant to raise problems about Manx Care because this costly transition project as it stands can not be seen to be found wanting. And yet it is. 

The style of Manx care's introduction, the communication problems, staff leaving, and a myriad of other mismanagement issues now has to be seriously reviewed. The mandate is too far off and the islands population needs better than what it is getting now. That pressure will only continue to grow. 

Technocrats bussed in from off island has not worked. We need a new and adult conversation about our health and care services and those at the top of Manx Care do not seem to be coping well at all. Staff I speak to are mostly nursing and medical are somewhat disillusioned about what is happening on the ground but cannot / dare not speak out.

The question needs to be asked - is it time for change of style and direction or continue to battle against some of the difficulties that patients and families are now experiencing? It is they who are paying the cost.

The Government has to step in I think now. Not to do so exposes their manifesto pledges too improve health services for the people of the Isle of Man as a step too far.


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3 hours ago, Apple said:

That is sad to hear about your family issue but recently has become a familiar lament. I know of two other similar type cases.

The question about checks on agency and locum medical and clinical staff from off island is an important one and probably would be better aired in HoK. The problem is though is that MHK's now are reluctant to raise problems about Manx Care because this costly transition project as it stands can not be seen to be found wanting. And yet it is. 

The style of Manx care's introduction, the communication problems, staff leaving, and a myriad of other mismanagement issues now has to be seriously reviewed. The mandate is too far off and the islands population needs better than what it is getting now. That pressure will only continue to grow. 

Technocrats bussed in from off island has not worked. We need a new and adult conversation about our health and care services and those at the top of Manx Care do not seem to be coping well at all. Staff I speak to are mostly nursing and medical are somewhat disillusioned about what is happening on the ground but cannot / dare not speak out.

The question needs to be asked - is it time for change of style and direction or continue to battle against some of the difficulties that patients and families are now experiencing? It is they who are paying the cost.

The Government has to step in I think now. Not to do so exposes their manifesto pledges too improve health services for the people of the Isle of Man as a step too far.


Thanks Apple.  Rotten situation,  but it was actually dealt with quickly, sympathetically and with a real outcome rather than a quagmire of investigation.  For that, hats off to Manx Care. 

Edited by Gladys
Remove the grocer's apostrophe.
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5 hours ago, Gladys said:

Where do they get the locums from?  Is there any check?  Not going to go into detail, but a consultant let my family down  very badly. 

It can be very difficult to vet locums. I used to say that there’s only two reasons to be a locum - you’re a money grabbing ******, or no bloody good. 

We get their CVs and a bunch of references. References are not worth the paper they’re written on as nobody in their right mind would submit a bad one. Whenever I get asked to vet a locum I look at where they’ve worked and for how long. And make sure their age is commensurate with the seniority of position they’re applying for. If you’re in your 60s and applying for very junior doctor posts there’s something wrong. Call me ageist if you like - but I think I’m right. 

In some specialties the selection is fairly slim pickings. So what do we do? Appoint nobody and cancel services, or appoint anybody and deal with the consequences? It’s often a no-win situation, and in hindsight the decisions made can sometimes be obviously wrong. Not easy when you’re in the moment though. 

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5 hours ago, wrighty said:

It can be very difficult to vet locums. I used to say that there’s only two reasons to be a locum - you’re a money grabbing ******, or no bloody good. 

Or you like to move around, enjoy different parts of the country / world? You can also avoid a lot of politics.

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1 hour ago, GD4ELI said:

Or you like to move around, enjoy different parts of the country / world? You can also avoid a lot of politics.

Few and far between, and mainly consist of docs who have retired early from a ‘standard’ medical career and are moving around keeping their hand in, or perhaps junior docs at the start of their career who don’t really know yet what they want to do. The other points I made about consistency of age and seniority of position, and assessing the CV to look for longer stints of continuous employment apply here too. 

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11 hours ago, Gladys said:

For that, hats off to Manx Care. 

There are many dedicated and hard working people who have worked and still do work hard, often difficult circumstances ,to deliver the services we sometimes take for granted, usually until we need them ourselves or for our family.

Where are we at this moment in time though:-

Cancer waiting time targets being breached,

Reports of hospital being at full capacity and people advised not to attend  A and E for non urgent assessments

The Minister of DHSC on the media reporting on the need to use brown sites.

Someone, somewhere is fiddling whilst I can smell smoke..... 

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9 hours ago, wrighty said:

The other points I made about consistency of age and seniority of position, and assessing the CV to look for longer stints of continuous employment apply here too. 

Except of course for management where a history of 18 month to three year posts seems mandatory and can be claimed as showing that they're a 'trouble-shooter' - rather than the trouble that was got shot of.

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