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2 hours ago, Apple said:


Given that we have neither labour or Tory government here then what on earth is going on at Nobles. 

This seems to be a daily ritual announcement these days. Time for some explanations as to what is happening.

E.g. How many beds are closed and why? 

As has already been announced there’s lots of respiratory illness at present particularly elderly, the hospital is short staffed like most in UK so what do you expect, as has been said in other posts try getting treatment in Uk hospitals!!

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I'd rather not thank you. But I would like to know what is happening in my local hospital, you know, the one we paid and still pay to use in times of need.

Being told to avoid going to our main health care facility causes anxiety and confusion to those who don't know what is going on there.

PS - just been told it's due to an outbreak of noro virus. Presumably then all the beds are open or is that not the case. ?

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19 hours ago, Apple said:

How many beds are closed and why?

Further: how many nominal beds does Nobles have now?   Compared with five and ten years ago?   Which specialties have lost beds and why?   How often is the gynae ward (for example) filled with medical patients due to “lack of beds”?   How much money has actually been saved by closing beds permanently and what have we all paid, in terms of service reduction?

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19 hours ago, Ghost Ship said:

While you're about it you could also ask them if they still employ Mrs Magson 

Life after Nobles then eh.?

Mr Callister wants answers :


I think 2023 will be the year we find out just where this is heading and what to expect in the future. 

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On 12/29/2022 at 9:47 AM, Apple said:

Life after Nobles then eh.?

Mr Callister wants answers :


I think 2023 will be the year we find out just where this is heading and what to expect in the future. 

More of the same, I should think.

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It's getting confusing.

Here is Lawrie Hooper talking about about operational issues and arrangements in Nobles hospital today. I though the DHSC role was about Strategy and Manx Care were for the day to day stuff.


Staff down, wards closed - Its tight. 

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1 hour ago, Apple said:

It's getting confusing.

Here is Lawrie Hooper talking about about operational issues and arrangements in Nobles hospital today. I though the DHSC role was about Strategy and Manx Care were for the day to day stuff.


Staff down, wards closed - Its tight. 

Why confusing, he’s Minister for Health & he’s commenting on health & encouraging people to have flu jab , all very clear!

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2 hours ago, Apple said:

It's getting confusing.

Here is Lawrie Hooper talking about about operational issues and arrangements in Nobles hospital today. I though the DHSC role was about Strategy and Manx Care were for the day to day stuff.


Staff down, wards closed - Its tight. 

I think Mr Hooper should take a walk around the wards and talk to the staff rather than listening to people sitting in an office regarding staffing levels at present

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14 minutes ago, Zulu said:

I think Mr Hooper should take a walk around the wards and talk to the staff rather than listening to people sitting in an office regarding staffing levels at present

This!   With knobs on!

If the Minister wants to comment on operational matters, maybe it would be good for him to find out about the situation in person.   Having said that, I wonder if Cope, Moore, etc would let the Minister loose in the building without a KGB-style escort, to “monitor” the exchanges.

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4 minutes ago, asitis said:

I have recently been released from Nobles after a short stay my observations FWIW

The staff were wonderful, professional and caring, but were clearly run ragged, it has come down to a numbers game there just isn't sufficient staff on the front line !

Still better than UK , just reported 31 ambulances waiting outside stoke hospital to discharge patients but can’t as no room. Lots of hospitals telling people not to attend A&E unless life threatening, imagine it that was announced here!!

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16 minutes ago, asitis said:

The staff were wonderful, professional and caring, but were clearly run ragged, it has come down to a numbers game there just isn't sufficient staff on the front line !

Sadly, no money left for front-line staff - not after critical funding is agreed for: re-branding exercises, duplication of expensive management and executive functions, “culture studies”, re-assessment and increased numbers of all “managerial” nursing staff (higher than ward level), nice new red tops, etc…

Cynical?  Moi?

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1 minute ago, Jarndyce said:

Sadly, no money left for front-line staff - not after critical funding is agreed for: re-branding exercises, duplication of expensive management and executive functions, “culture studies”, re-assessment and increased numbers of all “managerial” nursing staff (higher than ward level), nice new red tops, etc…

Cynical?  Moi?

Have they installed a diversity champion yet? 

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