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On 12/31/2022 at 4:00 PM, Zulu said:

So much for Mr Hooper's statement about staffing levels!!


This is so sad. I was married to a nurse. My sister is still one and had a partner till she passed away who was one too. Have a good friend who is a nursing tutor at a leading University  . They loved and cared for their occupation . For this government to let it get this far is nothing short of criminal. Yes theres a shortage of nurses and medical staff generally but this has been the case for years. For many years I have waited long months for various treatments including a terrible service around Mental health. This is just heart breaking that our useless powers that be have messed around for so long. How many years has the health service had to go cap in hand for more funds . Never adequately funded and in that time they brought in chumps like Charters who was totally useless. Now there in a mess . My friend whos the tutor tells me they cant get trainees to come to Nobles because of its bad reputation . And yet talking to a trainee nurse only on Friday who is away at Whiston ? (Spelling) enjoying her training , excited and most of her fellow students are from ...yes Ireland where so many of ours have come from over the years. They need to up the quota of students they take here and quickly !   

Edited by Numbnuts
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26 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

They need to up the quota of students they take here and quickly !   

Needs some out of the box thinking, although thinking and Government aren't easy bedfellows. I agree with a previous poster, some bonded training needs to be offered together with perks such as travel, accommodation etc !

No trainee nurse can afford the cost of living / travel here when better offerings leave them more money to have a life in the UK.

If we have to pay more for medical staff then so be it, rather that than feed developers and other favoured sectors !


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It's easy to forget that Manx Care hasn't been in place for very long.

'The creation of Manx Care involves the historic separation of the Department of Health and Social Care’s (DHSC) functions, with the DHSC retaining responsibility for strategic direction setting, policy development, oversight and assurance, and Manx Care responsible for the delivery of a comprehensive range of services to the public through a clearly defined Mandate. This defines the range and scope of services to be provided by Manx Care and the objectives and principles it must uphold annually.' 

Edited by Moghrey Mie
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3 hours ago, Apple said:

The only other occasion I can recall that people were asked to come and help out on the wards was when the Summerland disaster happened. Off duty nursing and medical staff responded in droves.

It is sad that we see our Hospital in such a state as last night . Maybe the money is there for more staff, I'm sure there is a case for it now anyway, but any sensible organisation has to ask itself how we got here. Comparisons to the state of the NHS UK are useless given we control our own budgets. 

We keep hearing about the 'culture' of the NHS here but no-one says what that actually is. Is is the philosophy, or the ideaology that is holding us back?  Why did we get rid of so many staff as a political tool ? Are we to replace everyone with lower skills and on lower pay grades ?

Those questions need answering before we settle for what is a declining provision and standard of services. Nursing staff are still to accept the pay deal and the impact of that doesn't bear think about. Likewise with junior medical staff.

If the money is there as claimed then pay them more. What's the alternative ? Making people anxious and leaving some of them in painful chronic conditions to deteriorate even further, making recovery more difficult?

Bad government has brought us here, not managers, or doctors, or nurses, or unions. We have to decide what we want and let them know the current situation, which is still experimental is no longer acceptable. 

And still MKHs are quiet on the constituents falling foul of the systems. It seems that some of them no longer care, despite their manifestos.


 "Comparisons to the state of the NHS UK are useless given we control our own budgets. "


There is no other reason for the islands hospital to be so unfit for purpose than your own government.

When we lived here, every year there were questions in  tynwald about the Nobles/ Health "Overspend" but no explanation as to how the budget for that was arrived at.

Now you have Manx Care who seem to be able to pluck 10- 20 million to bring in outside contractors?

I don't know the correct word for these "docs/ surgeons for hire but from a quick look at the history of this over the last couple of years, HAS THERE BEEN A TENDER PROCESS??

I can't see any evidence of a competitive tender for these huge sums of your money?

Maybe Roger Mexico can help and find some tender process for these extra doctors/ surgeons that Manx Care have brought in?


P.S. Don't compare Nobles to the uk Left Wing  media line of  main hospitals and their  20+ ambulances queuing for a drop off,

(That happens every  day on the mainland but is the elderly who are not in NEED of immediate care who are sat in the back of mostly privately owned and run ambulance services, who are PAID BY THE HOUR - go figure......)

And even then, that kind of queuing is at much bigger hospitals than Nobles for one, and even at those behemoths , if you are Properly ILL , I mean heart attack,  stroke or something that needs very quick attention and the like you will be seen quicker than Hugh Grant in a Brothel.



Edited by Blade Runner
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1 hour ago, Blade Runner said:

 "Comparisons to the state of the NHS UK are useless given we control our own budgets. "


There is no other reason for the islands hospital to be so unfit for purpose than your own government.

When we lived here, every year there were questions in  tynwald about the Nobles/ Health "Overspend" but no explanation as to how the budget for that was arrived at.

Now you have Manx Care who seem to be able to pluck 10- 20 million to bring in outside contractors?

I don't know the correct word for these "docs/ surgeons for hire but from a quick look at the history of this over the last couple of years, HAS THERE BEEN A TENDER PROCESS??

I can't see any evidence of a competitive tender for these huge sums of your money?

Maybe Roger Mexico can help and find some tender process for these extra doctors/ surgeons that Manx Care have brought in?


P.S. Don't compare Nobles to the uk Left Wing  media line of  main hospitals and their  20+ ambulances queuing for a drop off,

(That happens every  day on the mainland but is the elderly who are not in NEED of immediate care who are sat in the back of mostly privately owned and run ambulance services, who are PAID BY THE HOUR - go figure......)

And even then, that kind of queuing is at much bigger hospitals than Nobles for one, and even at those behemoths , if you are Properly ILL , I mean heart attack,  stroke or something that needs very quick attention and the like you will be seen quicker than Hugh Grant in a Brothel.



Aww, come on, we compare to the UK when it's favourable to us, when it isn't, we are in a unique situation, or suchlike

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4 hours ago, Cinderella said:

There are several factors relating to frontline health staffing that could start to address issues

On call rotas need looking at and sooner rather than later. In fact the rate for any 'extra' time worked or on stand by could be rolled into the main hours of work and paid at a far different rate, for all staff. A new system of coverage needs compiling. 

Reviewing the on call arrangements and the rates of pay for hours on call would be an attractive option for some professions. The difficulty here is that transparency on what certain groups get paid, or awards, or merits, or on call rates, are sacrosanct and must never be divulged, however and whoever decides to set the them.

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1 minute ago, NoTailT said:

At what point will someone admit that Manx Care has failed?

Only the politicians who started down this road can say that. And they won't. Too much money already invested and no-one will go against the CM, the last one or this one. It's not cricket. 

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7 minutes ago, Apple said:

Only the politicians who started down this road can say that. And they won't. Too much money already invested and no-one will go against the CM, the last one or this one. It's not cricket. 

It should never have been structured that they can keep throwing money at it.

They should have pimped ‘Manx Care’ to the private sector. Here’s the budget we give you, here’s your quotas, targets and whatever else. If the operator doesn’t meet them, they pay a fine/fee, straight forward private health contracts as successfully adopted elsewhere.

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42 minutes ago, Apple said:

 The difficulty here is that transparency on what certain groups get paid, or awards, or merits, or on call rates, are sacrosanct and must never be divulged, however and whoever decides to set the them.

Really? The rates of pay may not be high enough to attract an HCA to work overnight at Christmas, but I thought at least that they were published and the same for all. 

What do you mean by ‘certain groups’?

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12 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Really? The rates of pay may not be high enough to attract an HCA to work overnight at Christmas, but I thought at least that they were published and the same for all. 

What do you mean by ‘certain groups’?

Well is that not really the same as “dynamic pricing” which airlines etc for example use according to the demand for a particular service at particular times?
I’m certainly not saying it’s ethical in a healthcare environment but isn’t it what we have been reduced to with the employment of agency staff etc?

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