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1 hour ago, Apple said:

Only the politicians who started down this road can say that. And they won't. Too much money already invested and no-one will go against the CM, the last one or this one. It's not cricket. 

This has all the stench of the Liverpool ferry terminal, look how much that shit show has cost and still growing. All because no one had the kahonies to say enough is enough, shower of twats.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Is there a shout out for HCA's, does anyone know? 

I think it was only registered nurses but I am sure experienced HCA's would be welcome if they could. The issue then is actually the rate of pay as many staff are only paid bank rates if they do extra hours. Not very enticing. 

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1 hour ago, finlo said:

Got a few hours to spare?

I have indeed. Retirement can be stultifying so I was considering returning to some part-time work.

18 minutes ago, Apple said:

I think it was only registered nurses but I am sure experienced HCA's would be welcome if they could. The issue then is actually the rate of pay as many staff are only paid bank rates if they do extra hours. Not very enticing. 

Thanks. Worked a couple of years bank and full-time as an HCA at Noble's, and agency work across. Bank work would suit. I'll enquire.

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2 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

This has all the stench of the Liverpool ferry terminal, look how much that shit show has cost and still growing. All because no one had the kahonies to say enough is enough, shower of twats

It’s not really about that at all.   It’s about the Health Minister at the time being dazzled by a shiny idea, which was already failing and being rejected around England.   It’s about a sleeping chamber letting it go though on the nod without doing any due diligence (presumably because a huge consultancy fee had already gone to J. Michaels Inc - so it MUST be a good idea).   It’s about the politicians letting the health service go down the pan on their watch, because they liked the idea of an “arms length” role - so they can say to those troublesome constituents “not me, guv - talk to Manx Care”.   It’s about being saddled with an expensive and largely discredited system where everyone’s in charge and no-one seems to be responsible - and NONE of the MHKs are bold enough to say it out loud.

Emperor’s new clothes, anyone?

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I think there are lots of overlapping legacy issues in respect of nursing which have been allowed to flourish unchecked and indeed should have been foreseen, here are just two of them. My wife was a staff nurse, then ward sister for over 20 yrs in the UK. She had reached an age where she was working part time here, and nursing elderly parents, when suddenly told she had to start a nursing degree otherwise she couldn't carry on as an RGN. She subsequently decided that demands on her time, and her age, meant she let her registration lapse and quit the health sector. In my view many highly experienced mature nurses did the same and experience and numbers were lost.

From a financial standpoint for the health service another issue has arisen. (Whatever your standpoint on the equalisation of womens state pension age, and the issue of the 1950's women, who weren't told, no matter what the UK government would have you believe ! ( my wife was one) a problem for the service thus accrued .) Nurses in their late 50's who were seeing their service out until their pension age at 60, suddenly saw their financial plans pulled from under them, and had to keep working. The demands of the job meant a number were off sick, and needed medical interventions themselves, but had to remain on the NHS employment, and thus posts were kept open. More often than not their roles were filled whilst absent with agency nurses at much greater costs, whilst the agencies (not staff) suck the health service dry. My wife is in contact with numbers of friends in the UK and this is certainly an issue feeding the agencies . I suspect the same perhaps does not apply here.

We have to accept that providing health services is expensive, and I would be a supporter of a ring fenced tax to assist, however it would have to be securely ring fenced to keep our Governments grubby mitts out of the cookie jar.

Just FWIW.

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2 minutes ago, Banker said:

As I’ve said before our Ni needs to increase to at least Uk rates to fund better healthcare services 

I think you're probably right, but it's a hard sale for a government that visibly wastes so much money.

Get your own house in order before you come and take more off us, would be my response.

And, how much of my wages does the government get anyway? Income tax, NI, VAT,fuel tax, road tax etc etc - as someone who 'gets by' - it's a chunk. And once state-provided services - such as dentistry, access to doctors, toilets, footpaths, further education in the uk - the 'commons' as Guy Standing would call them, are being taken away. We might lose our beach in Ramsey.

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There is a new low today for Manx Care, with them appealing on the NPM for RN to work at Nobles today. So like the near almost daily appeals to the GMP not to attend the hospital, unless absolutely essential, there will be appeals for staff, particularly RNs. How low will things stoop before it ever improves? 

Edited by 2112
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Just now, 2112 said:

There is a new low today for Manx Care, with them appealing for RN to work at Nobles today. So like the near almost daily appeals to the GMP not to attend the hospital, unless absolutely essential, there will be appeals for staff, particularly RNs. How low will things stoop before it ever improves? 

You read about the high levels of staff sickness maybe?

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2 minutes ago, 2112 said:

There is a new low today for Manx Care, with them appealing on the NPM for RN to work at Nobles today. So like the near almost daily appeals to the GMP not to attend the hospital, unless absolutely essential, there will be appeals for staff, particularly RNs. How low will things stoop before it ever improves? 

Assume you do listen to national news where they have declared critical incidents in many Uk healthcare trusts due to staff shortages/illness etc?

How is it a low to ask for qualified nurses to help when there’s high levels of sickness?

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15 minutes ago, Hoops said:

I think you're probably right, but it's a hard sale for a government that visibly wastes so much money.

Get your own house in order before you come and take more off us, would be my response.

And, how much of my wages does the government get anyway? Income tax, NI, VAT,fuel tax, road tax etc etc - as someone who 'gets by' - it's a chunk. And once state-provided services - such as dentistry, access to doctors, toilets, footpaths, further education in the uk - the 'commons' as Guy Standing would call them, are being taken away. We might lose our beach in Ramsey.

You pay substantially less of income of income in taxes in Isle of Man than you would in Uk & most European countries 

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

You pay substantially less of income of income in taxes in Isle of Man than you would in Uk & most European countries 

But for the ordinary man in the street it makes no difference as cost of living is so high ! It only benefits the well heeled !

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