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4 hours ago, Anyone said:

Wish someone would bully me - I could do with £6m plus. Surely that won’t be the cost? Let’s remember it’s us tax payers who will foot that bill.

I’m sure it will calculated fairly, reliably and transparently. It’s not a case of keeping the costs down for the taxpayers. IOMG were found wanting but a court of law, fairly and squarely. They have wiggled, squealed and appealed at every opportunity, on every and any points of law, which in turn have wasted taxpayers money. I doubt that Dr Ransom would get a significant job akin to what she had, and her reputation was put through the wringer. Even now, the DHSC have been in attack/rebuttal mode. Whilst many will whinge at the payout,’ some people will praise their political masters, as doing wonderous deeds. Remember whatever is paid out, this money could be used to fund ………………. New Housing. Fund Swimming Pools  …………….. build a new Peggy House ………….. Build a new Secondary School. 


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4 hours ago, Anyone said:

Wish someone would bully me - I could do with £6m plus. Surely that won’t be the cost? Let’s remember it’s us tax payers who will foot that bill.

Just a drop in the ocean of wasted public money by our CS and Government, can't see at the moment they are good at anything else !

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11 hours ago, Anyone said:

Wish someone would bully me - I could do with £6m plus. Surely that won’t be the cost? Let’s remember it’s us tax payers who will foot that bill.

I know the comment above is a little tongue in cheek (or I hope so) but it is quite apparent that Dr Ranson has been through a very nasty ordeal. In the beginning she had no BMA support and was potentially facing a huge legal bill if she lost her case.  

Thinking positively the only benefit tp the island is that this should send out a clarion call that bullying, harassment and intimidation of not just staff but actually also of patients and members of the public should have no place within or from the health and care services. Attitude and style of engagement is everything in that arena. 

Change and transformation needs the support and inclusion of the community and requires excellent communication of where we are going and why.  Manx Care needs to be now get more vocal in the actual community and not just sending out emails in the hospital or dubious talk shows on the Mannin Line which unfortunately do not come across very well at all, last week being a case in point.

Time for the doors to be opened and someone to come out and paint the whole picture. Cope could do that with the right support but the politicians are really not helping her get the right messages across. 

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It won't happen. The Ranson case and the DHSC/Government response to it should be a clear warning to anyone who comes up against the Manx PS/CS. Forget it unless you've got serious professional back-up and very deep pockets. They've lost the Ranson case but they're still trying to destroy her in the settlement. You're dealing with nasty and vindictive people who refuse to lose and have endless resources of taxpayer's money to fight you with.

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17 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

All but one GP practices need improvement in the latest CQC review.

I will read through the report and no doubt weep.

I’m very happy with Hailwood practice, excellent care & services.

These reports are always going to find faults particularly when the practices are short staffed, lots of illnesses, many patients blocking appointments with very minor issues which could be dealt with at pharmacies, also usual suspects kicking up a fuss when they can’t get sick notes when nothing up with them 

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Health Minister Lawrie Hooper said the surgeries were safe for patients, and the problems highlighted were largely "administrative".

Manx Care's director of nursing Paul Moore said the findings showed the risk to patient care was "relatively low".

I call that BS. If you can't get an appointment within a week or are pressured into seeing a nurse or paramedic still a week or two later. Are told paperwork or prescriptions have been sent then never turn up. Crap phone systems that seemed designed to make it as hard as possible to get through.

It all adds to stress and uncertianty, wastes hours on the phone, trying to find missing prescriptions ( Chemists and GPs receptionists playing Chuckle Brothers ... to me to you to me ..) or get test results etc.

How long are they going to keep blaming Covid, staff shortages etc. and admit there is a major problem that is not getting better and deal with it. After all the staff themselves must get totally stressed out with the constant fire fighting and backlogs.

The same with some of the chemists. How can you hire anyone to work in an obviously dysfunctional business unless they are a certified masochist.

Maybe if they got out of their offices and spent a day in any of these surgeries they are responsible for instead of looking at charts and numbers on a page they might see something to fix. 

When one or two people make mistakes it might be incompetence but if it is systemic and frequently the same issues over and over then it goes to the top. Managers are paid big salaries to administer but they seem to be failing and the burden is falling on everyone else.

Manx Care gets a D for disgraceful on this.



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10 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Manx Care's director of nursing Paul Moore said the findings showed the risk to patient care was "relatively low".

So presumably he should have said "there is a small risk to patient care which we are taking steps to address as a matter of urgency".

Not be happy with relatively low !!

Edited by asitis
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My local GP - Village Walk, Onchan has a significant amount of overall positive responses regarding timeliness of care so no surprise they report "People were able to access care and treatment in a timely way."

However, this doesn't correlate to the reality of my own sphere of family and friends over the past 6- months.

The online booking service for Laxey and Village Walk is nigh on useless as it rarely has any available GP's for a minimum of 4 weeks - it comes to something in that I give up and live with the pain and fears of whatever ails me!

I am not a conspiracist, so don't spout beliefs rather than untruths please, but what are the findings of others.

Finally, can anyone shed any light on "To ensure patients were booked in with the most appropriate clinician, in a timeframe that was appropriate for their condition, the practice had implemented a flowchart that receptionists followed to help determine the severity of the patient’s condition." Presumably a form of triage I suppose and standard I suppose?

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This report is serious stuff but looks like the minister has got out ahead to try and play down its significance. The issues highlighted so far generally seem to come back to overload at the surgeries. There are insufficient GPs for the patient through put, so check ups/prescription monitoring/paperwork all suffer.

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The report for my surgery- Snaefell- just highlighted a lack of staff. Same as everywhere, there's not enough GPs for the amount of people who need them.

Clearly the stress isn't worth the salary. Doctors don't want to do general practice anymore.

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Problem with prescription not getting through to the chemist, which led to finding that there was a problem with a hospital letter to the clinic not getting linked with patient file - patient copy of letter then had to be produced for scanning at surgery, so they then had evidence of hospital prescription, which they could then verify to the chemist.

Numerous niggles, but hey, they're all human (I hope).


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