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39 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The hired experts are bickering over how long they think she'll live. It is fucking insane.

It is not insane behaviour - it is sane, deliberate, disgraceful, despicable, vindictive behaviour by members of the Government.

The difference between the maximum and minimum amount that Ranson might receive is really trivial. It is easy to conclude that the "negotiations" are not to reduce the amount the Government (which is actually you and me) will have to pay to Ranson but to make clear to everyone how whistleblowers are treated in the Isle of Man.

The Government lost the employment tribunal by a country mile. A just response would have been to not argue against the costs claimed, but to pay up and offer a profound apology for the behaviour of certain government employees.

Although the present actions are being initiated by "the Government" it is being done by people - and those people have names, although you will not see them in any press release.

The MHKs who might be inclined to comment on events cannot do so because the President of Tynwald (let's name names - it's Laurence Skelly) has declared the subject sub judice, so MHKs have had a D-notice slapped on their forehead.


Edited by Two-lane
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16 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

It is not insane behaviour - it is sane, deliberate, disgraceful, despicable, vindictive behaviour by members of the Government.


Well no. It’s just one factor that has to be considered in coming to a compensation figure. It’s normal practice to try and reduce the amount that that the respondent( ie Manx Taxpayer in the form of the Government) is in for. Not despicable or vindictive behaviour, just the way the world works. To think otherwise is naive 

No doubt Dr Ransoms people will introduce their own arguments as to why the award should be as high as they can get it. As they should. 

One party wants to get as much as it can. The other wants to reduce their liability as much as it can. ‘‘ Twas ever thus, whoever wants to claim the moral high ground.

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On 1/28/2023 at 7:28 PM, doc.fixit said:

Just reading the political biography of Charles Kerruish. 

Ref.The Health Service in April 1951........'We must face up to the fact that our Health Scheme is out of control, and is a menace to every aspect of our life'.

Nothing changes it appears............1951, gosh.

And right-wing politicians have done their level best to fuck it up ever since, here and in the UK.


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2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

The hired experts are bickering over how long they think she'll live. It is fucking insane.

I agree. Actuarial predictions only work when averaged over a large population. Arguing when an individual may pop their clogs based on general principles is nonsense.

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On 1/28/2023 at 7:34 PM, Two-lane said:

Is the Ranson remedy hearing over?  Is there any more news?

No and no.  The first day of the Remedy Hearing was snowed off, though the other three days went ahead.  The first day was supposed to have heard expert evidence on the effect Dr Ranson's treatment had on her health.  The next day the  government side decided to illustrate this by bullying her in the witness box so relentlessly that she needed breaks to recover from it and presumably from being re-traumatised by making her relive the events.

Now the facts and verdict of the case have already been decided, so all this would have done is strengthened the case for a higher payout.  From a financial point of view it was completely counter-productive, so it's difficult to see why the government side would have behaved in this way except out of spite and a desire for revenge.  Their KC would have consulted with his clients, the DHSC, and would have had someone from the AG's Office siting next to him.  This behaviour had to have been sanctioned by them.

There will have to be an extra day, it was said in March, to hear from the experts, but the date hasn't been announced yet, they're presumably checking that experts and Tribunal members are all available.

One thing that doesn't seem to have been discussed much is the problems over disclosure and the way that this was done, even though the way that the government handled this has been shown since the original Tribunal to be not just wrong with respect to particular bits of information, but wrong in the whole way it was done (which makes you wonder about other cases).  Maybe the Tribunal decided they already had enough information to form a judgement.

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The way Dr Ranson   has  been maltreated has been very firmly established  by the Tribunal.The perpetrators of that abuse have been  condemned in the most scathing terms, as were the answers given by the minister when questioned by her counsel.

Further attacks on her at this stage can not be  justified on the basis of a routine legal approach to mitigate a punitive settlement.They are spiteful revenge  for standing up, but more especially…. for winning.

It will only further the reputational damage  done to the Island as an employer of medical professionals and will serve to put off those who may not yet have been deterred from coming to work here.


Edited by hampsterkahn
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15 minutes ago, asitis said:

It is diffcult to see what progress Alf and his team of politicos are actually achieving this term ! Seems like one disaster after another tbh !

Nothing is the answer. This "Gov" is a total non event and they don't have Covid to distract the plebs from their inability to do owt.

Cannan is even worse than that buffoon Quayle.

I don't think his mind is focused on the job to be honest from what I have heard from good, ex KWC bods.

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Someone wrote a letter to IoM Newspapers re: the Ranson hearing - and it was published today. Maybe there was no D-Notice after all... The same letter was sent to every current MHK, but generated sparse response.

Edited to add - The newspaper item title of "This behaviour was bullying" was from the journalist, not from the author of the letter.

"Dear Sir.

Last year the Isle of Man Employment & Equality Tribunal found that Dr Ranson was unfairly dismissed by the DHSC as a result of whistleblowing.

The Tribunal stated that she was subjected to “a pattern of disgraceful behaviour” at work, and described Dr Ranson as enduring “a period of torrid humiliation with stoic dignity until her health suffered as a result of what she had been forced to endure.”

A few days ago a remedy hearing was held, the purpose of which was to do no more than to decide the amount to be awarded to Dr Ranson. Although one might consider the sum involved to be high at a personal level, the difference between the maximum and minimum amount that Dr Ranson might receive is insignificant compared to the amounts that the Government, with the approval of the MHKs, spend on irrelevancies every week. One might think that it would be in the interest of the Government not to argue extensively but to end this saga as quickly as possible.

Instead the Civil Service hired a KC who subjected Dr Ranson to a style of interrogation that resulted in her not only breaking down in tears, but on several occasions the hearing had to suspended so that she could leave the room and compose herself.

People who were at the hearing have described it as “harrowing”,  “inappropriate questioning”, “aggressive”,  “violation of privacy”.  I think the most appropriate word for this type of behaviour is “bullying”.

The KC was working on instructions from Civil Servants, so it is sensible to believe that not only was this style of interrogation done with the approval of the Government, but that it was done at their request.

I have not seen an adverse comment by any MHK about this hearing, so it is clear that they also approve of this behaviour.

It seems to me that the bullying culture in Government continues.

It is a great pity that television cameras were not permitted at the hearing. The Government could put the video on YouTube, with the title “Come and work in the health service on the Isle of Man – this is how Civil Servants and politicians will treat you”.

Yours faithfully

Edited by Two-lane
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19 hours ago, wrighty said:

I agree. Actuarial predictions only work when averaged over a large population. Arguing when an individual may pop their clogs based on general principles is nonsense.

They should offer her free health care for life with  a jump of any waiting list at Nobles.

She would be dead in a couple of years........................

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